WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So quick update for everyone.
My company is going to build 1M face shields for our Frontline healthcare personnel. Our facility has signed up for 40K in April.
Next Tuesday I'm going to go to work and help build how ever many I can. My team members are all going to do this to show our support.

We are donating these face shields for free via a non-profit that will distribute these to the hospitals that need them the most.

Two of our facilities will also build a few thousand low cost ventilators as well.

I hope you all are staying safe and healthy.
That's pretty awesome.
Seriously wow! So amazing!
It's a great example of who people are doing what they can. There are instances where a restaurant here has closed their doors and makes food for free for the nearby workers of a hospital.

Where I work, the donations of food have been pouring in. They also get donations, including medical equipment. People are stepping up to do their part...the best parts of being American (and being human).
Seriously wow! So amazing!
I think it's the least we can do besides of course donating money for the people who are really hard hit.

Also another neat thing is that we make these shields and package them in a box and leave them on our dock and another non-profit called GetusPPE comes and picks up the boxes everyday and then gets it to the hospitals that need these the most.
Also we are trying to make these ventilators for under $500. Which is pretty amazing. It's a collaboration with three companies and a university.

This is the America we all root for.
Unfortunately some people forgot all of this in the brouhaha the last 4 years.
As much as people may see me kvetch about certain parts of the job, it is such a privilege and responsibility to work with people in their vulnerable states.

I've been having conversations this week with COVID-19+ patients who have been discharged home. The conversations are deep and heavy. I wish for those people who still don't take it seriously that they could hear what I hear and to walk in those shoes of the folks I'm working with.

Ain't no joke. Not even a bad sarcastic one.
Right on time:

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/11/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
In other news Mount Krakatoa in Indonesia had a big eruption today.

I am hoping @raycpl is not impacted too badly over in Malaysia.
I had to Google slightly deep for this..... our news had been all 24/7 on covid19...
We had our MCO extended for another two weeks, but all signs & data shows we "locked down" in the nick of time...
The biggest chunk of our cases sprung from the Tabligh cluster, with 40% and up to 5 generation infections... we had infections in the frontliners not from patient but via social contacts linked that cluster...
Still, it's a long way off, I'm very weary and cautious of the current data as there a huge backlog of test results still pending.

One of my football heroes, Kenny Dalglish (Liverpool FC) tested positive but has asymmetrical symptoms...

Stay safe everyone
I know some of you have seen similar pictures, but it is still super jarring to see, even on a religious weekend...20200411_114352.jpeg20200411_114352.jpeg20200411_114955.jpeg20200411_115006.jpeg

He uses the same for Huawei's dual apps. Both modes are really good. I'd do that if I had a work phone that I made personal calls on.

Yup, thot protection. At first, I thought it was 'thought' protection, but it didn't make sense after a minute or two of thinking. Then I saw the comments.

Also, man has the most genuine reactions to phones I've seen. Man's a legend.
Went hiking with the GF today. We climbed a 560m hill. It was a really enjoyable trip. A nice escape from all the news and stuff that's been pushed down my throat since the whole situation started.
Very interesting takes on a big screen design surrounding 6.4". All have excellent build quality. All have very nice screens. All have pretty good cameras. All have wireless charging. All are glass sandwiches. 20200411_160200.jpeg

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