Windows 10 for Lumia Icon

How's 10586.63 treating everybody? I'm downloading it now.

Installing it too (at the Gears point) came here looking for thoughts but, it appears everyone must be downloading as I see no details yet....

Sigh, crossing fingers that Microsoft actually fixes things instead of breaking them (Windows 10 Mobile is a mess)
Installing it too (at the Gears point) came here looking for thoughts but, it appears everyone must be downloading as I see no details yet....

Sigh, crossing fingers that Microsoft actually fixes things instead of breaking them (Windows 10 Mobile is a mess)

My phone is reinstalling apps now. I didn't know it removed them after an update. I'm planning on doing a hard reset for this one, I didn't for the previous update and experienced more freezes, restarts, and unresponsive displays that I would have liked.
I have been having randomly horrible performance and battery drain since December 28th. My W10M upgrade was first done in early December, and while battery life wasn't as good as on WP8.1 and apps would crash occasionally, it in general worked fine. For no reason I can discern, on the 28th performance slowed to a crawl, apps started crashing more frequently, and battery drain became terrible. To quantify it: Ten minutes after removing the phone from the charger it can be at 85% down from 100%, and will continue to drain at that rate, giving me only a couple hours of off charger use. It actually drains faster than my Nokia Qi chargers can charge it, all they do is slow the drain. Only wired charging can keep up. Performance is so bad I see loading messages for simple tasks like the home screen and the messaging center, and good luck with any app more intensive than those. This persisted even through a hard reset.

I was ready to give up and go back to WP8.1 by Jan 3rd, but when I picked up my phone to start the process, behavior reverted back to normal and it was quick and the battery life was fine again. This was the case until yesterday when I rebooted it in an attempt to get bluetooth working normally with my car again (certain apps don't seem to be able to switch the stereo over to phone mode lately). After that reboot it was back to the bad behavior, and multiple restarts have not fixed it.

I just upgraded to the latest .63 and this problem has not gone away. I feel like there may be some runaway process in Windows, but I have no idea how to find it. Any ideas?
Upgraded my Icon today, what are some of the better universal apps to check out?
So far so go, Windows 10 is better than 8.1, just hope we some better hardware out this year.
After you've had some experience please post your battery performance.
P.S. many people recommend a hard reset after installation.
I have been on .63 now for a few days and everything has been good so far. I did a hard reset after the .29 build but this one I just updated with no reset and everything has been good so far, no real slowdowns or performance issues that I have come across. With the .63 build I am back to roughly the same battery performance on my Icon that I had with 8.1/denim.
So far....

1. Battery seems better, not even close to 8.1 but, a noticeable bump in this build.
2. When getting a text, if I click the notification that shows up, it will bring me to messaging but, I end up a loading screen forever (waited only 30 seconds before backing out and going into messages directly).
3. Cortana on the Band 2 is hit or miss, most of the time it will say "Cant connect" or ask "is your phone in range" when this happens the watch is less than 2-3 feet from the phone (Bluetooth ICON on the phone and band are active too).
4. Still no way to Mute Cortana when she goes off (leaving "read texts outloud" set to always), in 8.1 we used to be able to hit the volume or power button to mute her.
5. A few apps random just close, crash maybe ?

It's still buggy but, like every Microsoft OS on release, it's not ready for prime time till the 10th update or so...

After you've had some experience please post your battery performance.
P.S. many people recommend a hard reset after installation.

The RECOMMENDED thing is to do a Hard reset and no restore. Sorry all but, losing game saves almost every other build sucks. I did it for a while and I now avoid it of possible.

As I said above, Battery IS a little better, stand buy is better but, using the phone depening on what you do can take a hit on it...
2. When getting a text, if I click the notification that shows up, it will bring me to messaging but, I end up a loading screen forever (waited only 30 seconds before backing out and going into messages directly).
3. Cortana on the Band 2 is hit or miss, most of the time it will say "Cant connect" or ask "is your phone in range" when this happens the watch is less than 2-3 feet from the phone (Bluetooth ICON on the phone and band are active too).
4. Still no way to Mute Cortana when she goes off (leaving "read texts outloud" set to always), in 8.1 we used to be able to hit the volume or power button to mute her.

2. I'm not getting the delay you're talking about when i back out and go to the messaging app directly from the notification.
3. Agree. Cortana on Band 2 is still not 100%. But at least it's giving me something now. It wasn't connecting at all before this build.
4. Cortana outloud has been a huge decrease in functionality since WP8.1. There's more pauses before and after she says something, it takes longer for her to listen, i used to cut her off, etc.
Nevermind... I figured it out. For some reason, the Developer Preview wasn't installed on my phone anymore... it's downloading .36 now.
With Daniel's suggestion to go with the Insider update (per his "Ask Dan" video update, today), I took the plunge - and my gosh, you're right about the battery life. I can't keep up with any charger but plugging it in the wall. Interestingly, when I look at the battery app - says > 75% is from the Display. As a note, even when I put it down (display off), I still can lose 5% in 10 minutes. Is this an app issue ?

Lastly, just had to say, as well, thank you to those who contribute to this forum, as I read your input each day.
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I was also about to take Daniel's suggestion to upgrade to Windows 10 via the insider app but it is sounding like maybe I should hold off. Its my daily driver so I don't mind a few bugs when dealing with apps and settings but I need my battery to hold up and the phone to be reliable. Is the general consensus that its still a bit too early to upgrade? Are the battery issues the exception or the norm?
Scotthenry - I wish I could tell you. There are so many that say that battery life is almost as good as 8.1 - but, I may have to revert back to 8.1 if tomorrow doesn't improve. It's my daily driver as well, and having a constant need to charge will not be good. I'll update as I push through....
No problems with battery life here. You should do a hard reset after the upgrade though. It seems to fix just about every issue.
With Daniel's suggestion to go with the Insider update (per his "Ask Dan" video update, today), I took the plunge - and my gosh, you're right about the battery life. I can't keep up with any charger but plugging it in the wall. Interestingly, when I look at the battery app - says > 75% is from the Display. As a note, even when I put it down (display off), I still can lose 5% in 10 minutes. Is this an app issue ?

Lastly, just had to say, as well, thank you to those who contribute to this forum, as I read your input each day.
This problem comes and goes, if you let it go a few days, and don't reboot it, it will eventually settle down and start draining at a normal level without the slow perf and app crashes. But every time I have to reboot for any reason, the problem is back again and incredibly frustrating. I really wish I had a way to run a debugger and see what process is running that causes it.
Let me echo Johnzot's appreciation for the active participants in this forum and thread.

I too try to follow the thread each day, assessing the viability of making the leap to Win10Mobile on my Icon.
As others have said, my Icon is my daily driver, so I can ill afford to jump into the pool without some clear assessment of the ramifications.

Can anybody give a broad approximation of the time that it takes to go from a beginning install of the Developer Preview on an Icon to a working version of the Win10Mobile preview?

Note that I am NOT asking anyone to include the reinstall of apps since that is clearly driven by the number of apps.
also know that wireless speed will drive a lot of it.....

I am just asking about getting to a functional base Win10Mobile O/S onto which I can rebuild everything.
I am just trying to get a broad brush number like 3 hours, 6 hours, all day... etc..

Anyone willing to share their estimate or personal experience with this?
I had to do a hard reset on my Icon (yes I still have it). It wouldn't charge and would stay at 3%. After doing a hard reset, it charges normally. Now I have another problem (well two actually).

1. When I plug it into my SP3 my SP3 won't recognize it and my phone gives me a slow charging warning. Currently, I'm away from my desktop so I can't try it on that for now. In the past, my SP3 would see it and let me access it.

2. I configured the camera to capture 5MP JPG + 16MP DNG. However, when I look in PFM I only see the jpg versions. Before, it would show both the JPG and DNG versions.

Anybody else running into similar problems?

Edit: It seems to be ignoring my camera settings. It saves the picture as a 20MP JPG regardless of what my camera settings are.
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Doubleodon - I'm no expert, however, my experience is that it does not take too long at all to install. What took time is doing my first backup, (literally 1-2 hours), then download/install - 1 hour max (from my memory). The next big time killer is - if you don't use your backup, is apps/setup/sign-in/arrange tiles, etc... Just my 2cents - hope it helps.
UPDATE: I did a hard reset, did not use my back-up. The phone is much more snappy. This could be from the reset and/or from the fact there is much less "crap" on my phone? Nevertheless, seems like the battery drain has improved, but ever so slightly. As noted in earlier posts, this may continue to improve - so I keep monitoring this week and report back. (hope I'm not boring/annoying anyone with my updates).

On a side note: Windows 10 Mobile does look beautiful (IMHO). Mail is so much better and animations are nicer, however, I do wonder why on a few things (these are just a few):
1) why doesn't the people / contacts app connect with LinkedIn anymore? (and facebook profile photos are not syncing?)
2) I can't seem to find Slow Motion (which was supposedly part of W10M for SD800+ phones)
3) MS Money doesn't allow you to link to your accounts anymore (removed feature?)
4) The photos app doesn't sync with facebook anymore
5) Edge is a nice start, but
a) the "favorites" are not as nice as 8.1 (doesn't remember last list viewed),
b) when you pin a website to the start screen, WP8.1 had a screenshot, while Edge just gives you the damn "e", which doesn't help you recall what it was you pinned

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