"Something that will blow your mind" what do you think this could be

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Ok this reminds me the now infamous "something amazing coming to windows phone
Do you guys remember that?
Unfortunately I can't post the YouTube link.
But anyways now we all know he probably was talking about McLaren and exploding tiles, and it's funny when he says in the end "we can do that?" Well I guess now we know they couldn't.
So to be honest I wouldn't set my expectations to high.

My 2cent:
- all the google apps in windows store (msft decided to retreat from the EU antitrust case and this could be related).
This is mind blowing because of the relationship between the two companies, not really a game changer for the platform ( I would still expect subpar apps from them).

Trying to be more creative:
- True multi platform UWA, with Windows store for android and deals to promote it from some big OEM. Together they could announce a Windows app launcher for android with UWA, live tiles and full Msft services support. This would be mind blowing (not sure in a good way,but that is).

- A big deal with another developer, I'm thinking of Amazon for example. Something like all Amazon apps integrated in Windows store and eventually updated as UWA.
I'm hoping we will see a resurgence in 3rd Party hardware, akin to the oem support MS had at the WP7 launch. MWC 2016 will be interesting in this regard. There's talk of a Samsung W10 phone, a HP flagship, Alcatel releasing a flagship device and a potential return by HTC... I doubt that is what @evleaks is talking about.

Astoria is always a possibility? (or wishful thinking perhaps)... Build is not far away. Hoping for something big in 2016!
Microsoft has decided to name their mobile OS Windows Phone(again). Next version will be Windows Phone 9. they will actually start over again, new core coded from the ground up. Also they are calling people to join to their beta test program and start this mobile revolution with them.

What the right answer wins by the way?
No no no I got this!!!!

Steve Jobs didnt actually die, Microsoft just hired him and they faked he's death! No that the non competition clause is over, Steve will be officially joining the MS ranks. First release will be the wPhone (a.k.a. Windows Phone 1.0!!! wow amazing)
I would like it to be something that acts as a jolt to build up momentum for the platform.

1) A dump of 100 most wanted apps making some of the most basic apps accessible to everyone using windows. This should pique developer's interest in WP again so they can start developing for WP with pride again.
2) Public final release of islandwood....probably with a dump of apps built using islandwood per (1) above

Either way, it will have to be something significantly app related to be called "MIND BLOWING".
Ok this reminds me the now infamous "something amazing coming to windows phone
Do you guys remember that?
Unfortunately I can't post the YouTube link.
But anyways now we all know he probably was talking about McLaren and exploding tiles, and it's funny when he says in the end "we can do that?" Well I guess now we know they couldn't.

I always thought he was actually referring to Continuum... Which they did end up pulling off pretty well.
And clearly continuum is something that has amazed the world, right? Well maybe you are right but my embarrassment for that video would still be the same
Maybe he is just screwing with us! Don't get your hopes up too much. This is Microsoft we talking about btw
Microsoft shut down Astoria rather publicly. To allow Android apps would be a reversal of that, and I'd think that we would have heard of it through the grapevine.
Or, maybe that was the reason Astoria was shut down - because they made a deal with Google to port all apps to W10 in exchange for halting Astoria.
How about reliable display drivers for the Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book? That's what I'm hoping for ...
It's sounding more and more like Google ecosystem apps. Today with their Gmailify debut, allowing Outlook users to use all Gmail features with an Outlook account. I wouldn't think they would try something like that, unless their intentions are to head over to W10M with official apps.
The one thing that could really blow someone's mind? Windows Mobile will run on top of Android or iOS, just like the "iPhone Pro" reference from Satya and since MS has been testing the waters with Cortana, OneDrive, Office and more on those platforms. Can you imagine, a "launcher" that obscures all of Android, gives you access to Android apps directly from the Play Store, since it is still Android underneath, but that with the full Windows Mobile runtime on top, not only can do Cortana, office, etc, but even Universal Apps (UWP). Marks the end of the Windows Mobile OS for sure, but gets a new life as a layer on top of Android that gives you all the benefits of Windows, w/o having to mess with phones, carriers, oems, etc. It just installs from the store (it can be limited to a few handsets that have the muscle to run it appropriately) and makes your Android phones work like Windows Mobile (well, not like it is running now) and have access to UWP, making people want to write for UWP since it would work on millions of phones right away and then for Windows Tablets and Desktops.

Sure, very utopic, but would explain why they can't figure out all the bugs on Windows Mobile as they are working in parallel to get that version working on top of android.
I hadn't read your message, but posted something similar a while after you. I think you are right. It is the only thing that makes sense ;-)
The one thing that could really blow someone's mind? Windows Mobile will run on top of Android or iOS, just like the "iPhone Pro" reference from Satya and since MS has been testing the waters with Cortana, OneDrive, Office and more on those platforms. Can you imagine, a "launcher" that obscures all of Android, gives you access to Android apps directly from the Play Store, since it is still Android underneath, but that with the full Windows Mobile runtime on top, not only can do Cortana, office, etc, but even Universal Apps (UWP). Marks the end of the Windows Mobile OS for sure, but gets a new life as a layer on top of Android that gives you all the benefits of Windows, w/o having to mess with phones, carriers, oems, etc. It just installs from the store (it can be limited to a few handsets that have the muscle to run it appropriately) and makes your Android phones work like Windows Mobile (well, not like it is running now) and have access to UWP, making people want to write for UWP since it would work on millions of phones right away and then for Windows Tablets and Desktops.

Sure, very utopic, but would explain why they can't figure out all the bugs on Windows Mobile as they are working in parallel to get that version working on top of android.

I don't think that would be appealing at all to be honest. Plus Apple would never allow something like that.
Ok this reminds me the now infamous "something amazing coming to windows phone
Do you guys remember that?
Unfortunately I can't post the YouTube link.
But anyways now we all know he probably was talking about McLaren and exploding tiles, and it's funny when he says in the end "we can do that?" Well I guess now we know they couldn't.
So to be honest I wouldn't set my expectations to high.

I'm pretty sure at the time he was talking about holo lens which hadn't been revealed.
I don't expect anything mind blowing. If I have to take a guess, I say that a major manufacturer, such as Samsung or Motorola, will release their flagship phone running Windows.
The one thing that could really blow someone's mind? Windows Mobile will run on top of Android or iOS, just like the "iPhone Pro" reference from Satya and since MS has been testing the waters with Cortana, OneDrive, Office and more on those platforms. Can you imagine, a "launcher" that obscures all of Android, gives you access to Android apps directly from the Play Store, since it is still Android underneath, but that with the full Windows Mobile runtime on top, not only can do Cortana, office, etc, but even Universal Apps (UWP). Marks the end of the Windows Mobile OS for sure, but gets a new life as a layer on top of Android that gives you all the benefits of Windows, w/o having to mess with phones, carriers, oems, etc. It just installs from the store (it can be limited to a few handsets that have the muscle to run it appropriately) and makes your Android phones work like Windows Mobile (well, not like it is running now) and have access to UWP, making people want to write for UWP since it would work on millions of phones right away and then for Windows Tablets and Desktops.

Sure, very utopic, but would explain why they can't figure out all the bugs on Windows Mobile as they are working in parallel to get that version working on top of android.

I don't see how that would be any good at all. I know Android is becoming less open source, but at least in the past it wasn't terribly hard to integrate any app fairly deeply into the OS. In my experiences of Android Development, I don't see how Microsoft couldn't give Cortana the same exact features it has on WP8 and W10M. Mainly I'm referring to the text read out. To do any sort of context, they'd have to do their own messaging app, but that wouldn't be hard to do and could potentially be a Skype integration. As I've left Android again, I don't know if it's already been implemented, but the contextual reminders could easily be pulled from the Outlook app I'm sure.

Regardless, this just doesn't seem like something they would even try. It sounds like it'd be the equivalent of running a virtual machine for a different phone OS. I can't imagine that'd be easy or even worthwhile.

To your comment about the bugs, if you're up to insider build .107, most of those major bugs have been fixed or at least reduced. The OS is much more stable now. I'm sure some of the delay came because of the launch of the mobile OS being right around all the holidays. I'd expect to see additional improvement soon, as well as the potential for Redstone builds in the near future (as this appears to be something that is being hinted at very soon).
I do remember seeing a comment from Rubino basically saying it wasn't new apps. Evleaks said the HP Elite wasn't the surface phone.

I would think this comes down to a major and unannounced OS feature (with a potential impact greater than Continuum) or a major hardware release (some have suggested a Samsung S7 w/ W10M).

As much as everyone seems like they'd be excited about Google apps coming to W10M, and I know that'd be a big deal, being on Windows Phone for the better part of the last 2-3 years has left me with only a very slight dependency on Gmail. I've personally stopped using Play Music and switched to Groove, never really used the Movies and TV store, never used Drive, never really liked Maps (I've always preferred Here Maps on a phone, but now have Nav in my car), and beyond that, there isn't a single Google/Android feature or service that I can think of that I've ever consistently used. So I can't see why this would be something totally mind blowing. Many of Microsoft's services OneDrive, Groove, Office Mobile Apps, etc., have either been better than or on par with Google's services in my opinion.

As much as I think a major OS feature would be mind-blowing, I think the most mind-blowing thing would have to be some sort of major OEM partner(s). Samsung, LG, HTC, etc., all will spend a lot of money on advertising, store inventory, training sales associates, etc., because they already do. If Microsoft is going to dig it's heels in and get back in on the smartphone market, that's how they'll win, by using someone else's name and money.
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