Round Robin: Jennifer's Fuze questions

Thanks for the answers! I'll see if I can resolve the problem. So far, I am loving this device!

Hey, Jen, hopefully now you can answer a question for me. I've seen comments in various places indicating that TouchFlo made the Fuze slower than the Treo Pro. Did you find that to be true?
i dun owe either device, but that can be true since touchflo 3d needs more resources to run than just the standard win mob...

i do notice touch pro and touch diamond are a little slow in starting up after unlocking from sleep mode though when i played with my friends'. it seems that it takes a while for it to update the different panels after unlocking.
I switched from the Treo 680 to the AT&T Tilt. This appears to be an a better faster Tilt.

After picking up a Redfly, I now am failing to see the advantage of the sliding keyboard. It is really too small to type seriously (the Refly fixes this!) but is too large to use one handed, or really, one thumb.

I like the idea of the sliding thumbable keyboard, coming hopefully soon to a Treo near me.

Have you tried removing the bloatware? I've done this to my friend's fuze and it turns it into night and day in terms of how the device runs...
Meh, I see the HD as a gimmick device. They could have held off on the diamond and just released the HD, device saturation at its best from HTC.

or maybe they are trying to rave up their brand by having new releases every few months for now before they embark on a slower release timeline? HTC may still not be a big brand yet to a lot of ppl so new phones releases are to capture mindshare first?

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