Screen Sensitivity Issue Status in Cyan (1520)

I've tried many times. The lower part on the touchscreen. (as marked in the picture) don't respond.
I think I totally messed it up!
:cry: :cry:
since nothing to lose, check for under mother board, digitazier coonector and grounding
also it could be part of digitzer connector broken in your case, ive seen another picture on other fourm showing little terminal broken coming from the top front glass but it was due to hard bending on jeans pocket
also there is a little terminal down going to the button to the three buttons
you may push those areas firm ( the down area not the top since still working ) to check if any response , in that case it will need new front glass
View attachment digit.bmpdigit.jpg
OK, It's getting late. I'll tinker with the phone and probably make more damage tomorrow!
Thanks again, you've been a lot of help.
this one you see how the button work and connected to digitizer maybe this is the weak point you got, i would just follow and press around the frame and on the low part left and see if any improvement to confirm a bad digitizer also you may not get any results by doing so but dont press too much like if you are pressing a 300 gram weight of pressure
thanks everyone for your advises, looks like there was a problem with the touchscreen cause when I replaced the screen, the problem solved!
I'll keep you update.
Hesham, how is your phone holding up? Has it started acting up again with the phantom touches? If you make it a whole week without incident that's a good sign.
I will wait for the end of the week so far so good, I guess in some cases LCD must be changed like riazi case
Better to wait for a new flag ship, when i hold the phone i don't enjoy the beauty design as before i just remember it's internal circuit board

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