Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

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The reps don't know anything. Looking at the specs it does support all the SAME needed CDMA bands the 735 has plus a ton more.
There are two aspects to phone working -- the radio and the protocol.

The radio is the band part -- it is protocol agnostic. It may support the RF side -- if the protocol (CDMA, WCDMA, GSM, EVDO, etc) doesn't match, the radio is useless.

The radio in the phone may operate in the necessary bands for CDMA -- the phone does not support the appropriate codecs to integrate with the voice/text channels.

Too many people taking out of turn who don't know what they're talking about. . .
I'm a Verizon subscriber and I have been with WP for several years (Trophy - 822 - 928 - Icon currently) and I'm pissed off too but can you really blame Microsoft? Verizon says all the right things and then screws Microsoft over every time. We had to wait eight months before we got the 8.1 update even though there was nothing wrong with it (I joined the preview program and used it for months before it was officially released and NEVER had an issue) and every phone that Microsoft does announce gets held back for several months and then gets a quiet release AFTER a new iPhone or Android flagship gets released. The only carrier worse than Verizon when it comes to supporting the Windows Phone/Mobile OS is Sprint. So, honestly, I can't be mad at Microsoft for this decision. Hopefully, unlocked means that it will work on all carriers because I would rather just buy it directly from them and use it on whatever gives me the best service and price.
From Thurrott's article

Exactly. This is where we are now, and it's actually BETTER than before. With the exception of Verizon customers on contract, everyone else is better off - we can buy an unlocked, unbranded Windows Phone directly from Microsoft, getting regular updates.

The big question mark is what this will do to apps - but let's face it, that issue wouldn't have been solved with a Verizon phone.

All in all, we as "Windows Phone enthusiasts" have it better with this model than the previous carrier-based one.

What Thurrot's article does is put an exclamation point on something that many on Windows Phone fans sites never believed even after Microsoft took the Nokia write-off - that Windows Phone is a niche product and Microsoft will maintain it as a niche product.

It is a fantasy (and has been a fantasy for years) to think that Windows Phones will be competing against Android or Apple head-to-head in the marketplace. It will be more like a Volvo competing against GM, Ford, Chrysler in the U.S. People here buy Volvos but not many.

Maybe Panos Panay's team can work some magic with a Surface Phone next year.
I think a lot of of expect this. My guess it's at least a year out.

If they've laid enough ground work that sounds about right. But think about it. This guy pulled off the one thing at the show that nobody saw coming. And I don't think the idea of the Surface Phone came about when he took over Devices.
You might be right. But you won't see a surprised look on my face if it lands this spring or early summer. These Surface guys are sneaky.
What Thurrot's article does is put an exclamation point on something that many on Windows Phone fans sites never believed even after Microsoft took the Nokia write-off - that Windows Phone is a niche product and Microsoft will maintain it as a niche product.

It is a fantasy (and has been a fantasy for years) to think that Windows Phones will be competing against Android or Apple head-to-head in the marketplace. It will be more like a Volvo competing against GM, Ford, Chrysler in the U.S. People here buy Volvos but not many.

Maybe Panos Panay's team can work some magic with a Surface Phone next year.

While we're using cars to put this thing in perspective, and it's been happening a few times today. I've heard 911, and Bentley mentioned. So here's another one. A few years ago someone asked a Mazda designer where we were headed. His answer was something like this.
We don't want to be in everybody's top ten choices, we want to be the #1 choice of enthusiasts.
That one just might work here. Microsoft doesn't need to dominate the phone market. It will be just one branch of a complete system.
I think this is an awfully long thread of assumptions, which will not be solved until someone gets one and pops a Verizon SIM into it. Note that other 'universal' devices have had issues. Over at an Android forum, I saw "My guess is that IMEIs for the Moto X Pure Edition from Motorola haven?t been loaded into Verizon?s systems yet and that?s why phones can?t be activated." Other sites talk about popping a Verizon SIM into a Nexus of some flavor and if the SIM had been registered it worked, but you couldn't register a new SIM in the phone. I'd say, when we get one, find a friend with a current Verizon SIM, or use your own, and pop it in there, and tweet, post, shout from a minaret, your findings. Short of any official announcement, all this is speculation. I will be getting one of these, though I am on AT&T, and will hunt up a friend with Verizon and try it. To much else to do between now and then to agonize over it.

It's not speculation that the CDMA bands are not supported in the official documentation. That's no assumption. They're not listed. They are listed for the 735, which does work on Verizon. If the phone cannot access the CDMA bands, regardless of if they are there and blocked or whatever, then it will not work with Verizon since it needs CDMA to even handshake with the LTE network.

I know A LOT of people have issues with the Moto X and we are weeks out from first shipments. Verizon doesn't want you using these things. They'll activate them if you threaten to call the FCC or threaten to leave VZW, but they'll make it a hassle.

I really think this issue with the Moto X, the Nexus 6, and even the iPhone 6s unlocked is why Microsoft has blocked the CDMA bands, if they are on the chip. I think they are, but Microsoft probably won't unlock the CDMA bands until they are sure users will not have an issue activating the phone on those networks.

For all we know, they tried using them on VZW and Sprint without any success or little success, so they decided to not go in that direction at the moment.
I'm starting to hate Verizon Wireless.

Beyond HATE at this point. Sure Phone signal is good, no issues or complaints there (cant remember the last time I had a dropped call). Their policies and clear hate for Windows Phone and Microsoft....Screw Verizon

Verizon customers, YOU ARE NOT GETTING THE 950 or 950XL on Verizon, It's not compatible with their network and Microsoft CLEARLY has say they are not working with carriers that screwed them over in the past and Verizon was at the TOP OF THE LIST.

The DREAM is over, if you want this phone and you live in the US, AT&T or TMOUS is your ONLY option...

This thread should be closed and this post should be a sticky.... seriously..
Completely agree. This is why I have been calling VZW and complaining that if I can't get the 950 XL on their network, I will simply close out my accounts and move my business to AT&T. Let's face it, there isn't ANY other phone like this one ANYWHERE! Apple, Google, Samsung, etc, none of them can plug in a USB-C cable and become a Windows 10 PC. None of them! Therefore, I want this phone and ONLY this phone! And if Verizon or T-Mobile, or Sprint won't offer it, then they won't get my business. Hello AT&T! I have already confirmed with AT&T that they will be offering both the Lumia 950 AND the Lumia 950 XL, so Verizon better get onboard while they still have a change to get MS to change the radios or they will be losing my business. More of you should decide to do the same thing. This is how Apple got started with the iPhone. It started as an AT&T exclusive because VZW wouldn't relinquish control of the updates, so Apple went to AT&T. VZW changed their minds when a lot of their business started leaving for AT&T because they all wanted the iPhone. Now, they will all want the Lumia 950 "PC" phone! And, as sales increase, so will app development.
Yea, they might surprise us, but I'm also thinking of a couple of things:

  1. Surface is more than a brand - it's an 'experience,' so I think they'll set a high bar..
  2. They'll want it on all carriers, which means all carriers given time test it, etc.
Well, VZW does not care about 3% users, but they are mistaken. If I have to move to AT&T then I will take my other 2 iPhones too, additional 6%.
While we're using cars to put this thing in perspective, and it's been happening a few times today. I've heard 911, and Bentley mentioned. So here's another one. A few years ago someone asked a Mazda designer where we were headed. His answer was something like this.
We don't want to be in everybody's top ten choices, we want to be the #1 choice of enthusiasts.
That one just might work here. Microsoft doesn't need to dominate the phone market. It will be just one branch of a complete system.

However, as I say every time the cellphone/car comparison is done... all cars run on the same gasoline. That's a big advantage for a small car maker.

I guess the best we can hope for is that Windows Phone will be the Tesla of smartphones? :)
Verizon is already starting to see some of the effects of T-Mobile's changes. It's why Verizon has simplified their plans and started offering large incentives to come back/switch to them. If enough WP users tell them they are leaving Verizon and the reasons why, I think you'll see an impact on them. They continue to spend a lot of money on tower upgrades, and need to continue to do so to increase LTE speed, bandwidth, and capability so that they can retire the CDMA service. They don't want to lose even 1% of their customers right now when they are already bleeding some off more than normal. It's not everyday you see Verizon offering the incentives they are currently offering.

As I said before, I'm tired of their...poo...just tired of it. I'm lucky that the area I live in is serviced well enough by AT&T. As such I will switch, and I will make absolutely sure they understand why I am switching. If they ever pull their heads out of their collective posterior orifices, I'll look at coming back. I will not be held hostage to a carrier on what phone I can get ever again. I'm done. I will have my 950XL and they can kiss my...
No chicken and egg argument at all. Verizon has to be the first to promote their phones, regardless of customer support. It is their responsibility. Example, when a new pediatrician opens a practice, don't you think it is his/her responsibility to promote the practice, or do you think clients should automatically just know the practice is there and begin going there? Same principal. Don't blame the customer when the company fails to promote their own product.

They don't need to promote a phone if they choose not to spend the money to carry it. They want to guarantee a return on their investment (like most people/businesses). They don't need to take any risk on Windows Phone (for now). They have plenty of phones that are a better bet. So they pass on Windows Phone. They won't carry it without good reason that it will benefit them.

This isn't just the vibe I get, but the answer I get from friends at corporate when we attend meetings.
I "started this thread a mere 5 DAYS ago" and WOW have I learned a LOT = thank you all for joining the party and shedding a TON of light on this whole debacle!

I have "concluded" that the 950XL HAS THE HARDWARE and Microsoft HAS DISABLED band 13 and CDMA + Verizon IS EVIL and "think they are a GOD", so ... I want what I want and "the heck with Verizon" as I am "tired of WAITING"! YES, I love the Verizon Network ... but, I am simply fed up with Verizon telling me what I can and can NOT buy!

Well "fellow Verizon PO'd users" like me - AFTER watching Paul Thurrott, who I have a TON of respect for as a "tell it like it is tech journalist" - start at about 41:50 and LISTEN to what Paul says ...


So, I drove to our local "Santa Clara store" and played with the 950XL on display for about 20 minutes and BAM = I no longer gave a flying $%$^$* about "Verizon" = I WAITED for the ICON ... then WAITED for DENIM and "NO MORE frigging Verizon WAITING" as Windows Mobile 10 will get a lot of updates!

I could EASILY SEE my daily "productivity SKYROCKET" with this "amazing 5.7 inch screen"!!!

I have had Windows Phones for many years - including the Lumia 928, and last 12 month the Lumia ICON - and, I just love the device! I also have an iPhone 6 Plus and "it was like Paul says in the video"!

So ... WOULD the 950XL be leaps and bounds "better" = enough to "switch carriers"???

YES ... so, unlike a Verizon store ... a nice, friendly young man came over to me and said "any questions"?

I said ... YES, can I pre-order and what are the "conditions and when will it arrive"?

He said ... of course!

SO, DID ...

1) Expected delivery on October 26, 2015 - he said, I could change my mind up to the day it arrives!
2) NO money down, NO credit card = only, my email address and phone number!
3) 30 day MBG - NO restocking charge
4) CARRIER "UNLOCKED" = MY favorite
5) Latest Windows 10 Mobile

I ***will find out how to reach the office of the CEO and Board of Directors*** and tell them WHY I am leaving - I will look joining for or start a separate thread !!!!!!!!!!!!

Soon, I will be part of the EX-Verizon "customers" BECAUSE Verizon would NOT support the 950XL!!!

After "playing with the 950XL for a mere 20 MINUTES", I already knew how awesome this 950XL TRULY IS!

I would NOT be surprised IF Samsung is "paying big $$$ to keep the 950XL OFF of VERIZON - maybe even Apple"???????
I got a chance to play with the XL Saturday, as well as the Tablet and 4. I spent over 30 minutes checking out the phone. Super light, and the Iris scanner was amazing. The MS store has the dual sim version, and is taking preorders with $0 down. I must say that I am impressed. Cannot wait to get my hands on one of these. Although I wasn't able to check out Continuum, as they had none of the docks to demo.
I could personally care less which one of these two companies is at fault. What Verizon has done in the past has forced this rift to exist. Since I live in the Tampa area, I have a choice in carriers without too much of a difference (though at work Verizon gets a better signal than AT&T, but, who knows, maybe these dual adaptive antennas can change that). As such, considering all the bull involved with Verizon and updates being blocked for their idiotic apps, I plan to exercise that choice should an unlocked Verizon capable 950XL not be available. I will either go to an AT&T store and use Next (should they change their minds and carry the device) or I will simply pick one up at the MS store and be done with it. I'm tired of the whole CDMA lock-in bs. I want FREEDOM to choose my fricken phone! The carriers should stop being the device conduits and start being just the network access providers.

One thing I have noticed about this whole affair, though, is that MS is actually getting tons and tons of press time over this and their new phones. Their phones have never seen this much press, save maybe the 920, which was Nokia's of course. But even that phone probably didn't see quite this much hype. I also think a lot of people forget how much angst there was over Verizon not getting the 920 as well. All of the hype generated over these phones is actually a boon, and the tight availability will increase demand to a certain degree. This might actually turn out to be a great thing in the end, but we'll see.


This is what I'm saying! Just provide me with network access! Let the companies do the rest!
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