Windows Central is calling the HP Elite x3 "jaw dropping", which is clearly a few steps below "mind blowing". So that means we're still in for bigger news, right? Right?!!
So, the hp elite x3 was the mind blowing thing... Or not?
It's been nearly a week since evLeaks made the statement. I don't think even they know what's mind blowing. Probably something like virtualized desktop support like what's HP is offering with their X3 phone. Big whoop. Next please.
What it in the world do people qualify as "jaw dropping" and "mind blowing"? These days, it apparently takes very little. Sort like winning the Nobel Peace prize....all you have to do is show up and kiss the right ring.
Not. It's too ugly, too big, doesn't have glance, a wimpy excuse for a camera and it has Windows 10. Those are all the strikes against it I need to see.
As a network admin who drags his users kicking and screaming onto the bleeding edge (I wish)... I am very interested to see what this virtualization of legacy apps to run on a Windows Mobile device turns out to be. I'm certain it will be more than simply running the Remote Desktop app connected to a Windows machine where the software is actually installed.
I use Windows 10 on all my personal devices and I love it. I'm totally curious about this too. That's what I thought when I first read about HP's virtualization. My thought is it's glorified remote desktop. That's nothing new. It's probably a remote desktop version that works with Continuum via HP's VM subscription from employer. But if that's all it is, it's only for business/corporate users. Nothing 99% of us would ever use daily.