Sharing Apps between two accounts

I blame it all on Apple. I think Apple advertising (there's an application for that) has given the general population applicationosis. I think applications are really over rated, because there are so many things you can do without an application, such as, do I really need expense tracker? I've been making excel spreadsheets for I really need flight tracker when I can go to the airlines website and get that information?....etc... Just my 2cents.
I blame it all on Apple. I think Apple advertising (there's an application for that) has given the general population applicationosis. I think applications are really over rated, because there are so many things you can do without an application, such as, do I really need expense tracker? I've been making excel spreadsheets for I really need flight tracker when I can go to the airlines website and get that information?....etc... Just my 2cents.

EXCELLENT post. seeing an app for BoA, Trustmark, City, Walmart (really?), and every other money laundering... oops i mean business that has a website is just annoying.

Websites should be mobile aware, and formatted/designed to be conducive to mobile browsing. Personally, i do not need an app for mobile banking. Or want one. Just give me a decent, usable, simple web portal I can access on a mobile device without annoying deadspace, unneeded advertisements, or unwanted gifs (that waste bandwidth anyway) and the apps become redundant, and unnecessary.

Seeing that a bank has gone through the processes of paying for development of an application (dumb) to access customer's funds, and then actually paying again to support that application in the future, wreaks of out-of-touch with the real world. Producing an "app" just for the sake of saying you have one is pointless. Make the default website in a better manner, instead of spreading fail around on all the portals.

2 cents :)
I blame it all on Apple. I think Apple advertising (there's an application for that) has given the general population applicationosis. I think applications are really over rated, because there are so many things you can do without an application, such as, do I really need expense tracker? I've been making excel spreadsheets for I really need flight tracker when I can go to the airlines website and get that information?....etc... Just my 2cents.

It all depends on what you're wanting to do. Some things are definitely better-suited for mobile websites. Facebook would be a great example. An app will never be able to be updated as quickly as a website can. The flight tracker would be a good example if the airline's mobile website is a good one (I haven't flown in years - since before "apps" were all the rage). But if their mobile website isn't good... :wink: Of course, if they can make an app, why can't they make a website?

But other things are good for apps, I think. The remote start for your car (do you really want to log in every time you want to start the car or turn off the alarm that the neighbor's cat set off?), apps where quicker response is important, and apps that use APIs not exposed to HTML5.

Yes, a lot of the apps that we use today could be better served by really good mobile websites, but there is still a place for the app.
I blame it all on Apple. I think Apple advertising (there's an application for that) has given the general population applicationosis. I think applications are really over rated, because there are so many things you can do without an application, such as, do I really need expense tracker? I've been making excel spreadsheets for I really need flight tracker when I can go to the airlines website and get that information?....etc... Just my 2cents.

Well, that's your opinion.
1. Excel can be an expense tracker, but it's not very good at the job, at least compared to an app. The one I use allows me to categorise a purchase into Food, Travel, Entertainment, Electronics or Other with just a few taps.

2. I can tell it how much my income is and how much my fixed expenses are (rent, etc) and those will be deducted from my income. Then it shows me a cumulative running figure of how much I have left to spend.

3. It can categorise spend into direct (cash or debit card) or as a credit card expense, thus it even keeps track of your CC limits.

4. At any time I can see a pie-chart visualisation of how much of spend falls into which category, line charts of spend over time, and many more.

Given a couple of hours I can do this in Excel but it's not worth my time.

Flight tracker:

Have you ever tried TripIt Pro? It takes your booking email and presents everything, departure times, layover times, gate nos, booking ref, hotel details, car rentals, EVERYTHING in one app. It also monitors flight status and alerts you if anything changes, frequently before the airline notifies you.

So yeah. Apps are far far richer than any site could ever be.
And Windows Phone ambassadors who use Androids know what is best for the platform. And as has been stated Apple doesn't allow this through their Terms of Use, so Microsoft already does do it like Apple. But they do a better job of it.

I have had my LG G2 for less than a week :)

Sent from my LG-D801 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
As mentioned earlier. I pay for my wife's device, I pay the monthly phone bill. I own the device. Why should I pay for an app twice that will come out of the same bank account from the person who owns both devices. Apple and Android allow this. It is why I am now on Android. I really tried to get my wife to convert. Windows Phone apps already cost more than android and iOS counterparts. It makes sense for me to go with them.

I have heavenly invested in the Windows Phone market place since 2010. I think I have spent over $500 on apps on three different devices. I have bought an average of 4-5 apps per month (thanks to the WpCentral app). Most of the apps I have bought are not the 99 cent apps rather the $2.99 apps and higher. It isn't that I am looking for a free lunch, rather I want what is offered on other platforms.

A less than 1% increase in share isn't something I would brag about.

I do pay for quality apps, I just think that I shouldn't have to pay twice.

Sent from my LG-D801 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

holy s**t $500? Are you insane? I spent $50 to $60 and I already concerned about it. I wish I could back them up like you could do with " titanium back up pro " ( android app ).
holy s**t $500? Are you insane? I spent $50 to $60 and I already concerned about it. I wish I could back them up like you could do with " titanium back up pro " ( android app ).

Yeah <shrug> I think I spent $50 on navagon, also on addition apps for travel and different maps. A lot on games and productivity apps.I still never found a to do app that is better than the built in one that syncs to hotmail

Sent from my LG-D801 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Basically what you're talking about is stealing. Let's just call it what it is. It is software piracy. There is no need to call it app sharing, account sharing, or anything else to make it sound OK.

But since you don't seem to grasp the seriousness of the crime that you are talking about committing, let me spell out the penalties for you:

In the United States, the maximum civil penalty is $150,000 per infringement in a lawsuit for a copyright violation. This means that for every single program or work that was illegally copied and/or distributed, the infringer could have to pay $150,000. As you can imagine, a civil suit may cost a violator millions of dollars.

Read more: Legal Penalties for Software Piracy | Legal Penalties for Software Piracy |

On the other hand, piracy of software can be seen as a criminal act akin to stealing. In this case, the infringer can be charged with a criminal offense. In the United States, the maximum criminal penalty for copyright infringement is a fine of up to $250,000 and a jail sentence of up to five years. This involves damages that are both monetary and psychological. A prison record can seriously mar the life of any individual.

Read more: Legal Penalties for Software Piracy | Legal Penalties for Software Piracy |

By the way, the reason my name is a different color is because I am a developer with published apps in the Windows Phone Store.

Is it stealing when you have two phones own by the same person? Does said person suppose to purchase an app twice? I bought a xbone to use at home, am I required to buy another one to use at a friends house that doesn't have an xbone?
Is it stealing when you have two phones own by the same person? Does said person suppose to purchase an app twice? I bought a xbone to use at home, am I required to buy another one to use at a friends house that doesn't have an xbone?
No. The T&C allow you to install an app on up to five devices. They allow you to sign in on more than one device. They just don't allow the sharing of an account. As I have posted in other posts, what is prohibited by Microsoft Account Terms of Use is allowing someone else to use your account.
I'm a developer too, and I wouldn't mind if Microsoft allows users to share bought app between a group of (few) people, like a family unit.
Actually, this could even increase sells.
I've said earlier in this thread that I wouldn't be opposed to Microsoft having a family plan type deal where others in the family could install at a reduced price.
No. The T&C allow you to install an app on up to five devices. They allow you to sign in on more than one device. They just don't allow the sharing of an account. As I have posted in other posts, what is prohibited by Microsoft Account Terms of Use is allowing someone else to use your account.

My problem is that it doesn't handle sharing well even when one person owns both devices. For example, I should be able to have my apps that I bought installed on both of my devices while not worrying about business text getting mixed up with personal text, text messages showing up on both phones when backup text is turned on for both phones. At a minimum my text should be backed up per my unique sim numbers and not my Microsoft ID.
My problem is that it doesn't handle sharing well even when one person owns both devices. For example, I should be able to have my apps that I bought installed on both of my devices while not worrying about business text getting mixed up with personal text, text messages showing up on both phones when backup text is turned on for both phones. At a minimum my text should be backed up per my unique sim numbers and not my Microsoft ID.

I can understand why you'd want this, but unfortunately at this point Microsoft doesn't support what you're asking for. I'd suggest that you put up a suggestion on Feature Suggestions: Top (41632 ideas) – Feature Suggestions for Windows Phone where they will receive it.

Also - a friendly suggestion - the cross-posting between these two threads is counter-productive, since the same people are seeing them back to back. My suggestion would be to pick one thread and stick with that - it'll save you time, as well. :wink:
I can understand why you'd want this, but unfortunately at this point Microsoft doesn't support what you're asking for. I'd suggest that you put up a suggestion on Feature Suggestions: Top (41632 ideas) ?€“ Feature Suggestions for Windows Phone where they will receive it.

Also - a friendly suggestion - the cross-posting between these two threads is counter-productive, since the same people are seeing them back to back. My suggestion would be to pick one thread and stick with that - it'll save you time, as well. :wink:

Thanks and I will submit a feature request.
so finally where are we in this long discussion?

actually why people are thinking this concept as a problem? when MSFT itself allows bought app to be installed on multiple devices, its just a matter that apps are linked with ur ID. this is the same case with all the others, iOS and Droid too. but the others allow app to be installed only by logging in (speaking of iOS, Droid allows apps with no matter what.). can MSFT beat this up?
i am not looking for piracy, just thinking about installing apps on multiple devices which are used in my family. its gonna save cost. otherwise, i dont think anybody is gonna buy same app twice or thrice, one for him, one for his wife, one for his bro, etc.
we can simply set up all the devices with one id and other data syncs such as contacts and mails, etc. shall be linked to other account disabling the default one.
another problem of this apps purchase system is this system is also linked to ur phone. thus we cannot purchase the apps which are not compatible with our phone, such as some games requiring 1 GB RAM, cannot be purchased by one who uses a phone with 512 MB RAM.
iTunes doesn't restrict in such way. by this restriction, we cannot take benefits of red strip deals, offers, price drops, etc.
Google does the same in halfway for Droids, though. u can purchase any app as long as u have any device linked to ur account. compatibility in not an issue.
wow.....a good war between

anyway, I was going to bring my wife and myself to the windows phone platform but after reading this microsoft just lost 2 customers.....Microsoft has always been to cheap and/or greedy with their applications ( pc ). but we have no choice...

Google is trying to go on the pc side which would be good to compete against microsoft...I hope they succeed..
wow.....a good war between

anyway, I was going to bring my wife and myself to the windows phone platform but after reading this microsoft just lost 2 customers.....Microsoft has always been to cheap and/or greedy with their applications ( pc ). but we have no choice...

Google is trying to go on the pc side which would be good to compete against microsoft...I hope they succeed..
You're calling Microsoft cheap and greedy, but you say you're not coming to the platform because you don't want to pay 99 cents for an app? But really, you're calling me cheap and greedy, because I want every bit of the $20 or less that I receive per month for the apps I wrote.

Have fun with your androids since it sounds like you've made up your minds. It doesn't sound like Microsoft lost "customers"...
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