Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I own a small business and use windows (Surface Pro 3)/windows phone(Lumia830) as the corner stone of running my business. Many have prompted me to make the move to Apple but W10 works so well for me. I'd love to move to the next generation of capabilities with Continuum and winning the 950XL would enable me to quieten my nay-sayer cohorts once and for all!
I want this device cause It the only way to get windows 10 mobile. My old HTC and Nokia won't run windows 10 mobile. I would use it PROUDLY and show up my friends using those other phones
As a broke artist i can't afford another phone maybe by the end of the year or next. I know the 950XL is an awesome phone tho my 620 is nowhere out the door tho I had to replace the screen twice which equals the touch sensitivity no longer works well since it's the original digitizer i can still get by. I can't play games and typing is hell.......OK now i really want that phone......please :)
Good Luck to every one... best of lucks to me. In case I win I will proudly show it off, retire with honors my L930 and go back taking pictures (exp memory) and showing them off with continuum.
The large amount of internal storage would make it easy for me to add a larger music collection, a feature I value.
I could really use an upgrade from my BLU Win HD... This would be my best bet, especially since I wouldn't have to pay any money. I can't afford this thing on my own.
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