"Something that will blow your mind" what do you think this could be

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I retract my hope/prediction that it's Google apps. I just noticed an old post on The Verge's forum thread. David Goodhand (MS emloyee) stated that he thinks he knows what the tease was about, and described his opinion as follows:

View attachment 122708

That does not sound AT ALL like "Google apps coming to WP", and more like "WP skin on Android phone". Boo
I don't see how an entry level Lumia 350 would blow anyone's mind. Hope he was just kidding about that.
I don't see how an entry level Lumia 350 would blow anyone's mind. Hope he was just kidding about that.
I'm not talking about the OP (which does contain a joke about a Lumia 350). I'm talking about someone down in the comment thread saying that if the tease is what he thinks it is, he knows about it and it's "insane but it might work". Google Apps coming to WP is not 'insane', so I'm now convinced that that's not what we're getting.
Eh, thanks? Can you clarify what you mean to highlight with that screenshot?

I think his comment clearly says that a windows skin on Android base is not an option for Microsoft irrespective of their efforts to bring their services on every platform.
Now I remember similar "leaks" before the announcement of the bridges to Android and iOS, it could be something "unexpected" of that caliber... kind of like reverse bridges from UWP to Android and iOS...
That's basically what I have been thinking of... but the other way around.
These past few months have been very confusing for me, as several things happened:
1. They offer their entire eco-system on other OSs
2. They invest in the biggest android competitor a large amount of money for no apparent reason (cyanogenmod)
3. They create a ROM of their own OS to run on an Android phone (Mi4) for "testing"
4. They cut deals where they loose tremendous amount of money (Samsung royalties) without disclosing the details (everyone assumed it'd be offering MS services for their devices, but they are free and good anyway, so why not?)

I think it's pretty safe to say that the "blow your mind" bit is not android skin, or app, or new phone,
I think it's actually having a global ROM for several devices backed by companies and CM to allow either installing W10M or have each phone dual-boot to whatever OS you want, I just hope the OS will be polished enough to have people want to stay in it
That's basically what I have been thinking of... but the other way around.
These past few months have been very confusing for me, as several things happened:
1. They offer their entire eco-system on other OSs
2. They invest in the biggest android competitor a large amount of money for no apparent reason (cyanogenmod)
3. They create a ROM of their own OS to run on an Android phone (Mi4) for "testing"
4. They cut deals where they loose tremendous amount of money (Samsung royalties) without disclosing the details (everyone assumed it'd be offering MS services for their devices, but they are free and good anyway, so why not?)

I think it's pretty safe to say that the "blow your mind" bit is not android skin, or app, or new phone,
I think it's actually having a global ROM for several devices backed by companies and CM to allow either installing W10M or have each phone dual-boot to whatever OS you want, I just hope the OS will be polished enough to have people want to stay in it

It makes a lot of since I think to back cyanogenmod to be able to integrate MS services deep into the phone. By replacing Google services with MS, it creates an area for MS to expand.

Having MS services preinstalled will also help expand there services since a lot of people may just use whatever is on there phone when they get it. At the very least, it would raise awareness and make it easy for people to try.

A dual-boot OS would actually make some since and would fit the quote from someone from MS saying "that its just crazy enough that it could work" not sure if its a good idea or not though. Hopefully we'll find out the mind blowing news soon.
Blow your mind... Most of the comments here are things that would not blow my mind. Microsoft coming out with beautiful hardware and software that works well would blow my mind. Unless it is something is disruptive in the industry then it won't be mind blowing... adding android apps isn't mind blowing...

With that said... Hp's elite x3 was a very welcome surprise but not mind blowing...
Blow your mind... Most of the comments here are things that would not blow my mind. Microsoft coming out with beautiful hardware and software that works well would blow my mind. Unless it is something is disruptive in the industry then it won't be mind blowing... adding android apps isn't mind blowing...

With that said... Hp's elite x3 was a very welcome surprise but not mind blowing...

Agreed. Whatever this "mind blowing" thing is, I'm losing hope that we'll hear about it during MWC. Hope I'm wrong, but it's not looking good, and it's looking like another ho-hum year for Windows fans at MWC.
It's not going to happen at MWC. It probably won't even happen at the XBox event coming up. It'll more than likely happen at BUILD.

Edit: The Xamarin news is pretty huge... What will be really mind blowing is if they actually announce two way bridges at BUILD.
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Edit: The Xamarin news is pretty huge... What will be really mind blowing is if they actually announce two way bridges at BUILD.
Agreed. From the Ars Technica post on the acquisition: "Going forward, this could lead to parts of the Universal Windows Platform becoming cross-platform, as well as lower prices for the Xamarin software stack. The company will start sharing details at its Build conference at the end of March."
How about a Generic Windows 10 Mobile ROM Installer ? You download it on S7,Mi5,iphone 6s etc and it will install Windows 10 Mobile on the phone. Wont it be Mind Blowing?

I feel like the announcement will be something along these lines. We have already heard rumors that phones such as the Oneplus 3 and mi5 will get WP roms, so they might have figured out a way to install a ROM on any rooted Android phone.
Any consensus on what the mind blowing news was? or is it something that might not be known until build?
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He doesn't respond to Twitter messages. I'm assuming this was all just a bunch of BS and he got false information. What a tease.
No offence to anyone who posted in this thread, but does it really matter. This whole thing has gotten out of hand. I think we should just let this rumor go and move on. Oh yea, ya'll right. Move on to what ??????
No offence to anyone who posted in this thread, but does it really matter. This whole thing has gotten out of hand. I think we should just let this rumor go and move on.
Well I'm still curious. I think something's still coming, otherwise some of the teasers would have owned up by now. I haven't heard Daniel say "Yeah, it was the Xamarin acquisition" or anything like that.

What's the latest thinking? IMO 'google apps' is out, so I'm leaning toward some crazy cross-device compatibility. Like an Android phone running a convincing WP skin that can run both Windows Universal apps and Android apps, or like an Android app that can run universal windows apps. I'm guessing we'll know by the time Build rolls around.

Edit: I guess I'm beginning to repeat myself repeatedly. The suspense is killing me! :)
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