For anyone saying Verizon is necessary for any kind of success remember: Verizon has had the Trophy, 822, 8x, 928, Icon, Ativ SE, HTC One M8, 735, Lancet. With all those devices on the "savior" carrier WP has hardly budged its marketshae in the US. The only thing we could count on with WP devices at Verizon is that they would be placed in the back of stores, never promoted and anyone asking to buy one would be laughed at and/or have to practically beg to walk out the door with that device.
After years of us complaining on this very forum for Microsoft to take action against crap carriers like this they finally did, yet here we are with people moaning. Personally I applaud this move, it wont make one jot of difference to their sales numbers as you could hardly buy a Windows device from Verizon today anyway. So lets kick that delusion to the curb right now.