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- Oct 13, 2013
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That moment when you realise rooting=dev preview![]()
The hate is strong in you.
Scrolling on Windows Phone smoothly is more of a misconception. If you scroll too fast on Windows Phone the content often disappears, whereas on Android scrolling too fast the GPU may struggle to render content.
I've owned a 520 for a short while, I've also tried a 530. And no both of them we're not flawless in performance, they we're quite terrible and I preferred a Moto E or G over them any day for performance.
Personally if you scroll as slowly as you would on Windows Phone, Android scrolling speed is on par.
Scrolling on Windows Phone - YouTube
On good hardware Android scrolling, app loading and resuming flat out beats Windows Phone in my experience.
Android 5.0 has had a massive boost in scrolling rendering and smoothness as well BTW.
No quiet hours has existed for a few years now, not on Stock Android but in Custom ROMs for Android, like Cyanogenmod. Google may have taken this feature from Cyanogenmod, but no it wasn't taken from Windows Phone.
Nope. What he means is that, dev preview is the closest you get to mess with the Os.
As for your friend, he is just changing the region to download apps.
Not negative comments, they're actually facts. A few like
Nope you're saying the opposite way. Scrolling issues, lagging is all part of Android, not WP.
Loading / resuming in WP cannot be termed as lags. If you've downloaded the latest preview for developers update, you would realize that its almost gone now.
That moment when you realise rooting=dev preview![]()
As I said before, IN MY EXEPRIENCE. In which I have a lot, I probably changed devices every 2-3 months on android, because I could never get one that was smooth and fluid. I never had the experience you claim with the imaging not loading. But that's cool. I actually get so much lag on my note running kitkat that It's almost un useable. I guess coming from my smooth nokia, what should I expect. Theres not hate. only towards apple. I hope that android can pull up their socks and make a smooth OS this time around. As all since froyo have been sloppy messes.
I have been running android devices since the original HTC HERO GSM phone. and had about 15 devices since then on android. Pop in 3 Iphones and now the best, windows phone nokias. I had the Samsung ativ S before the 1020s and they were smooth too, just I wanted a quality camera. Something no other phone maker has, only nokia. and more specifically the 1020.
Its not like I bought one android device and said this is ****. I have had many devices. And still do, have 5 android tablets, said phones and one media player running android. It's all collecting dust except for the two onda Ipad clones. I have two of those for my wife and I reading nextissue. I like how the magazines render on the square tablet screen better than on the 16/9 ratio of our asus tablets. We are getting each other surface pro 3s for Christmas this year so that may do in the ondas. I have an acer iconia 500 that I use in my overland vehicles as nav systems which will soon be upgraded to our asus tablets.
Again, I am not some person who just tried android once and said, crap. I have used it pretty well since it was released. I dabbled in the IOS/OSX cult for awhile and that was just horrific. the full windows landscape is the smoothest system overall. Yeah, maybe there are more apps available on android, maybe you can root your phone, whatever. I want to pick up my phone and use it. Not screw with it all day and try to make it smooth and stable with other ROMs and crap like that. I pick up my 1020, its smooth, fast, stable, the call quality is the best of any phone I have owned as is its ability to pull in the signal on the outskirts of tower service. The best device.
I don't think so. I once rooted my boss's wife's phone and installed Cyanogenmod but Quiet Hours isn't there.
That moment when you realise rooting=dev preview![]()
I mean to say he downloads app from unknown sources, the apps which are not available in any region! He has clearly shown me how to jailbreak WP, I prefer using without it!
Really? Does developers preview allow you to download apps/games from unknown sources? My friend has jailbreaked his 925, he's able to download apps/games that are not available in the store, does DP allow that? Then how's rooting= DP?
If you are looking for the most top notch specifications you'll always see Android killing it.
The 1520 is not a bad device by any means, but if your family does concert to Android I would recommend getting a Nexus 6. It offers much more in a much more pocket friendly price.
Oh and the Nexus 6 won't lag like most people here would make you believe. Samsung devices might, but the rest quality Android devices are safe.
A lot of people have already (rightfully) dismissed OP's notion that because the 1520 is several months old, it is bad. WP runs efficiently, so specs nearly don't matter at all.
The newest android devices will be stuffed full of the newest hardware and they will run the version of android they ship with quite well. But every update of Android adds bloat. Very soon your nexus 6 will be quite laggy, and others will be saying, "oh, sure that old thing lags, but if you get the latest Samsung flagship android which is made of quality hardware, it won't lag!"
Meanwhile, the 1520 will still be as fast as it was the day it launched.
Efficiently or not, there are things the Nexus can do which the 1520 can't because of the newer specifications. For one thing it supports voice commands even when the phone is off.
It has a 2K display coupled with a Snapdragon 805 processor which allows for faster shot processing and tons of other improvements, and despite graphics already being better on Android the Adreno 420 will also provide a massive boost in graphics quality and speed.
And Android doesn't experience "resuming" and usually gets apps to open up and multitask faster than Windows Phone but still the Nexus 6 will be able to multitask even better because of 3GB RAM.
Please for gods sakes educate yourself before spewing out what you consider "facts".
Efficiently or not, there are things the Nexus can do which the 1520 can't because of the newer specifications. For one thing it supports voice commands even when the phone is off.
It has a 2K display coupled with a Snapdragon 805 processor which allows for faster shot processing and tons of other improvements, and despite graphics already being better on Android the Adreno 420 will also provide a massive boost in graphics quality and speed.
And Android doesn't experience "resuming" and usually gets apps to open up and multitask faster than Windows Phone but still the Nexus 6 will be able to multitask even better because of 3GB RAM.
And lastly your notion about every Android update adds bloat, that is false. Every Android update released in the past few years focuses entirely on making performance better, and this year with 5.0 they have absolutely killed it. It's so smooth and silky, with very few things that they need to iron out, 4.4 was also a major step up in performance from 4.3 and previous versions of Android have done the same.
Also about the bloatware, Android 5.0 actually makes bloatware less of an issue: Android 5.0 Lollipop feature: Play Auto Installs bloatware removal | BGR
Also go ask anyone still rocking a Nexus 4 how their phone is running two years later on Android 5.0 and I'm sure they'll tell you how much faster it has gotten compared to the original 4.2
Please for gods sakes educate yourself before spewing out what you consider "facts".
what???? dude i just saw this and decided to "educate" you
all snapdragon 800 Lumias are getting cortana voice activation when the display is on standby/off
if im not mistaken the Nexus 5 wouldnt be getting "ok google" voice activation when the display is off,itll only work when the display is on
also the "resuming" screen ensures your battery life is top notch
i have yet to see an android device which lasts a day of heavy usage and yet to see a windows phone which dies out in less than a day
also the "high and mighty" display wont make sense on a screen that small,before you "judge" this, the human eye only sees upto a certain resolution so anything above that is wasted and on a 6 inch screen,its even a bigger waste
android 5.0 doesnt have bloat(yet) because only the stock android devices have got updates right now,so id expect bloat when more devices get updates
it also depends on how one defines bloat,id define bloat as some unneccessary google apps such as hangouts which is a pathetic and unreliable app and alot of smses just disappear within a few hours etc
also since you like to feel android is not bloated
its actually the only phone OS with bloat,unnecessary resource usage,only OS with antivirus,only OS which needs high specs to run etc etc
Ok Google available to all kitkat devices even moto g.(unlike wp their is no restrictions like sd800 processor's)
TTheir are tones of android devices which can last a day.EExample Sony z3 compact
And almost every wp phone dies within a day.Take l620 .
Dies within 2hrs of 3g browsing.
BUt again you are hater and hater doesn't make any logical comments.All you say about Android are lies but now you are saying lies about wp too.
Ok Google available to all kitkat devices even moto g.(unlike wp their is no restrictions like sd800 processor's)
TTheir are tones of android devices which can last a day.EExample Sony z3 compact
And almost every wp phone dies within a day.Take l620 .
Dies within 2hrs of 3g browsing.
BUt again you are hater and hater doesn't make any logical comments.All you say about Android are lies but now you are saying lies about wp too.