Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I've been using a Nokia Lumia 820 for 3 and half years now. Its time change.
i love nature photography, and the Lumia 950XL is the best device to take photographs! Plus windows 10 now supports arduino and i'd be great to use the phone to use it for home automation and robotics with the help of Continuum!
I would love to own this device! my 930 fell and the screen cracked, accidentally sliced my fingers a few times! My wife also needs a new phone. Her 1320 died months back and she's been using my trustee 920 backup phone. I hope i can win this!!! Yeah!!!!
I need a new flagship phone and I'd show this sucker off to my friends and family!
Hi folks !
First time I try a contest on Windows Central, while I'm a regular reader since Windows Phone 8 launch, and my Lumia 820.
I'll be happy to receive this big gift from you, and finally preach the good word of Windows 10 universality accross our devices (in France, by the way). Since I take a lot of photo and was in love with Lumia's camera quality, it's for me the best specification of the phone. Continuum and Windows 10 Mobile are also important for me.
Cheers, good luck to everyone else on the WinCentral community :winktongue:
i want to win because i am ready for something new for my mobile device. I have already ditched iOS and am looking for something different than Android
As a student, I don't get much chance to change a phone frequently.
The launch of Lumia 950 XL costs up to 3k+ in my country currency. I'm always a loyal Windows fans and reader of this site. Whenever there is new devices or new features released that are only available on new hardware, the only chance I get to experience those new innovations is at the Microsoft reseller store. I still has a Lumia 920, the phone that cost me 24 months savings as a student. The LCD screen has gone yellowish and the battery life has downgraded significantly. I need a replacement but I just can't afford one. If I can't win this, maybe someday I will earn enough money to really buy the phone.
My HTC 8x is slowly dying ... Broken screen, battery worn, scratched corners ... It was a great phone with a great camera, but this Lumia 950xl is on another level. It will be a great traveling companion of my Sony a6000, and a good substitute when I didn't take the camera on the bag...
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