Trading for Focus


New member
Nov 22, 2011
Hey everyone,
Later on today I will be trading my HTC Inspire (android) for a Samsung Focus. My problem is that I always get tired and bored with having the same phone for too long, and the Windows phones have really caught my eye lately so I figured I would give it a shot!

I have used Blackberrys, Android phones, and iPhones...any suggestions or thoughts for me being a new user?? Thanks everyone!
That's funny, I just did the exact same thing. I just sold my Inspire on Ebay after buying a used Focus from Cowboom.

I had grown tired of the heft, the weird shape, and the whole Android/HTC Sense experience. I found myself wanting a new ROM but didn't want to go through the hassle of rooting the phone, so I was using the Windows 7 launcher quite a bit. I figured, if I like the launcher so much, I might as well go get an actual Windows Phone 7 device.

After some research I found the Focus would give me the best combo of solid phone with inexpensive price since I was buying off contract.

Oddly enough, I don't even notice any slower speeds going back down to 3G. The Inspire is way overrated.

Trust me, you made the right decision. Android might be have more customization options, but more doesn't always mean better.
That's funny, I just did the exact same thing. I just sold my Inspire on Ebay after buying a used Focus from Cowboom.

I had grown tired of the heft, the weird shape, and the whole Android/HTC Sense experience. I found myself wanting a new ROM but didn't want to go through the hassle of rooting the phone, so I was using the Windows 7 launcher quite a bit. I figured, if I like the launcher so much, I might as well go get an actual Windows Phone 7 device.

After some research I found the Focus would give me the best combo of solid phone with inexpensive price since I was buying off contract.

Oddly enough, I don't even notice any slower speeds going back down to 3G. The Inspire is way overrated.

Trust me, you made the right decision. Android might be have more customization options, but more doesn't always mean better.
Yea unfortunately the 4g thing on the Inspire was more of a marketing ploy! I did and do really enjoy the phone and it is still in excellent condition, but I am just looking for something different...same with the guy I am trading with. I have been reading up on the windows phones, and I am getting more and more excited as the day goes on!
I went iPhone 4 to Focus, best phone decision yet. Had the new S, and went back to the original because I liked it better. Its a killer device! I suggest a red Pop Case by Case Mate, or a black TPU Gel case from someone I don't remember. Got it on Amazon for $10-$15, don't remember.

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