Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

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Here's my issue with that article. It conveniently leaves out carrier responsibility. Like how Verizon took forever to update the Icon, when they finally did they removed double-tap-to-wake, and THEN they just flat out discontinued it. -Mobile was probably the quickest to orphan support for their Windows Phones over the last few years. Neither carrier really cares about Windows Phone. Sure AT&T hasn't been perfect, but they are definitely in the lead when it comes to supporting Windows Phone. So yeah it makes sense for MS to keep a narrow focus while still giving us a decent amount of choice (unlocked).

The Icon never had DTTW. So it never got removed.

The Icon had Denim before anything on AT&T.

AT&T neutered their 1520, still hasn't updated their 830 to support the latest Lumia camera features iirc.

How does it make sense to narrow your customer base that you're trying to grow by taking the extra effort to cut some of them out?
It's still not Microsoft's fault Verizon is the operator of choice in some areas though. There are plenty of opportunity to dethrone Verizon, smaller communal GSM networks for example. The point is, it's down to Verizon to offer phones their customers want - if enough people threaten to leave stating the lack of a 950XL as the reason, you will get a 950XL.

While it may be silly to "block" Verizon customers, it's pretty much a win-win for Microsoft. Sure, they lose out on some phone revenue, but they also "lose out" on support costs for the same. And since Microsoft is more and more turning into a services company, they'll be happy to provide you OneDrive, Outlook, OneNote, Office, Whatever services on any platform Verizon may carry.

Oh iI understand what you saying but for some Verizon is not a operator of "choice" they are the operator that "works" and that's a big difference.
Bottom Line - There needs to be a firm YES or NO on Verizon. The specs say NO. Microsoft and Verizon have no comment as of yet, which leaves a lot of speculation for us fans. As a Verizon user, this phone is sitting in my cart on Microsoft Store, ready to purchase if a firm YES is said by either Microsoft or Verizon. Sure, the market share is low and Verizon's history with Windows Phone is not good but there may be enough of a unified voice for something to be done for us fans...and no, not the Lumia 550
Let’s ask who the real villain is, Microsoft or Verizon?

If Microsoft did not make the phones CMDA ready wouldn’t that make them the ones cheating Verizon customers since they are the ones that developed the phone?

This discussion is just all preliminary until Microsoft or Verizon confirms.
No, it's not. How do I know this? Because I waited 7 months after the release of WP7 before the HTC Trophy finally showed up on VZW, not to mention the temper tantrum VZW threw because VZW Navigator, Voice Mail, NFL Network, VZW Backup weren't baked into the Lumia Denim firmware so MSFT put them back in just so VZW Windows Phone users could uninstall that crapware at first boot up.

VZW has a limited number of people to do testing and validation. It's obviously more important to VZW to have the next 6 android devices validated before they get around to doing so for Windows Phone\Mobile.

It's a sucky situation because they do have the best coverage, so YOU have to make the choice between the device / mobile OS YOU want or coverage. No, I don't like having to make that choice either.
It anyone else but me tired of reading about "low market share"??? There are MILLIONS of Windows Phone users IN the US MARKET! I am a "person", living in these great United States of America and I refuse to be lumped into the "only 3.5%"! So, what exactly is the US Windows Phone USERS population in the US? Yes, of course Apple and Android will be far greater but, I don't care, as I am a customer of Verizon and I want to "join a revolution of users to get my voice heard on Verizon"!!!

Does anyone here know the following:
1) Total estimate of smartphones in the US?
2) Total number of Windows Phones in the US market (to date)?
3) Total number of Verizon smartphones?
4) Estimated total number of Windows Phones on Verizon?

United we stand, divided we fall = let's TRY to create some MORE NOISE to "convince Microsoft to UNLOCK Band 13 and CDMA" - OR - FORCE Microsoft and Verizon to "officially says" the truth!

Perhaps, MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am a business user and "what the heck are Enterprise users in this BYOD world" going to "miss" with all of the NEW Work productivity features that the 950XL contains ... but, are ON VERIZON???
I spoke with one over chat also, and she said that it would work on their network. I even asked specifically about whether it would work over 3G in areas without LTE, and she said yes. So still conflicting info from big red.
I spoke with one over chat also, and she said that it would work on their network. I even asked specifically about whether it would work over 3G in areas without LTE, and she said yes. So still conflicting info from big red.
They simply don't know. Any answer you get is either a lie or a guess.

This goes for any CSR for any company, by the way, so not singling out Verizon. CSR info is completely useless unless you can verify it like 10 times and get the same answer. I requested a PIN for my credit card the other day, and asked repeatedly if that PIN would make it possible for me to use it in stores without having to use a signature. I asked clearly and got confirmation several times from the CSR. I get the card and the letter points out that the card is ONLY for cash advances at an ATM. CSRs know NOTHING (at least not any more than you and I can learn from a Bing search).
I'll throw down the gauntlet to Microsoft and Verizon = ONCE Microsoft can show "1 MILLION pre-orders" then Verizon WILL change their minds!

AND ... I do NOT mean 1 MILLION "consumers" ... I mean 1 MILLION "Enterprise direct purchase or BYOD influenced" Enterprise users!

I DO BELIEVE that the 950XL "contains ALL of Band 13 and CDMA" which is currently "disabled in firmware"!

Otherwise, WHY would Microsoft be selling "UNLOCKED dual sim versions" in their US stores?
Went to a Microsoft store during the weekend and tried to insert my Verizon sim card into the dual sim 950xl. None of the slots works for me. No signals at all.
I'll throw down the gauntlet to Microsoft and Verizon = ONCE Microsoft can show "1 MILLION pre-orders" then Verizon WILL change their minds!

AND ... I do NOT mean 1 MILLION "consumers" ... I mean 1 MILLION "Enterprise direct purchase or BYOD influenced" Enterprise users!

I DO BELIEVE that the 950XL "contains ALL of Band 13 and CDMA" which is currently "disabled in firmware"!

Otherwise, WHY would Microsoft be selling "UNLOCKED dual sim versions" in their US stores?

If what you say is true then that is putting the needs of the consumer on the back burner in lieu of a argument with a provider and that's not good.. If those bands are there but locked by firmware then the phone is not truly unlocked either.. Still not good...
If what you say is true then that is putting the needs of the consumer on the back burner in lieu of a argument with a provider and that's not good.. If those bands are there but locked by firmware then the phone is not truly unlocked either.. Still not good...

Well, what I am saying is that Microsoft - per the Paul Thurrott post - says that Microsoft has "said they can NOT WIN" in the "current smartphone market" against Apple and Android and is "narrowing their focus"!

I am a business user on Verizon! I just happen to also use my Lumia Icon for "personal as well"!

They did NOT say they are "abandoning the Enterprise and Business" market for smartphones = BYOD is still a key focus!
Hi, my name is Jan S. Thank you for contacting Microsoft Mobile Device Support. How may I help you?
9:59 am
Hi jan, my name's ben... so there's been a lot of debate going on regarding whether or not the 950 and 950 xl will work on verizon since it doesn't list cdma on its band/antenna list
10:00 am
i currently have verizon and am interested in buying the 950, will it work on verizon?
10:00 am
Let me check on that. Before we proceed, am I speaking with Ben Schmidt?
10:01 am
yes you are
10:01 am
Hello, Ben.
10:02 am
Thanks for your interest for Microsoft Mobile Device.
10:02 am
With regard to your concern, I would like to inform you that we are still unable to provide any information on what retailer or network operator will this be available since this is on their own discretion. It is best timely checking our website for the released of Lumia 950 and 950 XL will be announced without further notice.
10:04 am
I seek for you understanding.
10:04 am

Anyway, I replied that I understood, and any other questions I asked regarding the unlocked version of the phone simply went in circles about waiting for more information.
Just to be concise about a few things:

The 950xl physically supports Verizon, but has been programmed not to either at the discretion of Microsoft or Verizon (currently unknown). It IS possible for already-manufactured units to be updated to function on Verizon, assuming cooperation.

CDMA is NOT outdated technology! CDMA and GSM both have their own pros and cons! The ONLY reason GSM became the global standard is because the CDMA standard which is/was used in cellular devices is controlled by Qualcomm, which prevented other manufacturers from building devices. Just because more people are using it, that doesn't mean it is better; like iPhones.
Someone should make a sticky, the 950XL will NOT work on Verizon. Every 2-3 pages here we get someone posting the bands of the 735 to compare to the 950XL and missing the CDMA bands on the 735.

The 950XL DOES NOT HAVE THE BANDS for Verizon, Period, it will not work, Close thread and create a sticky on this.
Can't you see the point that despite not being the full specs, if the easily found specs are matching between the 735 and the 950/950xl it makes an argument that the published specs might not be inclusive as is the case with the 735? Maybe you have some insider information that you're not sharing but as far as I know all the arguments that the 950/950xl doesn't have CDMA support are simply based on specs published by Microsoft. So the specs published by MS for the 735 is relevant. Yes, there is apparently another list of specs for the 735 if you look long and hard enough. The 950/950xl are not even physically available yet so its hard to simply discount the possibility for specs to change and I assume your "period - it will not work" is nothing more than conjecture unworthy of a story ending period.

In fact, most sources indicate the chipset supports CDMA so a simple firmware update is all it would take. Is that incorrect? A specs page is pretty easy to update, although perhaps as with the 735, not worth the effort?
So the specs published by MS for the 735 is relevant. Yes, there is apparently another list of specs for the 735 if you look long and hard enough.

No, that's not if you "look long and hard enough". Those are the specs you get if you go to Microsoft's site and look at them. They are the official 735 specs published by Microsoft. You already saw the link.

The same site, using the same search method, gives the 950XL specs, without the CDMA.

That's all we have to go by.
what i dont understand is all this stuff about msft and verizon. all msft needs to do is unlock the cdma bands and be done with it. by LAW verizon MUST accept any unlocked phone onto their network. none of this negotiation crap. thats if they want vzn to carry the phone in stores. if verizon ppl want it then they will pay full price anyway since (for those who still have it) they lose their unlimited data if they "upgrade".

unlock the damn phone microsoft. it will sell.
The Icon never had DTTW. So it never got removed.

The Icon had Denim before anything on AT&T.

AT&T neutered their 1520, still hasn't updated their 830 to support the latest Lumia camera features iirc.

How does it make sense to narrow your customer base that you're trying to grow by taking the extra effort to cut some of them out?

Look my post wasn't a my carrier is better than your carrier argument, it was simply showing the Verizon precedent for not caring about WP users. Every Lumia 930 in the world (as far as I know) has double tap to wake, except the Icon, Verizon's special order 930. Let's not quibble over semantics of it being a different phone than the 930, etc.

Yes AT&T made a dumb call on the 1520, but they at least offered the 1520. And they didn't double-down on the PMA mistake, they rectified it with the 830 by leaving everything in tact (in fact they added PMA on top of QI) and even offered a 32GB version of the 1520 later. Yes the 830 doesn't have official denim yet, but there are alternate ways to get this (just updated my wife;s) and you could always buy an unlocked 830 if you chose. See on AT&T's network we have choice, I myself imported a 930 to use. On Verizon, you get...no...choice. That's the difference, so Verizon should be working harder to provide Verizon users with as much choice as possible device-wise.

Let's talk about narrowing your customer base. Verizon right now has 23 android devices available on their website, many of which we all know are ****. And three windows phones, two which are basically new releases but are budget devices. The flagship device is not the one preferred by most of it's windows phone customers (the Icon), and it's over a year old. Verizon has total control over whether or not they want to play ball with a part of their userbase. They don't care about WP, it has nothing to do with MS at all. You say MS went through some extra effort to cut out Verizon, well I have yet to see any actual proof of this. It's easy to just say MS disabled the bands to be petty, but what we have no proof of is whether or not they were forced to do so because Verizon wouldn't certify the phones due to their demands, etc. Remember how long it took the iPhone to get to Verizon? That was all Verizon, not Apple. So until we have actual definitive proof, let's just make the safe assumption that Verizon **** on us again. It's kind of their thing. :)
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