Why I'm pissed off about the music pass death


Aug 8, 2013
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I live in Greece. Here we couldn't subscribe. So it doesn't affect me directly. My main problem is the lack of trust i have in Microsoft right now. I was planning to go all in Microsoft ecosystem. I have planned to buy an Xbox. Should I ? Should I buy a Surface and get an office subscription. I don't like the Google nor apple ecosystems. In fact I was waiting groove to support Greece. Also, should we buy into the new Andromeda os ? Or should we move to android till Satya goes down?
Sorry for my bad English guys

I'm majorly pissed off at them killing Groove Here Spotify is way more expensive, lacks a lot of the features Groove has and I use. Conversely, Spotify has features I don't like or need.

Also, personally I won't switch away from Windows phones, I'll wait for Andromeda, Surface Phone for whatever they come out with.

Scott McBurney

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Mar 21, 2013
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Microsoft used to be focused in two directions - Business and Consumer. They make crap tons of money from business customers. But they also make a lot of money from consumers. But it is that consumer focus that they lost when Satya took over. One of the biggest problems in the consumer market was their poor marketing. I think much better marketing could have made a huge difference in the consumer market. We all know that windows phone is actually pretty awesome.... and that groove music was a great service.... but 99% of the world didn't know much about those products and so avoided them. Everyone else will tell you how great their iPhone or Android phone is, even though they actually suck compared to windows phone. But all that is because of great marketing.
Yes, apple is producing a luxury device... but what does Microsoft think their surface line is? The surface line are luxury devices too. Nokia was doing it right with windows phones, but then MS bought them and dropped the ball.

Now as far as office subscriptions go, those are not going away. They are selling like hotcakes (and worth it too). And xbox is doing well, that isn't going away any time soon.

Ferenc Toth

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Nov 3, 2015
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I loved Groove Music and how it seamlessly integrated mp3s on OneDrive with the music from the Pass. While I am OK to move to another streaming provider, I am heartbroken by the shut down of Groove. I have been so excited the way Office 356, Windows 10, and OneDrive, etc. are heading in with the cloud based services so all my devices are always in sync. I was going to go all in to the MS ecosystem. I think MS was on track to make the best OS. The shut down of Groove is the first symptom that something is wrong. I question how long the other services are going to last, Movies, Books, so I am hesitant to buy any of them from Microsoft. I think many people feel and feel that the other services will eventually meet the same fate as well. I had so much hope for Windows 10, and I've lost all of it because of the Groove shut down.


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Jul 29, 2013
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Groove music cancellation was a huge disappointment for me. Heavily invested in the MS ecosystem for both work and leisure. I wouldn't be so disappointed if Spotify actually worked on my Lumia 950. Unless a UWP version comes out before Dec 31st, I will reluctantly switch to Android.


Mar 24, 2011
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Yes, still angry. I'm not the typical user, however. I didn't use Groove as a "streaming radio" because, frankly, nobody gets that right. I'm so very particular in my music that we buy our music, and we only buy music we're interested in listening to. We used Groove as a way to BUY the specific music we wanted, download it into our OneDrive, and then stream our library. Now we have to find a different way to buy our music. Very few of the most common options are palatable to us. Spotify is a complete waste of time since A)their app sucks and doesn't really work B)you can't buy music. One of the additional benefits of Groove was that it was integrated with the entire Microsoft experience with the one account. That's gone now. I simply don't trust Microsoft not to ruin every single product or service they have. As long as Satya Nadella and his inner circle are there, this idiocy will continue.


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Sep 23, 2013
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I live in Greece. Here we couldn't subscribe. So it doesn't affect me directly. My main problem is the lack of trust i have in Microsoft right now. I was planning to go all in Microsoft ecosystem. I have planned to buy an Xbox. Should I ? Should I buy a Surface and get an office subscription. I don't like the Google nor apple ecosystems. In fact I was waiting groove to support Greece. Also, should we buy into the new Andromeda os ? Or should we move to android till Satya goes down?
Sorry for my bad English guys

I have been a solid fan of MS ecosystem for years. But now, under Nadella's governance, I strongly suggest you to adopt another ecosystem. I am not a fan of Apple, but now I wish I had chosen them in the first place, because they are loyal to their fanbase.
I am not saying that Nadella is a bad CEO. He raised MS value on the market and all. But he is not a loyal guy. Not to his loyal customers. I found Ballmer to be a dumb public figure, but at least he fought for MS fanbase.
All in all, I am now confused as to where to put my money in the long tem.
I think android at the moment.

Aaron V

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Apr 4, 2015
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Re: onWhy I'm pissed off about the music pass death

I live in Greece. Here we couldn't subscribe. So it doesn't affect me directly. My main problem is the lack of trust i have in Microsoft right now. I was planning to go all in Microsoft ecosystem. I have planned to buy an Xbox. Should I ? Should I buy a Surface and get an office subscription. I don't like the Google nor apple ecosystems. In fact I was waiting groove to support Greece. Also, should we buy into the new Andromeda os ? Or should we move to android till Satya goes down?
Sorry for my bad English guys
Yes I am pissed, but I guess there is Spotify, which sucks on Xbox one. Groove was awesome on all platforms.


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Jul 27, 2016
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I'll continue using Groove. Yes, i'll need to purchase my MP3's from somewhere else, but I'll still put them on Onedrive and stream them to all my devices.


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Jun 3, 2013
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Still working on it a week later. Basically very inconsistent answers from agents, agents not properly updating or reading notes on the account, agents hanging up on me, agents trying to tell me things like where the pass was purchased matters as the retailer should give me a refund for the redeemed pass, things like that.

Basically just a very unfriendly and hostile experience at almost every turn

The opposite of what I stood for when I was in the upper echelons of support at Microsoft.

Evidently my documenting the process on social media has attracted the attention of some folks and I should be getting a call either tomorrow or Tuesday from a senior engineer from main campus.

It also has attracted a guy from the Xbox forums (non-staff, just a preview member) to start stalking and trolling me too. He's upset that I've called him out for bashing MS about bugs in Alpha Ring software and so he thinks it's hypocritical that I'm upset about an actual real world issue.

Good luck! They've told me, somehow, I never paid for my subscription and therefore am not eligbe for a refund...another support member told me that he canceled for me and I would receive my 99 euro's back...never got it. Last resort: Involved paypal. Been going at it for a month now.


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Nov 26, 2015
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I live in Greece. Here we couldn't subscribe. So it doesn't affect me directly. My main problem is the lack of trust i have in Microsoft right now. I was planning to go all in Microsoft ecosystem. I have planned to buy an Xbox. Should I ? Should I buy a Surface and get an office subscription. I don't like the Google nor apple ecosystems. In fact I was waiting groove to support Greece. Also, should we buy into the new Andromeda os ? Or should we move to android till Satya goes down?
Sorry for my bad English guys

Xbox is the best division of Microsoft when it comes to consumer relations. They keep adding services and making that system better. It is completely the opposite when it comes to Windows or mobile. I wouldn't worry about getting an Xbox.

Office is in the same boat. Microsoft makes too much money from Office to mess around with it. Surface is an extension of the enterprise platform and is pretty solid.

As far as phones go, I would recommend Android or iOS. Neither of them is as smooth or ad-resistant as WM10, but it's all that is left.


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Dec 10, 2010
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You can still go all-in. Just beware that Microsoft is looking to the future. An Xbox is as solid as an investment as you can make, considering its a console. A Surface is a solid buy as is subscribing to Office 365. Office is part of their core business.

I read recently comments, however, that Microsoft may be exploring how to put game processing up in the cloud thereby allowing anyone access to their games via thin clients (like browsers and tablets). If this comes to pass, that could mean the end of Xbox (at some point). Will it end with this generation? Highly doubtful. Sony bought -OnLive- that did the same thing. I tested it before Sony bought them, and it worked surprisingly well. I played Darksiders 2 on a web browser while at work. Again, surprisingly well. Still, all Sony has done since has sat on it. They didn't want to bring about the death of console hardware, yet. They aren't ready for that. Microsoft... may be.

Having said that, the OP/OQ is about whether or not I'm miffed about Groove shutting down. The answer is YES. I switched to an iPhone as soon as Microsoft did another pivot. I'm okay with the pivots. I want Microsoft to survive and accept their business decisions towards that end. But, I was a long time Windows Phone user dating back to the first Windows Phone 7 device, Samsung Focus. I participated in all of their beta stuff, all of the iterations, on many many devices. But I was ready to let them do them. In switching to the iPhone I felt like a *****. But, Microsoft made it easier for me to switch. I had all of the apps I enjoyed on Windows Mobile right on iOS. Some of them work a little better. Groove was among the apps/ services I really enjoyed. Mostly because of my personal library uploaded to OneDrive. It was a great innovation that worked well for me. Now comes Groove's exit and I was panicking. I've since took Microsoft up on Spotify and I have to say that, while it took a while to explore its layout and features, I am digging it more and more. I love the integration re: remote music outputs such as Sonos, wifi speakers, consoles, etc. I love that my playlists and collection (matched songs anyway) were migrated successfully. Overall, I think I'm going to be happy with the service that millions adopt. Plus, music is Spotify's CORE business. They can do them and we can know that our needs will be their focus.

Microsoft has done some great things over the years. I'll always be a fan and a user as long as it makes sense to be. From the early days of hardware (Sidewinder, keyboards, and mice) to the now (Surfaces, keyboards, mice, hololens, etc). I personally own a Surface Pro 3, Surface Pro 4, several Windows 10 gaming PCs (Alienware Aurora/ 18/ X51), Xbox One, and soon and Xbox One X.

Honestly, with their refocusing at play, I kind of wish they would do something about Xbox Video. We know now they want to get out of media. It is too much for them to compete on so many different fronts and to do it well. They should work out a deal with Vudu, for instance, and allow us Xbox Video adopters a way out. They didn't have to work something out for Groove users, but they did.

I am not making excuses for Microsoft, but I am accepting their excuses. I understand them. I'm not giving up. I'm just more on stand-by watching what they do next.

If I had to speculate about anything, I'd say that the reason they didn't release a Surface "mini" is because that might distract from the rumored Surface "mobile" device. i.e. The Surface "mini" might actually compete against a smaller form factor tablet with telephony support and confuse customers. Perhaps, in the same manner that the Surface Laptop confused Surface users. I mean, didn't Microsoft say Surface was the tablet that could replace your laptop? Why make a laptop!? Hehe.

Anyhow, I say go for it. I have been thinking a lot about this because I've been wondering the same thing. Forgive me for my rambling dribble.


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Feb 6, 2016
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I can understand the costs of licensing music and the fact they were typically last on some releases to get content but it seems like a diversion from their specified intentions. They don't have the apps to fight the fight but I felt integrating the store with music, videos, and books was a step in the right direction that might at least intrigue PC customers to utilize their services. So without digital content, apps are pointless too right?. When I'm on my computer, the only "Apps" I really used are the Weather and Calendar so I can quickly see stuff on the start screen.

I feel like they will abandon the store altogether next year because I feel the driver for that is really Mobile, it just doesn't feel viable without it. And I'm not sold on the mobile PC that Jason Ward has been writing about for 2 years. Just give me a tablet with LTE in that case. Even still, running desktop apps from a small screen is a horrible experience in case any of you have never tried remoting into a PC from a phone. It sucks and honestly unless you are in an office designed to plug your phone into some random monitor or TV, that experience is burdensome. I don't want to run desktop apps on a 7" screen because it's impractical... but all that is a tangent.

I enjoyed Groove's pass and I'm glad I didn't renew it now. I would have rather Microsoft suggested some other service than Spotify like Tidal or even Play, the Windows Store app is useless in comparison with the desktop app. I'll probably just go back to buying physical CDs and ripping them on my computer like I used to.

Nenea Aglaia

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Nov 9, 2017
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I live in Greece. Here we couldn't subscribe. So it doesn't affect me directly. My main problem is the lack of trust i have in Microsoft right now. I was planning to go all in Microsoft ecosystem. I have planned to buy an Xbox. Should I ? Should I buy a Surface and get an office subscription. I don't like the Google nor apple ecosystems. In fact I was waiting groove to support Greece. Also, should we buy into the new Andromeda os ? Or should we move to android till Satya goes down?
Sorry for my bad English guys

You are not the only one...Groove follows in the steps of Windows Media Center...both of them had something no other product on the market had....WMC was the only media center app able to play protected video streams...Groove is the only one I know that allowed offline play of your playlists...
In both cases Microsoft ignored the fact that their subscriber numbers could have multiplied by 10 with a bit of clever advertising. I am very disappointed to say the least...


Dec 8, 2012
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I just wish MS Groove would let us non subscribers export our play lists to m3u or any common playlist file.

My wife and I have our lifetime music collections on onedrive. We are 60 plus and have accumulated large collections. I have extensive playlists. It would just be fair to be able to export them so we could import into other products. We both gave up on windows phone. She has IOS and I have android. I have no faith that MS will take care of this app for non-subscribers.


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May 10, 2011
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I am crushed. Like many previous posts, I use Groove across multiple platforms ( 2 Surface Pros, 2 Lenovos, 2 Xboxes and 2 Samsung S8+ (used to be Lumia 950's, different topic)). The thing that Groove did well for me is that it managed my local files. I have about 20K music files, and not all of them are top 40 hits, so when Spotify looks at my drive it finds about 65% of my files.

That means that I can't access 35% of my music from a service that I am supposed to pay for. That is not acceptable. I don't even have that weird of a collection, a lot of this stuff was available on Groove in the store or at least on Amazon.

The Spotify app for Xbox is an absolute **** sandwich. Sorry for the language. The functionality is a joke. I still use Groove at home for now.

My project for November is to trial Amazon Music and Google Play to see if any of those can handle the local file problem better. I have looked into other streaming options, but only Amazon and Google make an honest effort to handle local files. Would love to hear if there are other solutions.

I was sad to see Zune go, that app worked well, but Groove was getting there. Yet again MS is giving up, hard to see what they will be left with when they lose the battle for the complete ecosystem.


72_occult HC

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Nov 9, 2017
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Windows or Android Are you Kidding!!!

I think Microsoft is moving into the future and are focusing on new things, streaming music i have always said will die a death, why? because its bad for business by that i mean many artists are pulling there songs away from this service and the streaming market has suffered in the last few years making a loss, so maybe this is why MS have pulled the plug on there service, not saying it is but i have been arguing this for a few years with friends, that streaming music its not the best way to listen to music. As for SPOTIFY they are losing artists aswell who are pulling there whole albums off the service as the artist are losing money.
That said, i love my Microsoft phone, i download all my 3,000 albums down to Amazon music then download the tracks to a 128GB micro sd card in the phone and listen away for hours on end, plus i can access my Xbox community from my phone, cross platform from XBOX to my PC and if my phone is in different room, it sends all my whats app message through to my PC so i don't miss whats happening in my friends circle, i can link my printer to my phone and when away from PC it send stuff from phone files to PC/ printer to print off so one less task to do when i am home, with my windows phone is like taking my office with me on the go, so that's what i love about Windows that i could never do on android.


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Nov 9, 2017
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I live in Greece. Here we couldn't subscribe. So it doesn't affect me directly. My main problem is the lack of trust i have in Microsoft right now. I was planning to go all in Microsoft ecosystem. I have planned to buy an Xbox. Should I ? Should I buy a Surface and get an office subscription. I don't like the Google nor apple ecosystems. In fact I was waiting groove to support Greece. Also, should we buy into the new Andromeda os ? Or should we move to android till Satya goes down?
Sorry for my bad English guys

Hi . It's a shame that groove is shutting down .But I would suggest you to hold buying a xbox and the surface laptop . Instead u can buy a high end laptop which can help you in both entertainment and the productivity . But the Microsoft office is still a good thing to purchase if you have more than a device and works multiple devices at the same time . As for Android I'm an Android user myself I have the freedom of selecting the app which suites me or even the version of Android which suits me if you are a developer . And with Microsoft office subscription it is easy for you to continue from the Android where you left it in your PC . Andromeda OS is in it's early stage it may take a while before considering it as serious option . I'm Sharing my experience .I'm myself in India . I don't even have Spotify here . I'm currently using Google play music subscription . Which is ok .


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Mar 28, 2013
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I get why is everyone angry I was a bit myself as well though I sat here and thought well heck Windows XP is out of service and Windows Vista is out of service... Soon to be Windows 7 is out of service soon I believe... I don't see everyone getting mad about the money the spend on a OS after x y z of years that has passed.

None of us work for Microsoft and im sure they have logical reasons to close it down as they said.... Take a chill pill guys there other services from other company's. Let Groove pass in peace. It had it run now it time to go. :)

That's not a good comparison. Windows XP and others go out of service because it has a successor. Groove going away left us with only poor alternatives. I understand services and products get cancelled but the amount of them getting cancelled in short order leaves a very bad taste in peoples mouths. Trust in any new product or service from them is at an all time low. I sure as hell am done being a beta tester for them.

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