The I got a Surface RT Thread

Just ordered one with touch keyboard for $200. (yes it's a refurb)

Should have it late next Thursday or Friday.

Super excited.
Just picked one up myself. I got a 32GB at Staples. No keyboard yet. Going to wait and see if I feel the need for one. Loving it so far...
Just got mine yesterday. 32gig w/ black touch cover student bundle at ?287.10 inc taxes etc.

Must say its big, going from my playbook to this is a big change, and i have to remember not to use it as a laptop lol.

All in im very impressed. Also, how good is xbox music? Auto synced and cloud stored my pc music to stream anywhere in the world to my surface. Sweet.

Wish i had been in time for the 8.1 preview (its now showing as gone).
I just got a 32gb Surface RT with the keyboard tonight. I'm moving over from an iPad and spent some time on my decision. So far so good, I'm looking toward to using it over the next few weeks.
I just sold my iPad mini and bought the 32gb RT with a black touch cover.
"Earlier this year I switched from iPhone 5 To a Lumia 920."
More than satisfied with both switches :)
I had one when it dropped. Then I sent it back. But I missed it. Then the big sale came. And then today, a knock at the door...

Yes, I photoshopped this image but you get the point. :)


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got my rt!! I LOVE IT.
time to retire hp touchpad.

now I just need to whitelist my favorite prnsites for video viewing
you know what I love about my surface RT, is that it makes ipad users jealous, especially because it has a couple of features that really add up and make a huge difference, like a full USB port, expandable memory and the well-built kickstand along with the keyboard cover. Its sexy, built well, and I can use it for school work unlike an ipad.
got my rt!! I LOVE IT.
time to retire hp touchpad.

now I just need to whitelist my favorite prnsites for video viewing

If you do all off the updates you shouldn't have to worry about whitelisting :smile:
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got my rt!! I LOVE IT.
time to retire hp touchpad.

now I just need to whitelist my favorite prnsites for video viewing

hah, my girl was just using our HP Touchpad last night. She's found some simple game on there that she loves to play.
If you do all off teh updates you shouldn't have to worry about whitelisting :smile:

I actually just updated it, but stil no luck.. keeps telling me to update flash unless I have to go to settings or something.
hah, my girl was just using our HP Touchpad last night. She's found some simple game on there that she loves to play.

hp touchpad had been good to me since the firesale. it was my 'tablet fix' when I couldn't afford an ipad or android tablet. I am now gonna let it be a living room display for time, or guest tablet. no ones touching my rt, but me. :)
I actually just updated it, but stil no luck.. keeps telling me to update flash unless I have to go to settings or something.

Have you tried restarting it and searching for updates again? It should work.
I actually just updated it, but stil no luck.. keeps telling me to update flash unless I have to go to settings or something.
Just keep at it. I had to do a bunch of updates (including a firmware update) when I first got mine. It make take a bit of time before they all show up.
Ok, I did it. I just bought a 64GB Surface RT. Got the touch cover as well. Supposed to arrive in about a week.

Still need to get an adapter so I can do PowerPoint presentations for teaching.

Now I just have to overcome my innate sense that every purchase over $20 is a huge, idiotic mistake (hopefully actually having the thing will help). Psychology, why can't we be friends? :'(

Oh, any advice for getting the most from my RT?
Ok, I did it. I just bought a 64GB Surface RT. Got the touch cover as well. Supposed to arrive in about a week.

Still need to get an adapter so I can do PowerPoint presentations for teaching.

Now I just have to overcome my innate sense that every purchase over $20 is a huge, idiotic mistake (hopefully actually having the thing will help). Psychology, why can't we be friends? :'(

Oh, any advice for getting the most from my RT?

You should read this thread: :grin:
Mind if I ask where you purchased, are there still those great deals on ebay? I need to check when I have time. I would love to snag a 64gb w/touch cover!
My wife bought me a 32GB RT with touch type keyboard for my birthday this month, very happy indeed. Last year I got a Blackberry Play book 64GB which I still love, the Surface was released and I was not allowed a second Tablet so soon .... shame. Still not to worry I have it now and love it to bits.

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