Windows 10 for Lumia Icon

I also noticed this in some of my photos. Lines. Not all of them, I had my phone set to JPG+DNG capture. However, because I was comparing shots to my 6s Plus, I decided to take pics with JPG capture only.

The photos that were set to either JPG 5MP or JPG 19MP came out fine with no lines...

joshuatree with lines.jpg

Oh...and for the record. The Icon's JPGs were still just as good if not a bit better than the iPhone 6s Plus. Granted the 6s Plus has a 12MP camera, but a two year old phone can still hold it's own against a new one.
After upgrading to 10, my icon has settled down, battery life seems about the same. I did not do a hard reset, bit I do not use many apps. The only problem I have is searching in my messaging app, if I try and find a conversion by name it just hangs.
Love the skype/Cortana integration on missed calls and mms.
Let me echo Johnzot's appreciation for the active participants in this forum and thread.

I too try to follow the thread each day, assessing the viability of making the leap to Win10Mobile on my Icon.
As others have said, my Icon is my daily driver, so I can ill afford to jump into the pool without some clear assessment of the ramifications.

Can anybody give a broad approximation of the time that it takes to go from a beginning install of the Developer Preview on an Icon to a working version of the Win10Mobile preview?

Note that I am NOT asking anyone to include the reinstall of apps since that is clearly driven by the number of apps.
also know that wireless speed will drive a lot of it.....

I am just asking about getting to a functional base Win10Mobile O/S onto which I can rebuild everything.
I am just trying to get a broad brush number like 3 hours, 6 hours, all day... etc..

Anyone willing to share their estimate or personal experience with this?

Given: I had already backed up the phone (which you should be doing on a regular basis anyhow)

Getting on the Insider Program: 15 minutes

I chose the Slow Ring initially, so it made me install build .29 first - this took about 45 minutes, start to finish (including soft reset, no hard reset required)

Changed to Fast Ring and installed .63 build - another 45 minutes and no soft reset required!

So a bit less than 2 hours to do everything. Save time and just get on the Fast Ring right away.

Hope this helps.
Update: I really like the look and feel of W10M. I have not had any significant issues except for few:

1) Battery Life: Has improved greatly, but is still about 65% of WP8.1 - Totally non-scientific, but, I now have to recharge at least once+ during the day - when even with mod/heavy use, I could make it through the day. Makes me wonder why MS removed the "last charged" information in the battery app, as if they didn't want us to know.
2) Data usage: I have a lowly 2GB / month plan, and had never had any issues with exceeding the limit. In the last 2-3 days of W10M, I have used over 0.5 GB. I haven't a clue what is being used.
3) Little nits: LinkedIn is not synced with the People Hub. Battery Tile doesn't show Battery % (which for guys with bad eyes like me, was great). A few WP8.1 apps are not downloadable or don't work on W10M (very strange). I cannot figure out how to have a stand-alone Mail Tiles to separate work/personal (I have two tiles, but regardless of which I use, they go back to the last mail account I viewed)

In summary - I think W10M "will" be pretty great, but needs real attention from MS (which I feel treat it as an afterthought). I plan to reload WP8.1 (mostly due to battery life & data usage), but I'm sure I'll be back to W10M soon enough.

Thanks to everyone for their input to /support of the forum. - John
So, I just upgraded to windows 10 on my Lumia Icon and I have to say, after reading the issues on here, I am so pleasantly surprised! I even dare to say my battery life is much better than it was on 8.1.

My only complaint is that....Cortana couldn't turn off the flashlight. I was SHOCKED when I asked her to turn it on and she did , which is something not even SIRI can currently do, but when I asked her to turn it off, she couldn't and I then attempted to turn off manually and could not. I ended up having to reset my phone.

Overall, I am very happy I upgraded and I am newly excited about my Lumia Icon. I would even dare to say Windows 10 runs more fluidly and faster than it does on my Dell XPS 13 laptop! Lumia Icon is my only mobile phone and if you have one, I recommend upgrading it : )
Joseph - Did you need to do a hard reset after upgrading? It is looking very tempting but I am still a bit concerned about the battery life issue. I'm thinking of giving it one more month.
Joseph - Did you need to do a hard reset after upgrading? It is looking very tempting but I am still a bit concerned about the battery life issue. I'm thinking of giving it one more month.

Hey Scott--no, I have not performed a hard reset (yet). If I run into any battery issues, I will certainly give that a try though.
I'm finding that I need to reboot my phone frequently - daily, or more. The wifi stack will just "give up" at random points throughout the day, and the only fix is to reboot the phone. It can 'sense' and list the available networks, but it is unable to connect to them until I reboot.

Adding to the frustration, there's no way of knowing - at a glance - when this happens. As a result, I've blown through my entire monthly data allotment without realizing it, quite a number of times.

The same issue occurs randomly, with the bluetooth connectivity.

This issue has persisted through multiple hard resets, and multiple versions of W10M. It does not exist in 8.1. I'm thinking it might be a firmware-related issue. If that's the case, I'd bet we don't get any relief until Verizon releases the 'official' version.

Anyone else getting this issue, frequently? I'm surprised a quick search didn't turn up much in this thread.
Well, after 2+ years on Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 (fast ring), I've decided enough is enough. Too many glitches and strange things with usage.

I've moved on to Android...Galaxy S6.

I can't believe what I've been missing. So many little things that make using a smartphone so much easier.
I really liked the Windows interface...but the Android interface is growing on me.
Everything works all the time. And so much faster than the ICON. no reboots, no issues, and 10x the options for apps.
It's early; only my 3rd day on the S6. Opinions can change. But for now, No regrets.

The ICON will be passed on to one of my kids.

So long for now Windows. If you catch up with the rest of the world, I'll be back some day...
Well, after 2+ years on Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 (fast ring), I've decided enough is enough. Too many glitches and strange things with usage.

I've moved on to Android...Galaxy S6.

I can't believe what I've been missing. So many little things that make using a smartphone so much easier.
I really liked the Windows interface...but the Android interface is growing on me.
Everything works all the time. And so much faster than the ICON. no reboots, no issues, and 10x the options for apps.
It's early; only my 3rd day on the S6. Opinions can change. But for now, No regrets.

The ICON will be passed on to one of my kids.

So long for now Windows. If you catch up with the rest of the world, I'll be back some day...

I know. this is the reason I didn't buy the new 950s.
I had used the WM10 Preview from inception to Release on my Icon and when the 950s came out and Verizon didn't carry them I traded the Icon for a iPhone 6sPlus. Really impressed with the iPhone, miss Windows Phone greatly and really hope there's a Surface Phone on Verizon THIS YEAR!
Now that I am on win 10 my phone send to only take the 16mp picture,I do not have the option of 16&5mp photo capture. I can not upload photos too some websites because the photos are too large
I am using Windows fast insider and have the latest windows 10M on my icon, and I have to say I fairly impressed. I am not using the ICON as my main phone again yet. And I have not reloaded all my personal apps yet. But Windows 10M seems smooth and responsive. About the only issue I have had is once in a while when I turn it on it will freeze on the NO SIMM CARD error. I usually have to force the device to restart if that happens. Looking forward to the final build when that comes out.
How's everyone doing with .71? The only problem i've noticed so far is that the speaker tends to do some weird crackling after the phone vibrates with a notification of some kind.
Going to put .71 on tonight. The last few builds have been working fine, so I assume this will too. :)
Updated yesterday, haven't noticed any issues yet. Bluetooth connections to my Band 2 and Garmin watch appear to be more reliable, and battery performance seems better, though I can't say I was really having a problem with it previously.
Updated to .71 yesterday afternoon. Battery seems to drain much more rapidly with this build. Bluetooth sync to my car is still hit or miss. At first it worked the first few times without fiddling, but now it's back to not working. Will try yet another hard reset tonight.

Admittedly, this is getting old...
Updated to .71 yesterday afternoon. Battery seems to drain much more rapidly with this build. Bluetooth sync to my car is still hit or miss. At first it worked the first few times without fiddling, but now it's back to not working. Will try yet another hard reset tonight.

Admittedly, this is getting old...

Do you have stereo video recording back on build .71?

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