Round Robin: Jennifer's Fuze questions

Did you try Resco's Keyboard Pro? I am a physical keyboard user for the most part myself, so I have not use it much, but many really like it. It is suppose to be thumb friendly, preview the letter to help prevent mistakes, and has autocorrection.

You can skin it:

It does gestures and autorepeats:

frequently used phrases:

There is also SPB's Keyboard, though I have never used it myself. It does have full screen and half screen modes, sliding popups, autocomplete, etc....:

Come to think of it, I don't recall WM ever reviewing either of these products....I will have to double check and if not, I think I will....

Yea, they get one by if you have to, but my first choice will always be a static kb.
Okay... wasn't sure where to post this... but since this is the sticky thread and this didn't deserve its own thread... here it goes.

Have any of you seen that iphone commercial, when the App called Shazam is opened, and then the person holds the iphone up to the speaker, and Shazam picks out the song? Well... I was totally envious of that app (not sure why, actually... but it seemed really cool). Well... we have it on the Fuze! I might be the last one to realize it... but anyhow... I used it today... and it worked like a charm (beware of crazy remixes though).

It's called Music ID... check it out! It's under the ATT Music Folder.

Okay... wasn't sure where to post this... but since this is the sticky thread and this didn't deserve its own thread... here it goes.

Have any of you seen that iphone commercial, when the App called Shazam is opened, and then the person holds the iphone up to the speaker, and Shazam picks out the song? Well... I was totally envious of that app (not sure why, actually... but it seemed really cool). Well... we have it on the Fuze! I might be the last one to realize it... but anyhow... I used it today... and it worked like a charm (beware of crazy remixes though).

It's called Music ID... check it out! It's under the ATT Music Folder.


Me Touch Pro want Shazam!
I have a fuze and would love this - can you please post a link to the thread with this app please.
It's already in the ATT Music folder in the ATT Apps!!!! The icon is a boom box radio with a question mark in the middle...
Did you try Resco's Keyboard Pro? I am a physical keyboard user for the most part myself, so I have not use it much, but many really like it. It is suppose to be thumb friendly, preview the letter to help prevent mistakes, and has autocorrection.

You can skin it:

It does gestures and autorepeats:

frequently used phrases:

There is also SPB's Keyboard, though I have never used it myself. It does have full screen and half screen modes, sliding popups, autocomplete, etc....:

Come to think of it, I don't recall WM ever reviewing either of these products....I will have to double check and if not, I think I will....

Now that I think about it, maybe the reason I couldn't get used to the onscreen kb's was because of my big thumbs and the 8525 wasn't a flush screen.
I may have no trouble with a flush screen.
i think one issue that win mo has with on screen keyboard is the variable sizes of win mo phones... its really hard to optimise any on screen keyboard UI to make it fit into all phones without letters being distorted or hard to use...
i think one issue that win mo has with on screen keyboard is the variable sizes of win mo phones... its really hard to optimise any on screen keyboard UI to make it fit into all phones without letters being distorted or hard to use...

Good Point.
I have had this problem with devices in the past. After a lot of frustration, sometimes what fixes it is just rebooting the device and/or the computer that it is attached to. I have started trying that first as opposed to last whenever I have a problem.
jus saw the spb keyboard today on touch hd, it much better than the usual htc softkeyboard.. not sure if its good on fuze though
I have big thumbs.
So yes, for an onscreen kb, I prefer the above.
I tried a lot of different ones with my 8525, and that's the one that I liked the most.
Mobile Shell

I LOVE it and use many of the sbp family of programs.

Mobile Shell is really the best program out there to take full advantage of the touch screen fuze.

I love spb's Clock/Alarm program and am seriously thinking about the Mobile Shell.

Do you miss the Touch Flo though?

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