The I got a Surface RT Thread

I hope bought mine through eBay. I watched for a while, and saw that bundled 64gb RT's would show up from time to time for cheap. I missed the initial 1,000 or so, but there were a few more later. Then those sold out. Then a few more showed up, and I got the second to last of those. They might continue to sell more, if you keep checking.
Mind if I ask where you purchased, are there still those great deals on ebay? I need to check when I have time. I would love to snag a 64gb w/touch cover!
Here's a link to the ebay seller. If you are interested, you'll need to make it a habit of checking daily... obviously the lower the price, the quicker they sell out. I got in on the 2nd wave of $199 32GB RT/touchcase bundles.
Just got the 32GB surface with touch cover and am loving it ... already know I want to upgrade to surface pro 2 and will give this rt to my best friend
I got a 32GB Asus VivoTab RT. Best thing is the when the iPad users try to rain on it and say "well it's not that good plus we have LTE on our tablet" Then I reply "Mine has LTE as well, plus USB ports dummies, plus a free keyboard dock that has it's own internal battery to extend my usage well further than their meager iPad." :winktongue:
We ordered a few back in August... Somewhere around 700 of them. They arrive and I am getting it today. I tested them a while back, the Pro was amazing and the RT was awesome and great battery life. Never been much of a tablet guy, I have a 4 laptops, Desktop, smart phone. I have a cheapo android tablet which is basically an e-reader. After testing the Pro and the RT... I was sold.
Yesterday I bought the Surface RT 32 GB + touch cover bundle for 250€.
Birthday gift to myself :D
Bough mine yesterday bundled with the touch cover and I gotta say I could not be happier with my purchase(especially since I got mine for 269? bundled). I can honestly say my laptop is going to feel real lonely from now on, I've had android tablets before but this is the first one I can see replacing most of my PC work. The only thing that bugs me a bit is the lack of quality apps and some if IE's limitations, but for this price I can live with that. Having used the device for 24 hours now I wouldn't mind paying 500? for a bundle to be honest.
Typing on my new one right now! Looking forward to using it in court tomorrow. I haven't really done anything yet, but I have many ideas from reading the posts here. Thanks to everyone.
Its been two days so far and let me tell you I love my surface so much. Its fast and the battery lasted 12 hours and I updated it 8.1 it became faster.
I don't why people complained about the touch cover I mean its good for a cover :)
I've had my Surface RT for three months now and I find it so useful that I just ordered one for my wife (that manufacturer_certified ebay deal still reappears from time to time). What really sealed the deal for me is the desktop skydrive integration that came with 8.1 and the fact that we both have Windows phones. There's a bit of an app gap on the game side of things, but I'm not a big gamer and I think the Metro UI annihilates the Android UI on my Nexus 7. And the UI flows naturally onto the web interfaces, like the Skydrive web UI. Compare the skydrive web UI to the Google Drive web UI. Google has no concept of aesthetics.

Went to do an evidence review, took photos of some evidence items w/ my Lumia 822, uploaded them to skydrive, met client in court later in the day and he was able to review the photos while we were waiting for the case to be called. Finished with his case, worked on a motion in Word in the courtroom while waiting for other case to be called saved the draft to skydrive, finished it back at the office and got it filed. I still haven't done much personal set up, but I am loving the Surface RT!
Got my Surface bundled with touchcover for a great price for Black Friday. I only entered the "tablet market" in June with a Kindle Fire (which I love too) but the increased functionality of the Surface is great. I love being able to have internet, Word, and Powerpoint open at the same time in Desktop view. The one-app-at-a-time limitation of other tablets annoys me greatly, which is one (of many) reasons I refused to get an overpriced iPad/mini. While I'm not a huge fan of the 1/3 - 2/3 snap split screen (maybe Microsoft can integrate a 1/2 and 1/2 in future firmware updates???), I can still watch Netflix in a 1 square inch block while doing something else so... something I cannot do on my Kindle.

Will I write a term paper on the Surface? Probably not...I don't see anyway I'm going to get my 80 wpm on the touchcover. But for day-to-day piddling...taking to school...this thing is absolutely amazing. I finally bought something without the sinking feeling of buyer's remorse that usually sets in within 1 or 2 days after the fact.
Oh my, what can I say. I got my Surface RT 64gb on a little known WalMart in-store cybermonday special (I know, doesn't make sense) for $249. Cracked it open & let it do all it's updates. Today played with a touch & PURPLE type 2 in Staples - can't decide; the touch is nicer than I thought, but the purple is so..well....soooo purple. This thing is truly like a little computer. I really think if MS could just get this device into people's hands...... I've had a Lenovo tab (sold yesterday on Ebay) & a BB Playbook (sold it on Ebay the day before yesterday). This is one device that I can actually use for work & play.
I have a surface pro and love are so good on surface rt got my wife one for Christmas!!
I got the 32 gb model with the touch keyboard on black friday at the microsoft store. Waited four hours in that line in Tyson's Corner, only for people to pour into the store who weren't in line. Thankfully I got my tablet! Totally worth it :3
WA (double) HOO!!!
Me happy now...

UPS stopped by here 23 minutes ago and RT'd me!

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