Lumia 920 camera bug after Amber update

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I'm now disgusted with Nokia after the last update and this not being fixed. In fact it feels like it's worse.


To prove that settings has nothing to do with it, I set the camera to fluorescent light balance and ISO 800.


Here are some sample pictures taken with manual settings on my Lumia 928:
1. Outside, afternoon ISO 200, white balance sunny, shutter speed automatically set by phone at 1/938
2. Inside, iso 200, white balance auto, shutter speed automatically set by phone at 1/13
3. Ouside at Dusk (late afternoon) ISO 400, White balance manual on cloudy, shutter speed automatically set at 1/25. Being a low light photo I was not so steady with my hands so this one could have gotten better.
Here are some sample pictures taken with manual settings on my Lumia 928:

If you could take a picture, immediately take a screenshot and then take another screenshot of the picture again but in the HD viewer, that would show whether you're right or not. Until then, I don't believe you.
The first picture is before it's saved to the phone, unprocessed. Looks sharper but the overall quality is low, looks undefined:

The second pitcture is the one that was actually saved on the phone, processed.

Bear in mind that taking screenshot of the phone screen degrades overall quality. Take a look at the taken picture, below. I have uploaded it directly from the Camera Roll, and not by screenshooting it from HD Photo.

I haven't played much with the settings for this photo, took it with ISO 200 and Cloudy White Balance.
The overall thing to bear in mind with this issue and thread, is that it came IN with the Amber update so it will be solved with a simple fix via a software update (think ala proximity sensor issue). All posts are covering the same point and will need the same fix. So patience is needed for either a specific camera fix, or the full GDR3 update.
I wanted to take a picture with as many of the camera apps I have and they are pretty much all the same. If anyone knows of any other camera apps I will take a look. Smart Shoot and Nokia Smart Cam don't suffer with post-processing but they have no settings or flash capabilities so I don't consider them proper camera apps.


Burst Picture:


Pro Camera / Nokia Pro Cam:

The overall thing to bear in mind with this issue and thread, is that it came IN with the Amber update so it will be solved with a simple fix via a software update (think ala proximity sensor issue). All posts are covering the same point and will need the same fix. So patience is needed for either a specific camera fix, or the full GDR3 update.
Nokia has promised "numerous new camera algorithms," coming with black update. That is early 2014, so I don't think we should be expecting any kind of fix before that.
Nokia has promised "numerous new camera algorithms," coming with black update. That is early 2014, so I don't think we should be expecting any kind of fix before that.

That's what they said about amber. They said pictures were sharper than ever.
There is indeed a difference between photos taken before and after amber update if you take this issue as general for every user.
As I have said you can flash a pre-amber firmware to your device if you want to solve this problem until Black comes out and hopefully it will fix the post processing algorithm.
I can get good results with manual settings but I have to play some time with them until I get the picture I want. For outdoor photos it works better, but for indoor photos I have to struggle to get quality.
I will flash the pre-amber firmware on my 928, because not always I have time to setup the manual settings. For a quick shot, if I am in a hurry I want also to have great quality and with current post processing algorithm taking pictures in Auto mode is a nono
I may do the same, just a bit annoyed that I've spent so long playing on Street Outlaws and will lose my saves.
Somebody remind me, is it just our 920's that suffer from this or do other models have this tint?
I have found that Camera360 doesn't apply the tint or blur! The only downside is it only takes 2048x1536 res photos (3.14MP)
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