WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That's good you're managing so far.
I'm doing the best I can. Wish I had a bigger space. It really has me thinking about taking the plunge and pushing onward to set up my own thing.

It's a real work in progress. I've mapped out much of it, but the hardest part is clientele. I'd like to add more experience and restructure certain things in how my life is now to really make this work.
I'm doing the best I can. Wish I had a bigger space. It really has me thinking about taking the plunge and pushing onward to set up my own thing.

It's a real work in progress. I've mapped out much of it, but the hardest part is clientele. I'd like to add more experience and restructure certain things in how my life is now to really make this work.
Good luck with everything! This sounds like a good time to brainstorm to put things in place.
Laura, you still looking for stuff to watch on Netflix? If you are, you can try those two documentaries I posted trailers for a few posts back if that topic interests you.
A lot of wholesalers here have switched to selling to they public. Some producers as well. They've opened some of the fresh markets up again with strict procedures.

We've always known that there is a glut of food in the world which is crazy considering that people go hungry still.

The USA is notorious for it's food wastage. The supermarkets haven't helped with that either.

That's not saying there isn't food wastage elsewhere just the scale of it in the USA.
It's a bit odd here. I did a bit of shopping recently. At a organic shop and a supermarket.

At the organic shop the workers there were acting like the virus didn't exist. It felt a bit surreal because we were there a week ago and it was like a different place. Not sure what happened...

At the supermarket they were keeping the population small in the shop but people were not doing social distancing. We kept finding ourselves in crowded places. A few we're obviously sick too...

Still can't find flour...

I'm not fond of going out currently. Too many people just don't care.

Monday we find out what's happening next from the president.

Guessing there will be some opening up but not sure what exactly. I don't think I'll be returning to work yet.

They've allowed some more shops to open here with strict rules. Mostly pick up service. Also KFC and McDonald's with delivery service... Yes both of those are popular here...
It's a bit odd here. I did a bit of shopping recently. At a organic shop and a supermarket.

At the organic shop the workers there were acting like the virus didn't exist. It felt a bit surreal because we were there a week ago and it was like a different place. Not sure what happened...

At the supermarket they were keeping the population small in the shop but people were not doing social distancing. We kept finding ourselves in crowded places. A few we're obviously sick too...

Still can't find flour...

I'm not fond of going out currently. Too many people just don't care.

Monday we find out what's happening next from the president.

Guessing there will be some opening up but not sure what exactly. I don't think I'll be returning to work yet.

They've allowed some more shops to open here with strict rules. Mostly pick up service. Also KFC and McDonald's with delivery service... Yes both of those are popular here...
I've been trying my best to behave and not curse people out in reference to social distancing. It's hard as some people just don't get the spacing and some people are just being plain selfish. I do agree that it's no fun to go out. Not worth the risk with all that's going on.

Trust me, no one wants to be near a hospital setting right now. I'm going to get a few things at whole paycheck. I haven't used the branch I normally do since the first week of the lock down.
A lot of wholesalers here have switched to selling to they public. Some producers as well. They've opened some of the fresh markets up again with strict procedures.

We've always known that there is a glut of food in the world which is crazy considering that people go hungry still.

The USA is notorious for it's food wastage. The supermarkets haven't helped with that either.

That's not saying there isn't food wastage elsewhere just the scale of it in the USA.
I get that they're not in the business of charity. These are the same farmers that Mr. Clue's uncle and your cousin twice removed had given bail out money to during his trade war with Xi's China. They're still going to have it rough once the economy starts up as some of those restaurants they typically serve may not open at or all. Those that may open will likely take a while to ramp up and get foot traffic back at levels that drive sales.

Unfortunately, too many people, the current US president included, thinks that once COVID-19 is contained you flip a switch and things go back automatically to how they were here in mid January.
Here's one picture I didn't post yet yesterday. Take a look at how often trains are running on this line. Subway service runs typically at 50% on weekends. Doesn't help with social distancing, but that's where we are now. 20200411_114821.jpeg
This really is a weird year. If a cared about 5G, I'd skip everything with a SD865 chip if I were buying something this year. Qualcomm is still being Qualcomm with their tactics in the chip market. Sadly I think that next year will be more of the same; while an integrated 5G chip will be better than this year's offerings, I feel like it won't be until 2022 we will see full benefits of 5G at the earliest.
It's a bit odd here. I did a bit of shopping recently. At a organic shop and a supermarket.

At the organic shop the workers there were acting like the virus didn't exist. It felt a bit surreal because we were there a week ago and it was like a different place. Not sure what happened...

At the supermarket they were keeping the population small in the shop but people were not doing social distancing. We kept finding ourselves in crowded places. A few we're obviously sick too...

Still can't find flour...

I'm not fond of going out currently. Too many people just don't care.

Monday we find out what's happening next from the president.

Guessing there will be some opening up but not sure what exactly. I don't think I'll be returning to work yet.

They've allowed some more shops to open here with strict rules. Mostly pick up service. Also KFC and McDonald's with delivery service... Yes both of those are popular here...
Line gets longer each time I get to the supermarket...20200412_103219.jpeg
So I mentioned my lack of flour. I meant mostly baking, like cakes etc. I have a small quaintly of bread flour currently.

I'm making bread for the first time in a long time.

I'm doing a long proofing so hopefully it tastes good. It's a small boule. You can long proof in a fridge or on your counter. Preferably a sealed container.

If you're ever making bread don't get nervous about it proofing long that's just added flavour. It adds a sourdough taste and other beneficial bacteria. If you're not a fan then don't long proof of course.

I also went no kneed. That just means I let the yeast do the work but just mixing the ingredients together and letting it sit for four hours. Folding every hour.

Shape your bread then let it proof for 12-24 hours. In a bowl covered with plastic wrap.
Because it's Easter and some other holidays as well the lines at shops have been a bit longer. We bailed at one place in Friday. This morning there was a huge line for some shop that we could see from our balcony.
While that might be true, each week I've gone to this supermarket, they're doing a much better job of regulating flow of customers to follow social distancing guidelines. Thankfully the longest part of the trip was getting into the supermarket. Shopping and checkout was a breeze, although the cashier I got seemed to be in a mood to do the minimum necessary.

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