Why I'm pissed off about the music pass death

Honestly, with their refocusing at play, I kind of wish they would do something about Xbox Video. We know now they want to get out of media. It is too much for them to compete on so many different fronts and to do it well. They should work out a deal with Vudu, for instance, and allow us Xbox Video adopters a way out. They didn't have to work something out for Groove users, but they did.

Speaking of Xbox Video, I have built up a pretty good library from them thinking I'm safe with a large corporation like this. But after the announcement of Groove, I have stopped buying movies and videos from them completely. I don't even care about the weekly or holiday specials.
Switching to Pandora. I just received my new Fitbit and am able to use the Pandora service with it along with Bluetooth device connectivity. Will NOT ever trust Microsoft to deliver a consistant supported solution for my music going forward. I dont care if they offered some other service in its place. I am to the point where I want and need consistant services by a company with vision and flexibility. More and more Microsoft has dropped the ball. Don't get me wrong, some great stuff has been introduced these past couple of years...the operative word here is consistancy! Microsoft has been consistant in one area though...and that is "dropping the proverbial ball"*
I wish Microsoft had gone the whole hog when they got bored with consumers and sold Groove to Spotify. Then we could still use the vastly superior Groove ap, with one drive integration, but benefitted from Spotify's library.

The fact is that MS make the best OS for desktop and mobile, they own enterprise and gaming for the moment, but they will cease to become relevant when they pair back their consumer service lines at a time when more and more of our daily lives are going online. The enterprise driven cloud first strategy is a death knell simply because business architecture is becoming more open platform and employees can choose what hardware and OS they are comfortable with. With MS's attitude they will never compete on consumer services and I know I have to stop being a ******.

The thing is I don't like the other options. Apple is for people who buy Versace branded t-shirts made in Bangladesh, which leaves Google. Chrome OS and Android are weaker as platforms, and you can trust Google with your data like a fat kid with cake, but their services are unparalleled and they always will be because they are set up to succeed. I am going to give Android another go, will get stuck into Google home and speakers and as soon as steam opens on Chrome OS, MS office works there and a sensible hardware provider like HP starts building stuff for Chrome OS I am off and good riddance to Mr Nadella and his team of failure eating surrender junkies.
Totally agree with others about finding it harder and harder to trust buying into ms consumer products.
What upsets me the most about Groove going away, is there is no other music Service with OneDrive integration. Really liked the combo of my music and the access to music I don't own. Really have no interest in uploading my collection to some other cloud Service.

Satya says he regrets not paying attention to loyal consumers, then within days they announce groove shutting down. Evidently he regrets it, but still is not learning from it.
Yeah. I'm not at all happy with MS anymore and they broke my back with this. I don't trust them anymore. Period. I was always loading my MS account up for movies and games but with the music death you know Movies and TV is next. I've got a nice digital library that I expect is going to go belly up next. I'm looking at VUDU or FanDango as an alternative.

Any who, I just moved to the Spotify family plan. At least there is that for the wife and kids. Not too bad with the desktop client but the full screen stuff is a horrible experience. Groove was tops with the rotating album art and I have already blasted the Spotify community about that. For anyone else that is making the move to Spotify and like that feature I recommend you get on the community feedback and light them up.

I am due in Jan for a phone upgrade. Not sure what I'm gonna do. Looking at the LG V30 or the S8+... I dunno.
My apple 6S+ is long in the tooth and boring. I still pop my sim into my iDOl 4S once in a while for a ride and then realized the other day I cant play any music on it anymore. (Yeah I know. That last statement is a stretch but I'm a streamer and the Spotify app on the phone doesn't work.)
When I opened Spotify on Columbus Day and it said, "Let's find some music to celebrate Indigenous peoples' day" I just shook my head. The interface sucks IMO. It's not that I'm hating just because I like Groove so much.. It's just too busy and feels like a sales pitch all the time
Still really pissed, and reminded of it every day when I try to stream music. Spotify DOES NOT WORK on WP, and YES, I still have Windows phones and so does my entire household. We also have iPhones and Android, but DO NOT LIKE ?????? THEM. Get it Nutella, you ******* ******. Anger from GOOD customers, from LOYAL customers comes from poor/no communication, and from misleading and out right lying. You haven't done any favours to us by transferring playlists to a service that doesn't work on our phones. WTF!
There's only one option. Groove music is still a thing. The option is that a company buys it and does a proper job.
I live in Greece. Here we couldn't subscribe. So it doesn't affect me directly. My main problem is the lack of trust i have in Microsoft right now. I was planning to go all in Microsoft ecosystem. I have planned to buy an Xbox. Should I ? Should I buy a Surface and get an office subscription. I don't like the Google nor apple ecosystems. In fact I was waiting groove to support Greece. Also, should we buy into the new Andromeda os ? Or should we move to android till Satya goes down?
Sorry for my bad English guys

The lack of trust that MS has fostered with loyal consumers is going to really hurts them in the long run.
Of course I am disappointed. MS is killing off all consumer services. Groove was pretty solid. That is now leaving like Windows Phone. When I switch over to Android - I am getting rid of all my MS services...including OneDrive.

Amazon has a better price and won't abandon consumers.

Wake up MS. Soon business won't trust you if enough consumers don't.
I'm most disturbed at Microsoft because I bought a number of albums a few years ago that I cannot download any more. I thought if I bought the albums through the MS Store, they would always be there for me. Apparently, when a record label rescinds the rights to their catalog, it means I can no longer download that album. That's incredible!!!
I'm mostly annoyed they rebranded the Music app to Groove. It was and still is a terrible name. I would like them to remove the branding and just call it Microsoft Music again or something.

You're right though. Microsoft is not building a lot of confidence in their ecosystems when they're killing off so many in such a short amount of time.
Microsoft should be ashamed of their behaviour. They produce the best products and them kill them off one by one. How do they expect anyone to buy into any of their future ecosystems if all they'll do is to shut it down. I've been a fan since day dot but see no reason to stick with them going forward.
Well... I have to ask... with Music gone on the Windows store... what is left? Apps? I've never bought one despite owning six Windows 10 devices. Why isn't the Windows 10 Store next?
I am pissed off because I had 5 unused Xbox music passes and I have been unable to get a refund from Microsoft. I have been asking for weeks now. I bought 10 of these on sale a few years ago thinking they would last me into the next decade. I was wrong..
I use Groove a lot (still); on my phone (a 920), and at work when I'm working in the workshop. I have a collection of almost 45 000 tracks, so that variety is amazing. Spotify told me I can't add any more to my collection after I migrated it. :(
I dont like since they killed the Windows mobile. However, I expected this to be the strategy to bring the new class for mobile with phone enabled.

Then came Groove death. If you can read between the lines, it means there will be not such device, since it would need all apps they can get.

So, what then? I was a ******, now I am a hater. So when my WP works no more, I am going to IPhone. Not Android just because that is what MSFT wants us to do. And forget about any laptop with Win10. Dont need it, can use any Mac. There is also a lot of software to handle my documents, so I am not touching Office.

And I will pursue that the company I work for does the same. It´s good to be in IT.

They want your money, but only under their conditions. Hell NO. My money goes under MY conditios. Thankfully there are other options.
I am the die hard fan of Microsoft and windows. I live in India, where groove Music app not supported on android. Previously i used Lumia 520, but it become dead and that time Microsoft has announced about closing of Lumia Line, so I had to migrate to android platform. Microsoft break my faith.

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