Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

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"and supports both CDMA/GMS they indicated it should work on their network. They would not know for sure until they have more info about on it."

answers Microsoft dot com website. I would have posted the link, but CAN'T because I haven't posted 10 times....

No, it doesn't support CDMA. That's the problem.

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A long time ago someone mentioned that the carriers and especially Verizon fear and hate Microsoft because of Skype. If Microsoft ever gained the point of popularity of android they could kill the carriers with Skype. We would all be walking around with data devices. PC's with internet in our pockets.

This is going to happen. It is happening now. Unlimited talk and text is a given now because the main difference in plans is DATA. How much data and how much does it cost. If google had bought Skype perhaps Windows phone would be doing better now.
Paul Thurrott has an interesting article, "Your Fear of Limited Lumia Availability is Misplaced" to read about this.

In the comments section there is feedback from someone who went to an MS Store and was told it's not that the Verizon radio bands aren't in the chipset (which they are by default in both the 808 and 810), it's that MS has specifically locked out CDMA and band 13 in firmware. Which follows back to what Paul was told by MS execs about carrier relationships.

I saw that too. But what I didn't see was any kind of proof of any kind, just his assumption. I still highly doubt MS would do it to just be petty, there is much more likely a regulatory/licensing reason. I mean let's look at who is setting precedents for screwing the WP users. It's Verizon not MS. Verizon's handling of the Icon says a lot about this, I mean they even stripped out double-tap to wake from the Icon for no reason. My friend was furious about that when he upgraded from his 928. And by the way he had to upgrade via a used Icon because he couldn't even get it from Verizon because they retired it so fast. So basically until there is firm evidence, I still say Verizon is the cause. MS may or may not have locked the bands or not included them or whatever. But WHY is what matters. Context/intent are always necessary before we can understand the problem/place the blame.
Unlimited talk and text is a given now because the main difference in plans is DATA. How much data and how much does it cost.

I find it fascinating how the pendulum has swung. First it was really expensive for voice and text and we got unlimited data for just a few dollars. Now it's unlimited voice and text for a few dollars and the data is expensive.
That's because it doesn't really matter what it costs to the carrier, it matters what customers are using most. That's the most billable item to them.

I can't imagine what the next most "billable" item will be in the wireless industry. Probably not voice and text again. Data for the foreseeable future. Maybe on the fly hardware upgrades after that? Modularity of phones and experiences that will drive users to want many different components and accessories? Something that can be made into a subscription, ideally.
From (posted above)..


Paul Thurrott said:
But I was also told that part of this strategy would involve rethinking its carrier relationships. Those carriers that were friendly to Windows Phone—like AT&T in the United States, I was explicitly told—would continue to be offered the chance to sell Windows phones going forward. Those that were not—Verizon, again, explicitly—would not.

So, Microsoft said S.C.R.E.W Verizon because of their support in the past, and clearly listed Verizon. Looks like they will not be supporting Verizon even in a unlocked model.

Due to Verizon telling people NOT to buy a Windows Phone, you will not get these models on Verizon or get them to WORK on Verizon.

This is a end of story thing, Close this thread, If your a Verizon customer and want a 950/XL, you can dream about it but, only way your getting it is going to AT&T or TMOUS.

Personally, Microsoft thinks their crap does not stink but, with 3.5% of the marketshare, they are shooting themselves in the foot. They are too big and they think they cant die, so in 4-5 years, Windows Phone could be DEAD due to Microsoft's poor choices. This phone should be on EVERY carrier who is willing to take it, if people want it, LET THEM HAVE IT. Don't limit your customer options, very dumb move and does not take a business major to see that.

The old...You don't have the apps, because you cant sell the phones....but, you cant sell the phones because you DONT have the apps.....And your going to limit the customers who can access your flagship phone ? Really ? Will Microsoft actually learn how this all works ?

WIth the word of them jumping up unlimited data people $20 on Verizon.... I might be getting one after all, as I might give TMOUS a try if they make my Unlmited data cost $50 per month.
And this very thing happens when you go into a store and ask about a WP. W10M is likely to collect dust and die in carrier stores for this very reason. I don't believe MS wanted to scale back carrier availability considering 90% of sales in the US happen inside carrier stores. MS was forced to because A] other carriers don't care (especially Verizon if they can't control the updates and bloatware) and B] selling them in stores was futile because salespeople are very biased towards iPhone and galaxies.

The market is too saturated and the carriers have too much control in the US for WP/W10M to be given a fair shake. It's too saturated and feelings for one's preferred phone platform is too entrenched for WP/W10M to grow. Maybe MS should all but abandon the US market, and maybe that's their objective. Focus on Europe and developing nations. Projections show that the Indian, Chinese, and African smartphone market will dwarf the US market by 2030. Maybe MS is smart enough to focus on these long-term goals now.

Abandon the US market because CDMA carriers won't play? Why? They can do what they are, which is a GSM phone that works with tmo and att. And CDMA is going away too, vzw and sprint are transitioning to GSM. So this problem is temporary, as GSM just needs a good SIM card to work.
.And CDMA is going away too, vzw and sprint are transitioning to GSM. So this problem is temporary, as GSM just needs a good SIM card to work.

Temporary ? Sure Verizon and Sprint are going away from CDMA and going to LTE that is a GSM based tech but, this transition will take YEARS to be fully moved to LTE. Verizon claims they have the best coverage is because they can DEPEND on their 3G/CDMA network in dead spots, this will be like this for many years to come.

By the time Verizon and Sprint at 100% away from 3g/CDMA (5-10 years) with Microsoft's choices here, Windows Phone will not even be an option for a phone.

Think about it....
For anyone saying Verizon is necessary for any kind of success remember: Verizon has had the Trophy, 822, 8x, 928, Icon, Ativ SE, HTC One M8, 735, Lancet. With all those devices on the "savior" carrier WP has hardly budged its marketshae in the US. The only thing we could count on with WP devices at Verizon is that they would be placed in the back of stores, never promoted and anyone asking to buy one would be laughed at and/or have to practically beg to walk out the door with that device.

After years of us complaining on this very forum for Microsoft to take action against crap carriers like this they finally did, yet here we are with people moaning. Personally I applaud this move, it wont make one jot of difference to their sales numbers as you could hardly buy a Windows device from Verizon today anyway. So lets kick that delusion to the curb right now.
You don't fix the situation by removing more potential customers from your pool. The fact that MS has such a small US marketshare despite having phones on all carriers will not be improved by saying "Oh, well then, lets remove 40% of the market from even having the option."

MS should have sold direct, unlocked, and handled all support in house with a minimal commission to phone carriers. Add a simple 2 year payment plan that is easy to qualify for and they would have had a winner. Instead they think we still live in the era of "hero devices" and phones as drivers to carrier cell contracts. And due to that, they are now looking very likely to lose the mobile battle entirely.
I could personally care less which one of these two companies is at fault. What Verizon has done in the past has forced this rift to exist. Since I live in the Tampa area, I have a choice in carriers without too much of a difference (though at work Verizon gets a better signal than AT&T, but, who knows, maybe these dual adaptive antennas can change that). As such, considering all the bull involved with Verizon and updates being blocked for their idiotic apps, I plan to exercise that choice should an unlocked Verizon capable 950XL not be available. I will either go to an AT&T store and use Next (should they change their minds and carry the device) or I will simply pick one up at the MS store and be done with it. I'm tired of the whole CDMA lock-in bs. I want FREEDOM to choose my fricken phone! The carriers should stop being the device conduits and start being just the network access providers.

One thing I have noticed about this whole affair, though, is that MS is actually getting tons and tons of press time over this and their new phones. Their phones have never seen this much press, save maybe the 920, which was Nokia's of course. But even that phone probably didn't see quite this much hype. I also think a lot of people forget how much angst there was over Verizon not getting the 920 as well. All of the hype generated over these phones is actually a boon, and the tight availability will increase demand to a certain degree. This might actually turn out to be a great thing in the end, but we'll see.
Why is this thread still floating around here lol

Because it's interesting and not everyone works the same hours. I hate it when a power hungry moderator just decides they know what's best. For all you know a disgruntled employee might come on here at 2 in the morning tonight and post what's really going on since it appears no one really knows.. :)

OR, move to the Verizon Max data plan. It's 6GB instead of unlimited, but it's the same cost as 2GB normally on the older plan. So a good consolation prize for anyone who doesn't want to go to the newer, simpler plans.

Is the Verizon Max data plan still available? I don't see it on the website. As much as I love my unlimited data, I am not going to pay an extra $20/mo for it.
Temporary ? Sure Verizon and Sprint are going away from CDMA and going to LTE that is a GSM based tech but, this transition will take YEARS to be fully moved to LTE. Verizon claims they have the best coverage is because they can DEPEND on their 3G/CDMA network in dead spots, this will be like this for many years to come.

By the time Verizon and Sprint at 100% away from 3g/CDMA (5-10 years) with Microsoft's choices here, Windows Phone will not even be an option for a phone.

Think about it....

I can tell you from personal experience that I live in a densely populated part of NY and AT&T's service trumps Verizon's.This just gave me another reason to walk. The day the announce a release date will be the day I make my last Verizon payment.
Is the Verizon Max data plan still available? I don't see it on the website. As much as I love my unlimited data, I am not going to pay an extra $20/mo for it.

It is still available. Contact a rep and ask for it. It can be applied, but is only available to those who have unlimited data, currently, such as yourself. 6GB for the same price you're paying now. Or PM me your phone number and PIN (or last 4 of social if you don't have a PIN) and I'll change it for you.
If Microsoft locked out the CDMA bands, they had a reason. They could have left Sprint's CDMA Band open and just disabled the Verizon bands. They may have disabled them for a variety of reasons. Some of them just could be the headaches of returns.

While Verizon is supposed to allow unlocked CDMA phones on its network, it can give you a hard time. I have two friends that recently purchased Moto X Pure Editions that were told the phones were unapproved devices that Verizon did not fell were fully compatible with the network. Verizon refused to activate them and the SIMs did not automatically work. Both do not have contracts. They called Verizon to clear it up and Verizon gave them a hard time until they both threatened to leave for a carrier that would have no problem with the phone. Verizon then activated it after they were threatened. One of them left anyways and took it to AT&T.

I'm not sure if Sprint has any obligation to allow those unlocked devices. Verizon has its hands supposedly tied (though they act like they don't - I've heard more than one story from friends and even Verizon reps at stores) due to the spectrum auctions they've participated in. They've had to agree to certain things, but the FCC also has to be willing to enforce it. Just because the FCC says they have to do something doesn't mean that they do that thing.

So it could be that Microsoft knows Verizon will be a pain and they could foresee many phones being returned due to Verizon. A lot of customers will not call Verizon if they phone doesn't work and they bought it unlocked. And if they do and Verizon pulls a BS line about it being incompatible with their network, they'll return it. I would not be surprised to find out that many Moto X phones were returned because Verizon refused to activate them. I would also not be surprised if Microsoft had heard about it.

I know people had issues with the Nexus 6.

Satya Nadella wants people to LOVE Windows. It's hard to love a product that doesn't activate, even if that is not your fault. T-Mobile and AT&T will have no issues activating the unlocked version.

If Microsoft could get guarantees from Verizon, especially guarantees they could use to sue Verizon over should they get snotty, then I could see MS unlocking the CDMA bands if they're there. But I think they want a means of forcing Verizon to activate them that would provide MS with legal recourse should they not. Just a guess. I don't think it's being spiteful, I think it's knowing how Verizon behaves and not trusting them, even with unlocked phones.

A rep at my local store told me they've had activation issues with unlocked iPhone 6s phones. Verizon is not a company that likes it when you get a phone from anyone other than them or an update from anyone else (unless its an iPhone and they have no choice).
I went to the microsoft store last night. Checked out the 950XL. I spoke to the rep, and this phone WILL NOT work on Spring,or Verizon. It is onlya GSM phone.
"...but, with 3.5% of the marketshare, they are shooting themselves in the foot. They are too big and they think they cant die." America is not the most important market for WP at the moment. Best to focus on the markets where they can be successful, and wait for carriers to unbundle data from hardware. The US market is pretty crazy, and not really based on free market forces.
Let me get this straight.. I am currently with Verizon and have a Galaxy Note 5 and an IPhone 6+... I can go into Microsoft Store and buy an unlocked 650xl and just throw my SIM into it and it will work?
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