Windows 8.1 vs Lollipop or Kit Kat

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If you go to android, like I did...avoid Samsung devices (stick with as vanilla android as you can), that will ensure no lag and performance as fluid as iOS in most cases. Also, I have Lollipop installed and its pretty awesome.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
what is funny is that my 520 that was 60 bucks new is smoother than my 700 dollar note on android. 520 is a flagship too. ha ha

Yep, my 530 runs smooth. My 28 month old Lumia 710 runs smooth even when it merely has 1.4 GHz single core processor, whereas my friend's note 3 lags even when it has an octa core processor!
If you go to android, like I did...avoid Samsung devices (stick with as vanilla android as you can), that will ensure no lag and performance as fluid as iOS in most cases. Also, I have Lollipop installed and its pretty awesome.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Ok thanks. I have read good reviews of LG3. will be tough to leave WP....hopefully a Win10 hardware announcement soon
I have just moved to WP from Android. I like Android, but I grew increasingly irritated by it. You talk of Apple's walled-garden approach; well, Google is beginning to grow more controlling... Unlike WP8.1, unless you root the phone, which them opens it up to malicious attacks and makes it easier to brick your phone...

  • You can't move or install apps onto an SD card
  • Manuafacturer apps can save data/files to an SD card, but 3rd party apps cannot.
  • Manufacturer installed apps cannot be removed (they can only be disabled)

Sure, you can install apps that will force some apps to save to SD, and apps that will allow you to move some apps to SD, but without root you're out of luck. The out-of-the-box experience really isn't that great; many useful functions can only be added through hacks and exploits, ie, rooting your phone.

Can you see a pattern here? ROOTing your Android is a necessity to get the most out of your phone, but doing so will (in some countries) void the warranty (but not in the EU.)

Of course, Android is more customisable than WP, and there is greater app choice compared with WP, and both are a massive advantage.
Still love Android?


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big thing is, is, that nokia/microsofts "unflagship" is much better than samesongs highly touted flagship note. I have the 1020 and a note running kitkat. The note is slow, laggy and the OS is just jumping all over the place. My nokia 1020 is technically "inferior" to my note phone, however its buttery smooth, fast and the camera is approximately 10000000000 times better. I have yet to take a good photo with the notes camera. The only reason im using the note is I dropped my nokia and shattered the screen. Every day tasks that I do on my 1020, are a chore on the note because of lag, and poor overall performance from the Android ecosystem. Its poor, at best. I can guarantee that the 1520 while "technically inferior" and does not meet your definition of flagship, is a much better phone, tablet, device than the note will ever be. I would look at overall experience than the hard specs. The samesong needs 8 cores etc in order to make android remotely run smooth. The 1520 does not need a powerful processor to run WINPHONE. Then, look at camera performance, (or lack there of in Samsung), Another useful feature unlike having the fastest processor when not needed. Look at sound quality both from the external speaker and the headphone jack. Again, Lumia rules the roost here. Then, look at battery life. I can go all day and then some with my Lumia. My note needs to be plugged in by early afternoon. Lumia wins again. Hell, this one is not even looked at any more. Call quality. The call quality and signal reception of the Lumia is vastly superior than the note as well.

See, specs don't tell the story. User experience does. yes, android gets more apps, but I have every major app on my Lumia and they run great and provide a great user experience. I could care less about specs, A flagship phone should provide the best USER EXPERIENCE regardless of specs. made me cry...haven't seen any people who think like me...GIVE THAT MAN A COOKIE
You stated that you use your handset as your PC. What exactly do you do with your PC? Which ecosystem are you most invested in? If you use Chrome as your browser, Gmail for email, contacts and calendars and Google Drive for cloud storage, then your choice is simple. I heartily recommend the G3 (I owned it, excellent device) but if you use MS services then I would advise the 1520. Forget specs, that is how Madison Ave. has conditioned the public into buying phones. There's an old adage that says "horsepower sells cars, torque wins races".
LOL just get 1520, it's getting windows 10 anyway. in fact all wp8 lumias are getting windows 10.

  • You can't move or install apps onto an SD card
  • Manuafacturer apps can save data/files to an SD card, but 3rd party apps cannot.
  • Manufacturer installed apps cannot be removed (they can only be disabled)

  • manufacture dependant, but really Google would prefer external storage to go away
  • Not true
  • Doesn't matter, manufacturer apps live on /system, removing them would gain no useable space
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Still love Android?

Not sure what the point is here...lollipop on my nexus 5 is solid with no issues, you got an error and its the end of the world?! Lol. I got errors on windows phone before doesn't mean its garbage. The logic people use to prove their branding loyalty is hilarious

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Not sure what the point is here...lollipop on my nexus 5 is solid with no issues, you got an error and its the end of the world?! Lol. I got errors on windows phone before doesn't mean its garbage. The logic people use to prove their branding loyalty is hilarious

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
What if I tell you...this happens eveRy minute? Anyways...
  • manufacture dependant, but really Google would prefer external storage to go away
  • Not true
  • Doesn't matter, manufacturer apps live on /system, removing then would gain by space

1. No, it's version of Android dependent. KitKat does NOT permit apps to be moved to SD.
KitKat and SD cards ? what's fixed, what's broken and what's misunderstood | Android Central

2. Clarification, a 3rd party app when working with another apps files (eg photos) CANNOT move or write those files to an SD card. So, if you want to edit photo in an app that did not take those photos, you won't be able to save them back to the SD card.

3. It does matter to some people, maybe not to you. When you're forced to install apps on limited internal storage, every MB counts. And many of those manufacturer installed apps are just bloatware. Anyone with a Samsung knows this.
I know this will draw some hate, but here goes:

If MS doesn't come out with a new 6 inch flagship, I will soon be taking my family plans 4 phones to Android . I know there are many Android converts here and want their and others advice. I basically use my 1020 as my PC. It does everything I need for both a phone and PC (although its getting old and I need a bigger screen). IOS can't come close to 8.1 for my needs, but since Android is less of a walled garden can it do all that 8.1 does? For the record, I wont be leaving happily, as I go back to pocket pc's and WM with my hardware...

If you are looking for the most top notch specifications you'll always see Android killing it.

The 1520 is not a bad device by any means, but if your family does concert to Android I would recommend getting a Nexus 6. It offers much more in a much more pocket friendly price.

Oh and the Nexus 6 won't lag like most people here would make you believe. Samsung devices might, but the rest quality Android devices are safe.

Yes, Lollipop has some WP 8.1 features copied (like quiet hours).
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520 (RM-937) using Tapatalk

No quiet hours has existed for a few years now, not on Stock Android but in Custom ROMs for Android, like Cyanogenmod. Google may have taken this feature from Cyanogenmod, but no it wasn't taken from Windows Phone.
If you are looking for the most top notch specifications you'll always see Android killing it.

The 1520 is not a bad device by any means, but if your family does concert to Android I would recommend getting a Nexus 6. It offers much more in a much more pocket friendly price.

Oh and the Nexus 6 won't lag like most people here would make you believe. Samsung devices might, but the rest quality Android devices are safe.

No quiet hours has existed for a few years now, not on Stock Android but in Custom ROMs for Android, like Cyanogenmod. Google may have taken this feature from Cyanogenmod, but no it wasn't taken from Windows Phone.

On stock android, quiet hours is brand new, AFTER windows phone. I vote wp all the way, I have used and owned other android devices other than Samsung and I had lag etc with all of them. Even scrolling is not smooth and fluid like it is on windows phone. Again, the 520 my wife had was smooth where as the android devices we owned, (all of them), scrolled jumpy and lagged. Also OS crashes were so common as well as mail app not working on her android deveice, and random reboots.

Android was the reason we switched to WP. She is 100% happy with her 1020, I am 100% happy with my 1020, and the operating system, apps, and overall experience of WP is WAY ahead of androids mish mash of an operating system. I won't even get into IOS because its designed by fisher price, my son's leap pad has a more engaging OS.
On stock android, quiet hours is brand new, AFTER windows phone. I vote wp all the way, I have used and owned other android devices other than Samsung and I had lag etc with all of them. Even scrolling is not smooth and fluid like it is on windows phone. Again, the 520 my wife had was smooth where as the android devices we owned, (all of them), scrolled jumpy and lagged. Also OS crashes were so common as well as mail app not working on her android deveice, and random reboots.

Android was the reason we switched to WP. She is 100% happy with her 1020, I am 100% happy with my 1020, and the operating system, apps, and overall experience of WP is WAY ahead of androids mish mash of an operating system. I won't even get into IOS because its designed by fisher price, my son's leap pad has a more engaging OS.

The hate is strong in you.

Scrolling on Windows Phone smoothly is more of a misconception. If you scroll too fast on Windows Phone the content often disappears, whereas on Android scrolling too fast the GPU may struggle to render content.

I've owned a 520 for a short while, I've also tried a 530. And no both of them we're not flawless in performance, they we're quite terrible and I preferred a Moto E or G over them any day for performance.

Personally if you scroll as slowly as you would on Windows Phone, Android scrolling speed is on par.

On good hardware Android scrolling, app loading and resuming flat out beats Windows Phone in my experience.

Android 5.0 has had a massive boost in scrolling rendering and smoothness as well BTW.
Have a look at the review of Lollipop on Android Central. There are several negative comments about how white the new OS is.

Ultimately, you have to buy what works best for you, but is the lack of a flagship device really a reason to go? Just how fast do you need your web pages to load?
Have a look at the review of Lollipop on Android Central. There are several negative comments about how white the new OS is.

Ultimately, you have to buy what works best for you, but is the lack of a flagship device really a reason to go? Just how fast do you need your web pages to load?

There are "several" negative comments on AC about Lollipop, but there are "many" threads on AC, YouTube and generally all over the internet about how great Android Lollipop is.
The hate is strong in you.

Scrolling on Windows Phone smoothly is more of a misconception. If you scroll too fast on Windows Phone the content often disappears, whereas on Android scrolling too fast the GPU may struggle to render content.

I've owned a 520 for a short while, I've also tried a 530. And no both of them we're not flawless in performance, they we're quite terrible and I preferred a Moto E or G over them any day for performance.

Personally if you scroll as slowly as you would on Windows Phone, Android scrolling speed is on par.

On good hardware Android scrolling, app loading and resuming flat out beats Windows Phone in my experience.

Android 5.0 has had a massive boost in scrolling rendering and smoothness as well BTW.

Nope you're saying the opposite way. Scrolling issues, lagging is all part of Android, not WP.
Loading / resuming in WP cannot be termed as lags. If you've downloaded the latest preview for developers update, you would realize that its almost gone now.
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