Windows 10 for Lumia Icon

I put that build on my Icon last week, but I didn't notice any major changes. Video still recorded in mono, which might be a firmware thing, and if Verizon's treatment of the Icon before is any indication that might never get fixed if that's the case.

I finally caved in and bought a Moto X Pure Edition last week, and so far I like it a lot. The Icon camera was better, but that's about it hardware wise. I think Microsoft is on the right path, but I was tired of the app gap. I will keep using my Icon with Wi-Fi at home as a media player though. Maybe if W10M gets out of beta mode and apps come with it I'll return. :)
I went with the M9, and so far it's been ok. There are times it works great, then other times it starts to chug. Usually when I need to do something time sensitive.

The kicker is the M9 has the same SoC as the 950XL..
MikeSo speaks my mind ;)

... tired of the app gap
... using my Icon with Wi-Fi as a media player
... if W10M gets out of beta mode and apps come with it I'll return

I haven't jumped ship myself yet but I see it coming. I have to wait a little longer before buying a plastic android to see what Msft might decide to do. I haven't even tried W10 yet. And I already have my 8X for a media player ;)

But I'm the easiest possible customer. I don't play games, I don't socialize beyond FB and a little Twitter, I mostly do email, read news, watch videos. And even I'm falling into the gap. No Xfinity. Mint and MyFitnessPal gone. And so many cheap knockoffs, poorly maintained.

Sure, I can borrow one of my wife's iThings if I want to watch last night's Noah at the gym in the morning, but it's a little galling...

I think the 950 is cool but also insulting. I should pay like $600 out of pocket for a phone that's (let's face it) only a little nicer than my Icon and not even metal? Assuming Verizon will even let me use it?

I still like my Icon a lot, it's a little heavy but it's such a good handset. I love the dings in the corners where I've dropped it, you can see a glint of silver...
Last night, a new update to "Hey Cortana" became available.
This finally fixed my ICON so I can train cortana.
Previously, with other multiple updates to this Settings would allow me to start training Cortana, but the mic just wouldn't hear my voice. Even after multiple resets.

This latest update last night finally makes things right.

If you had the same issue, go to the app store and look for updates. It should be available and fix your same issue (hopefully) too.
Like you, I'm not ready to shell out $600 for the latest phone, tempting as it is.
With the rumors of a Surface Phone coming out next quarter, I'll wait. That one looks intriguing.

The Win10 build for ICON is finally stable in my usage, and I'll continue to use it for quite a while until the battery pukes, I drop it on concrete, out or something better and reasonably priced comes along.

I've had iPhone and Android over the past 5-6 years. Windows is by far my favorite for usage.
Millions of more apps? pshhhhaaaww. There are really only a few I care about and they're available on all the platforms I'm interested in (iOS, Android, Win)
I'm having a new issue. Sometimes I lose the data connection and I have to turn on and off airplane mode
You're not the only one. Many times I will be stuck on 3G and have to cycle Airplane mode to get LTE back. Another issue "Wifi Sense" will try to connect to a public AP when I am in the middle of using LTE. Not always a graceful handoff.
Made a second attempt last night after having the sad face show up three weeks ago when I tried to update to the preview W10m. This time, the update was much smoother, although it took a long time. Things seem to be working just fine. I was ready to leave Verizon for the 950 with either att or tmobile, but I just can't cut the cord on unlimited data. We'll see how I feel after I pay the additional fee for the unlimited that Verizon warned was coming.

Is anyone on ATT? Do their call drop as often as I heard?

Also, does continuum only work on the 950/950xl or can I use it with my icon now that it is running windows 10 m?

This is the longest I have ever owned a phone, but really, it is a great phone that gives you an incredible amount of choices when setting up your home page. I like it a lot.
As far as I know, Continuum only works on the 950/950XL...for now...

That is a FACT. Continuum is only on the 950 and 950XL models. It is NOT available on the ICON/930. They do not have the hardware support for it (how true that is, who knows) this was per Microsoft (was asked about last flagships directly...930 and 1520)

The BIG question...and may I add, the MILLION DOLLAR question.... Will Verizon provide Windows Phone 10 for the Nokia ICON/929 ? My magic eight ball says "No"....sigh more crap from Verizon..

Is anyone on ATT? Do their call drop as often as I heard?.

I am not on AT&T but, about 10 years ago, AT&T sucked in most areas, it's a different world, Even TMOUS is pretty good in some areas.

I would talk to people you know that have AT&T and even think about getting a Pre-paid phone to use for a week or 2...if you really have to know if they are that bad where you use it

......but I just can't cut the cord on unlimited data. We'll see how I feel after I pay the additional fee for the unlimited that Verizon warned was coming.

I got my bill the other day.....bastards... $50 a month for unlimited data ? I use a MAX of 12gb per month (adv about 4-8), so if I went around looking for a 15gb plan, something I know I would never go over. I would be well over $100 a month for data, I might shop around and be at $85 or so (and that would be a good deal for a metered plan).

$50 is not that bad if you think about it that way... Just wish I had the tethering option...
That is a FACT. Continuum is only on the 950 and 950XL models. It is NOT available on the ICON/930. They do not have the hardware support for it (how true that is, who knows) this was per Microsoft (was asked about last flagships directly...930 and 1520)

The only reason is because of USB-C. USB 2.0 wasn't designed to handle what Continuum is capable of doing.
hey bud for your apps that are,,,,,but are not actually there because they didnt fully uninstall or fully install....just go to the store and click to re download it. thats what i did. then i deleted some after reinstall
The only reason is because of USB-C. USB 2.0 wasn't designed to handle what Continuum is capable of doing.

Do you know that for a FACT ? (with proof to backup that statement)

Anyway about it, Microsoft did public say that NO CURRENT Windows Phone devices could support Continuum, and they were ASKED directly about the last flagships, 930 (ICON same thing), and 1520...was clearly said no.

If it is USB-C, due to the speeds, maybe but, it does not matter unless some 3rd party hacks it in with questionable performance.

After Microsoft requiring Office 365 to use Office in Continuum, it's a failure anyway. I am not going to pay extra just to use a Microsoft phone with a Microsoft app... Just so I can edit word and excel docs...

I wanted Continuum, I really did but, after Microsoft is going to be charging for office use, I no longer have a desire to use it... even if I had a 950XL, I don't think I would even touch it because of that.

Great way for Microsoft to screw up Windows Phone..that already has a 2-3% marketshare in the US.... Smart move Microsoft...
Do you know that for a FACT ? (with proof to backup that statement)

Anyway about it, Microsoft did public say that NO CURRENT Windows Phone devices could support Continuum, and they were ASKED directly about the last flagships, 930 (ICON same thing), and 1520...was clearly said no.

If it is USB-C, due to the speeds, maybe but, it does not matter unless some 3rd party hacks it in with questionable performance.

After Microsoft requiring Office 365 to use Office in Continuum, it's a failure anyway. I am not going to pay extra just to use a Microsoft phone with a Microsoft app... Just so I can edit word and excel docs...

I wanted Continuum, I really did but, after Microsoft is going to be charging for office use, I no longer have a desire to use it... even if I had a 950XL, I don't think I would even touch it because of that.

Great way for Microsoft to screw up Windows Phone..that already has a 2-3% marketshare in the US.... Smart move Microsoft...

Even though I'd rather pay for service (Microsoft) instead of being a data mining resource (Google), you'd think MS would offer this for free to help promote sales of Windows phone.
Even though I'd rather pay for service (Microsoft) instead of being a data mining resource (Google), you'd think MS would offer this for free to help promote sales of Windows phone.

With Microsoft sitting at like 2.5% in the US, CHARGING to use a feature on a phone is really bad for business. Google does data mining but, 95% of the people wont see that, they will see they don't have to pony up a credit card to use a feature.

I OWN office 2016(paid for), I am not signing up for a monthly charge to use a piece of software on my computer or phone.

And I feel a good chunk of users will see it the way I did, causing a problem in the long term for Windows Phone.

In the long run, it just hurts the users, more people WONT buy a WP device, that means less sales numbers and means less apps. Make a cool feature on a phone allow people to use it, don't charge extra for it.

Yes, I do. Just Google (or Bing) USB C and USB 2.0 specs. You'll see there is a HUGE difference.

Not talking about speed differences, we all know that (or at least we should), if that was the official ready why no devices will get that feature FROM MICROSOFT. I understand it's a CPU/GPU based thing but, what do I know...

At least the ICON will get official Windows 10 mobile update...batch 3 (the last of the batches) but, it's not on the official not going to get list....Thank god....

Official Windows 10 Mobile eligible devices list

Official Windows 10 Mobile eligible devices list has batches of devices receiving the update | Nokiapoweruser

(if you follow it, you can download the official doc from Microsoft on it)
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Not talking about speed differences, we all know that (or at least we should), if that was the official ready why no devices will get that feature FROM MICROSOFT. I understand it's a CPU/GPU based thing but, what do I know...

I'm not talking just about speed either.

"What Else Does it Support?

The USB-C connector supports DisplayPort, HDMI, power, USB, and VGA. Notably absent is Thunderbolt, which is superseded by USB-C, just like FireWire was replaced by Thunderbolt. USB-C-to-Ethernet is a no-brainer, but you may have to daisy chain an older USB-to-Ethernet adapter to your USB-C adapter for the time being."

What Is USB-C? An Explainer |

If it was all about the SoC (CPU and GPU), then my HTC One M9 would be Continuum capable since it's SoC is identical to the 950XL. But, it's not because it is USB 2.0 with a Micro USB Type B connector.

In the next year or two all new tablets, phones, and even laptops will be USB-C.

At least the ICON will get official Windows 10 mobile update...batch 3 (the last of the batches) but, it's not on the official not going to get list....Thank god....

Official Windows 10 Mobile eligible devices list

Official Windows 10 Mobile eligible devices list has batches of devices receiving the update | Nokiapoweruser

(if you follow it, you can download the official doc from Microsoft on it)

Will Microsoft be pushing it out; or Verizon? If Microsoft were smart, it would use the same process Apple uses. Get the update approved then push the update themselves.

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