Windows 10 for Lumia Icon

They're pushing out Win 10 updates to the 950 and 950XL. As long as nothing requires new firmware I think we're okay. I'll hang on to my Icon for a bit longer. It's running Win 10 beautifully.
Will Microsoft be pushing it out; or Verizon? If Microsoft were smart, it would use the same process Apple uses. Get the update approved then push the update themselves.

Microsoft and Verizon are the ONLY ones who might have an idea on that one. Windows Phone does not have the pull to get that done esp with Verizon.

If models are starting to get it soon, then I can only guess that the ICON will be towards the bottom of the list, so maybe late Spring, early then I hope to have a new phone.

At least it's NOT on the "Aint going to happen" list.... and there is a few popular models on that list..

They're pushing out Win 10 updates to the 950 and 950XL. As long as nothing requires new firmware I think we're okay. I'll hang on to my Icon for a bit longer. It's running Win 10 beautifully.

No question it runs over all smooth, a few minor bugs here and there but, the biggest killer for me is battery life. It's not on standby, if I don't do anything with the phone, more than a day but, a 10 min Twitter check or a few tweets will drop the battery between 5-10%, do that 5-10 times a day and your on a beeping dead battery after about 5-8 hours. With 8.1, I could do double that and still have the phone at 30% at 11pm when I was going to bed.

Wish that could be addressed...
I had to drop my mom from 10586.11 to 8.1 as she was having problems with touchscreen not responding/not charging. Does .29 or .36 fix that for her?
I'm not having any battery issues but I never did with this phone. About the only glitchy behavior I've seen is with quiet hours not activating automatically.
The Icon is in group 2, and not "never" for the W10M release!
The Icon is in group 2, and not "never" for the W10M release!

Cool and thanks for the update (and btw, got a LOL from your avatar). Now the big question is....when will "group 2" be starting ?

Maybe it's a good thing that we are a little ways out. If you are using the preview of 10 on the ICON, you will know there are random issues here and there, crashes, loading screens, and a bunch of other minor bugs. No matter how perfect looks, you cant honestly sit here and say it's 100% perfect. Not even counting the SO-SO battery life on it (I see about 60% of what 8.1 was)

By the time the ICON gets it, it should already been through 4-5 major updates (AKA bug fixes) and when we get it we should get a rock solid OS and that is worth waiting for...

Even the 950 and 950XL are really buggy, look over the threads... Some people are returning them because of the issues and others are asking if they can install 8.1 on it....

Like Windows 10 was on RTM, is the same Windows 10 phone was, Not ready for RTM, could of used a few months more of bug fixes and testing. Like Microsoft now days... and what Microsoft has turned into... a company that will release software before its' ready and plan just to fix it with updates....very sad..

I wish Microsoft would go back to delaying software like they did Pre-XP, so 10 was going to be released in September but, they delayed it till January to tweak it. Sure people would be a upset but, when you got a rock solid os, with out the minor bugs (that 10240 was full of) and Microsoft looks like a better company for it.

If you talk to or chat with some major experts and people who watch Microsoft like a hawk, you will hear the same story over and over, Microsoft with this plan of releasing before ready has given them a bad name on their products...

When WIndows 10 was released for the PC, almost 90% of the sites said for corporate customers to stay away.... it's only now where they are saying it might be a good option.
I'm not talking just about speed either.

"What Else Does it Support?

The USB-C connector supports DisplayPort, HDMI, power, USB, and VGA. Notably absent is Thunderbolt, which is superseded by USB-C, just like FireWire was replaced by Thunderbolt. USB-C-to-Ethernet is a no-brainer, but you may have to daisy chain an older USB-to-Ethernet adapter to your USB-C adapter for the time being."

What Is USB-C? An Explainer |

If it was all about the SoC (CPU and GPU), then my HTC One M9 would be Continuum capable since it's SoC is identical to the 950XL. But, it's not because it is USB 2.0 with a Micro USB Type B connector.

In the next year or two all new tablets, phones, and even laptops will be USB-C.
So far as I am aware, USB-C is not required as the connection method for Continuum. It works using a wireless (bluetooth) mouse and keyboard with a Miracast display, all features that work on our existing phones with W10M. You do not need to use a dock to use the feature, and a dock is the only way that USB-C would be part of the equation.

BTW, my battery drain issue was severe after .36, I finally realized that it had made duplicate entries for all of my apps in the background apps section. Disabling everything that was a duplicate or unneeded seems to have restored my power consumption to what it was on previous builds. Still not great, but not discharging faster than a Qi connection can charge it as it was after the update. Strongly suggest upgraders check their background app settings...
So far as I am aware, USB-C is not required as the connection method for Continuum. It works using a wireless (bluetooth) mouse and keyboard with a Miracast display, all features that work on our existing phones with W10M. You do not need to use a dock to use the feature, and a dock is the only way that USB-C would be part of the equation.

To my knowledge the 950/950XL is the only phone that is Continuum capable. That is because the dock and USB-C. When you plug into the dock, Continuum kicks in.

Wireless is where Microsoft wants to go with it. I'm not sure if it's to that point yet. I guess the only way is to connect my Icon to a display via Miracast and connect a BT mouse and keyboard. All of which I have...
Before you jump ship from Verizon, know that on Windows Weekly podcast number 445, MS's Chief Marketing Officer Chris Capossela touched on the Verizon issue and said several things about it, including: "don't give up hope"...
For more of the conversation listed to the podcast.
To my knowledge the 950/950XL is the only phone that is Continuum capable. That is because the dock and USB-C. When you plug into the dock, Continuum kicks in.

Wireless is where Microsoft wants to go with it. I'm not sure if it's to that point yet. I guess the only way is to connect my Icon to a display via Miracast and connect a BT mouse and keyboard. All of which I have...
People in this forum have used Continuum wirelessly. It does not require the dock.

Continuum for phones works over Miracast but still needs new hardware too | Windows Central

It has nothing to do with USB-C.
People in this forum have used Continuum wirelessly. It does not require the dock.

Continuum for phones works over Miracast but still needs new hardware too | Windows Central

It has nothing to do with USB-C.

Hmmm...not quite full Continuum. Here is what Dan Rubino demoed recently.

A closer look at the Lumia 950 and Continuum Display Dock | Windows Central

It's more than just projecting the phone's display using Miracast. There is an actual Continuum app that is used. I've actually played with a 950 at the Microsoft Store. Currently, to get the full use of Continuum, you need the 950/950XL with the dock. Which connects via USB-C.

Miracast and BT keyboards and mice are supported in WP8.1 update 2; only a few devices got that update.

Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2 will add support for Bluetooth keyboards | Windows Central

Microsoft IS shooting towards full wireless Continuum, but for now, the 950/950XL is the only device supports it out of the box using the dock.
People in this forum have used Continuum wirelessly. It does not require the dock.

Continuum for phones works over Miracast but still needs new hardware too | Windows Central

It has nothing to do with USB-C.

Ok. So I attempted to use Continuum on my Icon running W10M with the latest build. The result was NOT Continuum...not even close.

I connected via Miracast to my TV using my Microsoft Wireless Display adapter. - Ok No worries. Connected fine and displayed exactly what was on my screen. It didn't show a start menu like in Dan's demo.

I connected a BT keyboard. Again, no worries.

I attempted to connect a mouse. No joy. Neither my Wireless Presenter 4000 nor my ArcMouse would connect, so no mouse support.

I opened a new document in Word and was able to type. The problem was that I had to turn the phone into landscape mode so I could read what I was typing on the TV. Using Continuum it doesn't matter the orientation of the phone. It recognizes it's connected to a TV or monitor and automatically goes into landscape mode.

Yes, you can connect via Miracast and connect a BT keybooard (the mouse wouldn't work for me). But it isn't Continuum.

When you plug a 950 or 950XL into the dock, it works almost like a PC. Like I said previously, I actually played with Continuum at the Microsoft store and without the dock it won't work. And the dock only connects to the phone via USB-C. So yes, it has a LOT to do with USB-C.

Here are a couple pics of what the screen looked like.


Hmmm...not quite full Continuum. Here is what Dan Rubino demoed recently.

A closer look at the Lumia 950 and Continuum Display Dock | Windows Central

It's more than just projecting the phone's display using Miracast. There is an actual Continuum app that is used. I've actually played with a 950 at the Microsoft Store. Currently, to get the full use of Continuum, you need the 950/950XL with the dock. Which connects via USB-C.

Miracast and BT keyboards and mice are supported in WP8.1 update 2; only a few devices got that update.

Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2 will add support for Bluetooth keyboards | Windows Central

Microsoft IS shooting towards full wireless Continuum, but for now, the 950/950XL is the only device supports it out of the box using the dock.
Continuum will not work on an Icon. It requires something about the Qualcomm 810 generation chips. That something is not USB-C, which is just an interconnect standard. If you have a 950 you can use Continuum completely wirelessly with no dock. The phone will recognize that it has been connected to a large display and switch to Continuum mode. The fact that your Icon cannot do it has nothing to do with the version of USB it runs.

I do not know how to make it any clearer. I have worked on several of the technologies involved myself, as an engineer. I thought perhaps I would assist you since it was clear to me you were confused on the topic and were repeatedly berating others with your bizarre claim that it has something do with the USB standard. I do not know what else to tell you. Feel free to not believe me if you like.
I'm having a new issue. Sometimes I lose the data connection and I have to turn on and off airplane mode

Same here. Not sure which build it started happening, but now I can only get data if I switch my APN settings from T-Mobile back to Default, then to T-Mobile again.

Using T-Mobile with the phone BTW.
Same here. Not sure which build it started happening, but now I can only get data if I switch my APN settings from T-Mobile back to Default, then to T-Mobile again.

Using T-Mobile with the phone BTW.
Turning mobile data off and back on again should also fix it. Easier than both of those solutions.. ☺
Got fed up with trying to use the Icon on T-Mobile. Now neither data or MMS work properly. Switched to the Lumia 1520 and it is a much better phone than the Icon.
Not anymore. Microsoft has blocked this workaround in the latest build.

I just did here in mine. Hide and Show again. It is working. Make sure you hold the left arrow <- and force close settings in order to see the updates

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