What keeps you with Windows Phone?

Personally just the fact I love being different from the mass crowds. I don't like going with trends of my friends. I like to have a phone where people are like oob what's that instead of "oh, you have an iPhone or Droid? Me too."

The tiles system is amazing and I love the fact that the developers in wndows phone team so really talented I.e rudy
What keeps me with Windows Phone?

Nokia always provide the best hardware for costumer
but now Nokia end
Never go back to WindowsPhone again
The Lumia line has some of the best o ptics in smartphones to date. I really enjoy using my 1020 as a camera but with the added benefit that it performs just as well as a phone and digital assistant. There is a true sense of value here.

Part of its charm is its simplicity, but this results in a fluid experience that makes using a device intuitive and almost second nature. I briefly had an S4 Active before returning to Windows Phone. In real-world usage the Active was not user friendly and for someone that does, on occassion, wake up their phone while driving to interact with it I found Google Now and S-Voice to be useless. I push the Windows button and I get a prompt to say a command. Sending my wife a quick text and having it read back to me is spiffy. However, the real benefit is when my speech is recognized and there is not a half-assed transcription of what I said.

I have a nasal tone present in my voice, and it likely will be there for most of my life. Windows Phone understands me. Google Now asks me to repeat constantly.

While there is a disparity in the number of apps, I find that quality apps do exisit for Windows Phone. There are proven developers and development teams out there with strong titles under their belts. I support them with my wallet and hope they continue to provide great programs in the future and actively support what is currently available. Most of the applications that I am missing from Android are Google-specific and can either be replaced by a Microsoft alternative or simply overlooked.

I know there is Dropbox, Google Drive, SugarSync and more - but they can't hold a candle to something that is native to the mobile OS and desktop.

Outlook.com email, visually, is more appealing than Gmail. Of course that is my opinion and you are entitled to your own, whether it shares this sentiment or you disagree with me in full or in part. There are more privacy features, blocking solutions and tight integration on mobile and desktop.

OneNote is fantastic. Indespensible is another word for it. Since I'm 100% Microsoft, Id ont' have to concern myself with cross-platform compatibility and use third-party solutions like Evernote which are less secure. I use it in the office and at home. Seperating the two is also essential and having multiple notebooks for this reason is great.

The only Windows phone I ever mention to anyone is a Nokia phone. While I have considered trying an HTC variant in the past, the sellers typically want more than the current market value and I wouldn't risk an upgrade for something that might not work out for me. HTC makes some solid devices though my experience with them has been primiarly with Android.

On the flip side, I have owned a 900, 920 and now 1020 on the smartphone side from Nokia. Previous feature phones from years ago were built with the same approach to quality and overall product integrity. You have to intentionally beat up these phones before they start to give up.

The future
Google has fragmentation. Blackberry has an uncertain future. Apple has been painted in a corner trying to recover lost marketshare from Google. Microsoft has just begun a facelift of its mobile operating system. By comparison we are in the 4/4S phase of the iPhone with our devices. We've had our Gingerbread release and now we are working on Honeycomb and eventually Ice Cream Sandwich.

Windows Phone is not home to hundreds of different devices running the mobile OS. It's ecosystem is more than one flagship model that gets revamped annually and proports to have invented technology that has been in use for years prior to its release. We also don't have a company on the verge of downsizing and spinning off portions of its company in order to diversify and remain relevant in the mobile space.

Google paints the marketplace with broad brushstrokes, making many waves of color and saturating the market with its hue. Apple likes to think it made its own special color, but in reality it is just a combination of CENSORED and CENSORED. The colors Blackberry used are starting to fade. Microsoft tends to use fewer, more focused strokes and adds more paint to the brush when necessary. They don't go back and repaint over the same spot. Microsoft's canvas make appear to be empty, but in actuality they have more room to work with than the rest. I expect great things because they are positioned to do so.
Simple... it works for me. I'm not that kind of person who can't live without the apps, without the instragram (overrated). Windows phone is what I use because I have PCs and it is my chosen ecosystem. Its not perfect but Apple and Google is not too. I think its a matter of preference of what works for you. Personally, I had an iPhone but I gave it away because all I can think of it is play games, got Android but it lags and too complex, swipe here, swipe there its like the programmers of Android likes wiping asses. WP is good enough for me.
I would say (like many others) the camera and I love this live tile system but mostly, the huge space I have in this NL920 (32 GB!), so lots of music and apps, huh :)

I actually had an iPhone 4S (16 GB), but I got just bored to it, I needed more space for my music and the design just looked.. Well, I don't like it.
What keeps me with Windows Phone? Patience.

I am not a person after the latest games or the latest social media craze. I just want a phone that has the things I want or could want. At this stage WP almost meets that criteria.

So it is with patience that I can say that I am willing to see where it's going and what's coming next. I guess years of being a Windows person has helped in the endeavor.
It used to be the cheapest quality smartphone one could find. That may no longer be true. Might be time for a change. The future may be determined by how quickly Microsoft releases 8.1.
Live tiles, fast and fluid.. and it stands out from my group since they are all android phone.. and me Different feels good. (hope it last)
but i will be sticking in for a while even if my 8x don't get that 8.1 update whatever.. coz im a type of guy that uses something tills its last breath.. so yea
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The OS is very good, better than what I expected, but the app market is still lacking quality and microsoft doesn't seem to give a rats *** about the multitude of fake apps pestering around the store while blatantly using brands that they couldn't possibly own.

I prefer Windows Phone to Android but I also prefer iOS to Windows Phone. Truth be told, regardless of my preferences I think all three of them are solid and I would have gotten an HTC One or an iPhone if I had the money for them but in my current situation I just had to get the phone with the best best quality/price ratio and in my opinion that was the Samsung ATIV S for ?212.

This is what keeps me on Windows Phone for now. In a year, when I'll have more money available, we'll see if the app situation has gotten better. If not... well, I won't be using windows phone anymore because even though I really like it I value the availability and variety of quality apps more than the OS itself.

are you kidding me IOS and android 95 % of there apps are **** and fake I owned a iPhone I download this app that was supposed. To switch red lights to green but didn't work same with android most of the app you download say they do this and that but do nothing but waste space on you phone so go be with the sheep
What keeps you from going to another OS (Android, iOS, BlackBerry, other)?

I stay because of the camera, mostly. I love taking pictures in the dark and hearing everyone say "whoa... my phone doesn't take good pictures in the dark or low light".

I stay because of the fluidity of the OS. It's fast and smooth.

I stay because of the tight integration with the built-in apps to 3rd party apps. Taking a photo and switching the "lens" for Blink and other great camera apps.

I stay because of the Metro UI. I enjoy it on the phone. Looks good. Live Tiles, Groups / Rooms (although I don't use this) are awesome!

its the contract haha. No but srsly its the love of microsoft otherwise nokia phones suck ive exchanged my phone 4 times and now nokia says send it for a repair! Its supposed to be a flagship you d*mb a** people! But i love the UI and i have an xb1 and surface so it stops me from leaving
I used 3 OS since 2009. IOS, android and WP8. Android was the worst and will never back to it even if I'm going to die. For ios, I have iphone4 and it's slow now. Served me well last 3 years and I still use it as a phone but rarely. The only thing keeps me using ios for now is an app to play an electric guitar with called ampkit+. I'll wait for iPhone 6 or even 6s. About wp8, it's my fav phone for now and I really can't leave it at all. It became my essential OS over the others. I don't miss my iPhone because I have iPad.

Many things keep me using wp8 for now but the most of them is the simplicity. Simple and very beautiful UI.
worry free OS (for the most part wp7.5 was more stable)
Unique os and hardware
Integration with Microsoft offerings
Live tiles work well as a notification center for me.

Thanks for hitting the nail on the head, as far as why I never griped about Notification Center. The Tiles do it!!! I don't know why Microsoft doesn't emphasize this??
I like Lumia phones, Windows Phone design (colors, animations, overall style) and I make apps for Windows Phone...
WP8 phones are perfect for me because simplicity and it works well. Easy to use. I used iOS and Android systems for while but WP8 is the best my opinion
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For me, it's because WP is fast, responsive, smooth and well... Just works. I never have any lock ups, no freezes, no random app closes and no glitches. The 'lack of apps' isn't a problem for me as I have an iPad Mini for games and stuff. I also love the tiles.
I just love the whole WP system in general. When the 920 was announced, I was intrigued. At that time I had an iPhone 4, but all the new features that Nokia implemented in the 920, were spot on! From Here maps to public transport, from the camera to Nokia mix radio. I love it all, and I love Nokia so much that I bought the 1520. But still, the 920 still holds a special place in my heart.

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