Official 8.1/Cyan for the Icon?

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New member
Mar 23, 2011
So....I spoke with the executive Verizon office today because I had filed an FCC compliant, and she said that there is no specific date or timeframe for the update release. She made the statement that Verizon is usually always the last one to send out an update of any kind. They are currently testing the update numerous times to make sure that it's completely compatible with the network, and that there are no issues. So.... now we wait even more. Awesome!


New member
Mar 23, 2011
So....I spoke with the executive Verizon office today because I had filed an FCC compliant, and she said that there is no specific date or timeframe for the update release. She made the statement that Verizon is usually always the last one to send out an update of any kind. They are currently testing the update numerous times to make sure that it's completely compatible with the network, and that there are no issues. So.... now we wait even more. Awesome!

So how did you file compliant?


New member
Dec 31, 2012
So....I spoke with the executive Verizon office today because I had filed an FCC compliant, and she said that there is no specific date or timeframe for the update release. She made the statement that Verizon is usually always the last one to send out an update of any kind. They are currently testing the update numerous times to make sure that it's completely compatible with the network, and that there are no issues. So.... now we wait even more. Awesome!
Of course it's compatible. What a bunch of manure...


New member
May 16, 2013
This is the same Verizon that repeatedly stated that they wasn't messing with my data the entire month of September. After replacement phones and Sims and calling every other day to file a complaint that they were illegally throttling my unlimited data all of a sudden it started working perfect again. the next day they announce they're will be no optimization.

They lie... It's how they became so rich.


New member
Aug 5, 2013
Reading this thread is better than watching a daytime soap... Of course, by posting to this thread, I'm part of the drama...but's entertaining nonetheless. So...who wants some popcorn??

P.S. Are we there yet?

Brenda Smeby

New member
Jan 11, 2014
EW. I have a 2013 Elantra and Sonata. Please don't break my Bluetooth. 8.1 didn't work well with my LG Tones headset either.


New member
May 22, 2013
"Wrong, wrong, wrong...."

Ah, I love it when the young and ambitious believe everything they read. Trust me...behind all that legalese, jargon, and prose, they can call it whatever they want. It's still beta software. It's just like when Microsoft offered "Preview" software for Windows and even charged people for it. It was still "beta" until it shipped in retail packaging. It's not "real" until Joe Public running "stock" Win 8.0 gets a notice on Settings - Phone Update that updates for 8.1 and Cyan are "real."

Only part true. At certain points in time there are the exact same bits on a phone with DP as stock ones.(version numbers even match) DP phones get pushed the updates to test, if it works they push to production. At that point both phones are the same, until the next DP update is released. DP is a beta program, but it is very polished code and often the same code that will be pushed to production.


New member
Feb 23, 2014
"Wrong, wrong, wrong...."

Ah, I love it when the young and ambitious believe everything they read.

Ah, I love it when the noobs and uninformed believe everything they've heard from someone else. Trust someone that's actually used the DP since the day it was released, it's fine. It won't brick your phone, void your warranty, kick stray puppies, or eat your children (OK, maybe the little girl for a snack). The only reason to possibly call it "beta" is the fact that it gets updates from time to time....If that's the case, I believe Windows 7 is still in "beta"?

Anyways...back to today's edition of "Verizon sucks." In today's episode, suspense turns to outrage as the Feds are called in.....

<cue music>


New member
Feb 27, 2014
Again, it's not about the users in this thread. It's about the Windows Phone 8 operating system and it's market share. We, as a community, are fans of a phone OS that is currently fighting for it's life. WP8 is not only up against Android & iOS - but when a carrier refuses to update the flagship Microsoft/Nokia flagship phone in the US, WP8 is up against Verizon too.

WP8/Black to WP8.1/Cyan is a major jump in performance and features. It puts Windows Phones on par, if not ahead, of Android and iOS. When Verizon doesn't release this upgrade, it fundamentally stifles the growth of an already struggling OS.

Sure, you and I can update to WP8.1 using developer preview. Most people commenting in this thread have. But what about those who are won't download the developer preview? What about those who are shopping around for a phone right now? All they see is an Icon running WP8. People like my sister, or my friends that want to run stock to cover their butts. People who are business users who can't put developer previews on their devices.

There are so many reasons that Verizon's current practices are hurting WP8. That's why we're angry.

I see your point. It's not about us individuals, so much. I take a broader view however in what it is about. It's also not about iOS, Android or Verizon. I had a Pocket PC back in the day. Compared to Blackberry, it didn't work very well. When phones launched with Windows Mobile, I bought in. They. were rather terrible. I wanted the Microsoft ecosystem to work for me and it didn't. I wasn't lured away by something else that was shinier. I turned away because MS couldn't give me product that worked. I swore when I left that I was done with MS mobile phones, etc. It took some soul searching to come back and get an ICON. I am glad I did, is why I can't get all caught up in worrying about MS's market share and survival:

MS has been working on their mobile products far longer (in tech years) than Android has existed. MS has had it's chance to make it's mark and instead has missed the mark repeatedly. MS, if it hadn't been so feckless in the past, could have Verizon eating out it's hand today and be dominating the market. Instead we are agonizing over when some UPDATE is coming that will bring us up to speed with Android....??? Is the absurdity lost on people? Don't forget that Verizon has endured all of the crappy iterations of Windows Mobile too and had to support it. If they are bias against MS on a corporate level, well, MS may have earned that disrespect. But now MS is saying to us all, "Hey baby, I'm different. I've changed, I promise." "Look, I'm serious. I bought Nokia." I can only hope that MS is on track and doesn't do anymore 180's. They have a good product but they also have a history. God forbid that I sound like I am defending Verizon. I'm not. I feel kind of like what Chris rock said about O.J. I'm not saying I agree with what they do.....but I understand (to a degree). MS will do what MS does and Windows Phone will live or die as a result of what MS does not what Verizon does. I'm betting that most people that have Window Phone now don't even know there is an updated coming or how it compares to Android anyway. They just hope their phone works. If Windows Phone doesn't deliver in the end or fails and goes away....I'll get something else. I've done it before.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
A co-worker who has the Icon and could not get into the Preview (app wouldn't download) just had 8.1 pushed out to his phone this morning.


Active member
Nov 16, 2012
A co-worker who has the Icon and could not get into the Preview (app wouldn't download) just had 8.1 pushed out to his phone this morning.

Are you certain about this?

I'm getting an error when I search for updates.This is new.

Edit: Never mind. Now it's saying up to date. Same ol' story on Developer Preview.


New member
May 28, 2014
Reading this thread is better than watching a daytime soap... Of course, by posting to this thread, I'm part of the drama...but's entertaining nonetheless. So...who wants some popcorn??

P.S. Are we there yet?

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives being Verizon customers


New member
Jan 18, 2013
8.0 and says up to date. But now I'm getting the unable to check for updates error 8072f78


New member
Sep 24, 2013
A co-worker who has the Icon and could not get into the Preview (app wouldn't download) just had 8.1 pushed out to his phone this morning.

I'm on 8.0 and no update for me.

So many false alarms, trolls be loving this thread.
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