WP8.1 : Features you want the most


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Mar 3, 2014
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Baked in support for reading/streaming files to and from the phone. DLNA and SMB native support, and less roadblocks for app access to the files that are actually on the device (video files in the video folder for example).

More ability to set volume levels separately for different uses (e.g. ringtone volume vs app volume).

Live tiles that can update more often than once every half-hour.


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Apr 6, 2014
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Hmm, let's see...
- Apps being able to add sections to settings - I know it might sound stupid, but it also makes sense to an extent.
- Major overhaul of Settings - let's have some sections (Personal, Device, etc.) paged apart, so that the options are easier to find
- The Email app from W8/W8.1. I hate how all my accounts are spread around the app list, why can't we have one app to handle them all? The W8 app does it so nicely, and we could even sync accounts with that...
- Further options for the Action Center - just to mention a few: mobile data, volume presets for notifications (full volume/vibrate/silent). Also, an API for developers so that they can add their own toggles
- Further control of the main screen and the app list. Further tile sizes (3x1, 3x2, 2x2, 1x2, in WxH format), option to disable the alphabetical listing in the app list. Also further control over the live tiles (e.g. custom layout live tiles, like Cortana's, etc.).
- Better networking. Now we have VPN, but I still miss some features that are for Windows - Home Groups, accessing network drives, further networking tools, PROPER NETWORKING API (seriously, no app can access e.g. the list of available WiFi hotspots???)

And my biggest issue - localization and region!
I live in Denmark, but am from Hungary, and I use my device in English. Now, I want to have English language everywhere, but I wish to use Hungarian date formats (YYYY/MM/DD), Danish currency formats, and metric values. Why is it so hard to add an "Advanced" tab there where you could choose your own settings???


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Aug 20, 2009
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Hmm, let's see...

- Apps being able to add sections to settings - I know it might sound stupid, but it also makes sense to an extent.

- Major overhaul of Settings - let's have some sections (Personal, Device, etc.) paged apart, so that the options are easier to find

- The Email app from W8/W8.1. I hate how all my accounts are spread around the app list, why can't we have one app to handle them all? The W8 app does it so nicely, and we could even sync accounts with that...
- Further control of the main screen and the app list. Further tile sizes (3x1, 3x2, 2x2, 1x2, in WxH format), option to disable the alphabetical listing in the app list. Also further control over the live tiles (e.g. custom layout live tiles, like Cortana's, etc.).

- Better networking. Now we have VPN, but I still miss some features that are for Windows - Home Groups, accessing network drives, further networking tools, PROPER NETWORKING API (seriously, no app can access e.g. the list of available WiFi hotspots???)

Settings sounds good, but I really don't know why you would want to disable alphabetized ordering in applications. The networking options also I'm not sure how you would use it. Maybe of we had windows explorer then yes being able to browse networking paths and copying and pasting files and folders could be useful.

The email app is a single app. By default it gives you a different tile for each mailbox but they can be grouped together into a single one if you want already.


Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Tapatalk


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Mar 14, 2014
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- Microsoft RRAS SSTP VPN
- Use WLAN like a normal device...., wireshark the network your phones in and see if you can see its activity because I sure cant see it doing anything....FIX IT
- Use my local DNS server
- Force specific data mode (ex. LTE only, 3G only)
- Bring back the panorama photo app (add bring it back on Windows 8.1 too)
- Native File Manager

That's all I can think of right now but its needed
Seriously try to wireshark your network and see if you can see your phone's internet traffic...


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Apr 6, 2014
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Settings sounds good, but I really don't know why you would want to disable alphabetized ordering in applications. The networking options also I'm not sure how you would use it. Maybe of we had windows explorer then yes being able to browse networking paths and copying and pasting files and folders could be useful.

The email app is a single app. By default it gives you a different tile for each mailbox but they can be grouped together into a single one if you want already.


Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Tapatalk

It wasn't about alphabetized ordering, but the alphabet-lettering of given groups. It is quite annoying when you only have a few apps, and the letters are there - half of my list is made up of them! And sincerely, I hate it. If I had like, 60 apps, then yes, it would be useful (like with contacts), but I don't, and such, I don't want it. And what gives, 8.1 on my 520 by default comes with enough apps preinstalled to trigger the titles, so I can't even make sure it won't get turned on.

Networking should be implemented the way OneDrive is. An app, "Network Locations", and enable it in Photo/Video picker, etc. - or indeed, have a proper file browser finally.

The e-mail app is indeed a single one, but it's still multiple instances of it. Every time you get into a mailbox, it's the same app but with different app-global settings. What I want on my phone is the way the desktop e-mail app works - one app, one app-global setup, and multiple accounts from which you can choose. Though the mailbox grouping is new to me. Care to elaborate more, maybe direct me to a topic about it?

Oh also, found one more thing. It's just a small addition, but whatever. The new boot logo, the Win logo on black background - why not make it the same colour as the accent? It would be a nice touch after all!


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Jun 7, 2013
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I want the option to play music Random. For my entire music catalog and for my playlists.
Still can't tell when text message is to a group. Only see person sending it.
Really thought Miracast would be in this update. Guess that's something from Nokia?


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Apr 6, 2014
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I want the option to play music Random. For my entire music catalog and for my playlists.
Still can't tell when text message is to a group. Only see person sending it.
Really thought Miracast would be in this update. Guess that's something from Nokia?

The music player is a PoS at the moment, don't expect such features :p

Miracast is already there (Project My Screen in Settings), but most of the phones can't do it wireless. You need an MHL cable, and I believe most of the phones do not support that either.

Edika Kediri

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Apr 17, 2014
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- VPN Connection
- Tethering via bluetooth (PAN)
- Notification center
- Profile management (Night, Day, Meeting, ....)
- Improved multitasking (no more the tedious 'resuming...')
- Native video call
- Stop this stupid war with google and include Google Maps (Bing and Nokia are simply ridiculous compared to google) and YouTube


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Apr 17, 2014
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Re: 4k Video

When using SWYPE to fill out an email box, don't put spaces after/before words. let me swype the entire email without deleting spaces.


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May 2, 2013
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Re: WP8.1: One Feature you would want the most to have?

I agree... the lack of facebook chat is a real loss... as is the fact that you can't post an update to facebook/linkedIn/twitter all at the same time from PeopleHub... (though you can for linkedin and twitter)... BUT... I am pretty sure this is a limitation placed by Facebook, so is not really MIcrosofts fault?


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May 23, 2012
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Re: 4k Video

Why did they take away having Facebook, Twitter and SMS messages all on the same screen. It was one of my favorite features. Now you have to open several apps to do the same thing. Also put the people hub back to how it was. The features my wife and I loved the most are now gone.

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