What keeps you with Windows Phone?

The camera, Xbox Music Pass and Nokia.

I've been tempted by Android for a while now and now that Nokia as we know it is not longer the same, the reasons for staying are smaller. That said, I still might get a 1020 because of the camera.
Im here for the apps...

No seriously I am...

Cant play Halo on any other platform baby!!!
-I love the OS. It is fast simple and looking cool.
-Apps. Yeah apps. I think apps on windows phones look better than other phones. Like twitter ,facebook etc.
-Colorful phone,looking good,and cheap (Lumia 520)
-It is very different then other phones like android phones and iPhones. Everybody has a iPhone or Galaxy I am bored to see that phones.

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I like the fluid experience. I like its simplistic UI.

I do not like how even the People Hub is not the same experience as the other social media apps out there. There is a ton of stuff you can't do with People Hub as opposed to the web or even a WP app. I REALLY like the People Hub though. I'm hoping it will encompass more of the features of an app or web experience.
I got with WP8 because I just bought a new Windows 8 touch screen all in one HP and I wanted a phone that would match up with it the best. I choose a Nokia 820 because I wanted a little bit smaller phone but still with a nice size screen. I was going to get a Galaxy GS3 Mini; but I could not find one anywhere (still don't see any) and the WP8 OS would work better with my new computer. I have nothing against Android as I have two android tablets. This is my first smartphone. The only thing I have been disappointed so far (three months) is AT&Ts very slow distribution of phone updates. But the phone works very well, and it is very smooth in operation. I think I am happy to see Nokia become a division of Microsoft, (we will see in the future), The fact that WP8 has less apps is not a issue as I firmly believe 95% of the apps available are worthless. I have no problem finding the apps I need for my phone; and I am used to the glut of apps available in Android for my two tablets. He's hoping the future will be just as good or better.
Integration of Skype, Skydrive, One Note, Office, Email, all the most important apps I need are in Windows Store, and XBOX music works so much better for me as it gives me a jukebox view and allows me to quickly sort by genre or band and get music I want fast to play a list in my car. Plus the camera and camcorder are very great on the Lumia 928. The functions are better than iphone as well as the phone is more configurable. I do wish I could change my notifications and use ringtones for them. Had a few fun things I wanted to do with that but hope an update fixes that. WP8 is very easy to use and everything just looks better and is more organized than the other platforms. I am former Android and tested an iphone for 3 months and hated it. I got this phone and I am sold!
It's the Nokia Thing
- Great Support
- Camera
- Durability & Design

Windows Phone OS
- Buttery Smooth
- Beautiful Metro Style OS
- Start Screen with Live Tiles (Change mine every month)
- Integration of the People Hub
- SkyDrive Integration
I stay with Windows Phone because it works for me; it has the right mix of features, functions, and benefits for my needs. I stay with Windows Phone because I run Windows 8/RT on every machine I have, and it works for me; the UI fits my workflow, the Microsoft account/SkyDrive keeps me in sync, and I like having the same experience on each device.

Plus, I'm a developer and I'm starting to focus on WP development. It wouldn't make sense to develop for WP but not use the platform, heh.
Simple reason - Its different...
In an industry dominated by glorified app-launchers - WP dares to be different with its Live tiles, Metro UI and single-minded design principles.
Love it or hate it, you have to stand up and take notice ..
Its not an evolution , its a revolution !
The OS is very good, better than what I expected, but the app market is still lacking quality and microsoft doesn't seem to give a rats *** about the multitude of fake apps pestering around the store while blatantly using brands that they couldn't possibly own.

I prefer Windows Phone to Android but I also prefer iOS to Windows Phone. Truth be told, regardless of my preferences I think all three of them are solid and I would have gotten an HTC One or an iPhone if I had the money for them but in my current situation I just had to get the phone with the best best quality/price ratio and in my opinion that was the Samsung ATIV S for ?212.

This is what keeps me on Windows Phone for now. In a year, when I'll have more money available, we'll see if the app situation has gotten better. If not... well, I won't be using windows phone anymore because even though I really like it I value the availability and variety of quality apps more than the OS itself.
Several things keep me coming back to WP no matter what else is out there:

-Metro UI. Different. Eye catching. Easy to make mine. Easy to organize. Easy to make functional. (Is there a pattern there??)

-Seamless. Even the most troublesome device running WP is functional. The best devices run like the Road Runner through a Wiley Coyote painted Railroad tunnel. Without any problems at all. Much to the Coyote's amazement.

-The ecosystem. Skydrive-functional and well intergrated. Office-best of it's type for mobile. Skype- should be a serious selling point by 8.1. XBOX Music- okay, not perfect on WP8, but an excellent bargin and ever expanding library. Gaming- serious progress in the last 6 months on this one. I think WP will be the premier gaming mobile OS very soon. Podcasts/Apps-I love them both, and use em all the time. Quite with the "they are so behind" stuff. Will have over 250,000 selections by 8.1.

-The devices. With the exception of a keyboard, name it- it is an option. Love that.

-This community. Love WPC. I would almost feel like a traitor if I got one of "those other" devices.
I love Windows phone nothing I can say will sound like anything other than fanboyism. Its beautiful and I love using it. I love the happy start screen staring at me in the morning. I love being able to get my info at a glance I love the hard work of third party devs to bring us the best apps and most of all I love my Lumia 925 hardware. :)<3:)<3:)
The CAMERA and if the 920 didn't have the camera it has, I would have a Samsung Galaxy 4. Their is nothing else I find really great about Windows Phones except for some of the Nokia only applications.
Nokia's camera technology and software.

I had the N8 and the 808 before... and their superior camera hardware made phone cameras a part of my life. Now I have the 920 and it's been a great experience!
Initially, I'd always used WM or BB. As I began to rely more and more on MS services, WP became my OS of choice. Nokia's offerings have just cemented things for me, as have Windows 8/RT and Server 2012.
I know is clich? to say this...
For me, its the EXPERIENCE of Windows Phone, there's nothing like it out there.
After 3+ years of using WP, I am still amaze everyday by its unique & refreshing UI.
Given the dynamic, constantly refreshing & resizable nature of the Live Tiles, its like waking up to a new version of a mobile OS everyday.
Windows Phone is my own little private oasis in a desert
The reason why I stay with WP is a simple one, it is the only Mobile OS that functional and a work of art. The live tile system is truly a functional piece of art, that lets you connect to the operating.
Nokia Keeps me with WP8....

But Microsoft acquires Nokia. :unhappy:

Hope Nokia survives
Having owned a blackberry, Asha, and several android phones. I ended up sticking with windows phone because it's just easy to use. No pop ups, massive context menus and confusing navigation. I don't have to waste time figuring out where things are or how things work because at the end of the day WP is so well designed that the apps are just extensions of the os itself. The keyboard also rocks. (and wp8 fixed the multitasking woes I had) that and aside from snapchat, does everything I want it to.

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