Fix for bricked 920's after reset. Flash Process defined inside!

Okay, I contacted Customer Care chat. They said:

Normally, it takes only 30 minutes at most to reset it. In the event that it would take longer, like what happened here, you can press and hold both on the volume down button and power key for about 10 seconds.

The phone should then reboot. If the phone would still be stuck to spinning gears, here is a hardware reset that you need to press.

Input these keys on the following sequence, press them one key at a time:

Volume up
Volume down
Power key
Volume down

It worked for me

and this is link where i found it

Stuck on running gears for over 8 hours!! Nokia Lu... - Nokia Support Discussions
THANK YOU itxjobe and GodWeTrust (pg 19) for your help!! This brought my phone back to life, after countless rebooting and attempted hardware resets, even let my phone completely die only to it wake up with the "cogs of death"
I encountered the same and tried every possible solution listed here. NCS refused to detect my 920 somehow. Button combinations doesn't work. Tried letting it run dry before trying again still nothing. Gave up and sent it in to Nokia Care. Got the phone back today after 3 days. Got home and found the vibration motor died. Back to Nokia Care again.

This is the first time I've sent a phone in for one issues, and it comes back with another. Sigh...
Ok, I have a 920 that is one of the Developer Editions that I purchased from someone on Ebay back in August. I had since gotten the Amber update loaded on it. Everything working fine. Yesterday I went to do a reset on it to clear the phone of my Data, apps, music, etc so I could then set it up for my wife to use with her own Windows Live account. Well, I got the continuing spinning gears with it locked up i that state. It actually ran out of battery power and shut down on me. I plugged it and when I got it to turn back on I'm just back to the turning gears. Got on WPCentral website and found this forum. In part I'm glad to learn this is just not a problem I have. I've scanned a bit through all the pages now on this forum thread. Found the one suggestion someone tried and it working for them to do the volume key up, volume key down, power key and then volume key down sequence but that did nothing for me. Tried it twice with the phone not even rebooting. I've rebooted several times holding the volume down and power down but just get the Nokia to show up and then the turning gears again.

I'd like to go through I guess and try this Flash Process. I'll read more through these threads but I wondered since I have this Developer edition model and it had Amber already loaded, can someone point me in the right direction if there is a certain version of the firmware, etc that I need to get on the Nokia site? I see this thread was first posted back late last year so I assume there various versions of firmware now with Amber out that I need to use to try this Flashing. Any helpful direction would be appreciated that might help figure out what I need to do short of reading through 22 pages on this thread. Thanks in advance.
Before I'd done the reset I'd written down the OS Version, a firmware version number and a Radio software number that was shown on my phone. They were 8.0.10328.78 for the OS, 3047.0000.1326.2002 for the firmware and the radio number was 1.0.202132.3. Is that firmware number what I need to look for on the Nokia site to use in this Flashing process?

Okay, I contacted Customer Care chat. They said:

Normally, it takes only 30 minutes at most to reset it. In the event that it would take longer, like what happened here, you can press and hold both on the volume down button and power key for about 10 seconds.

The phone should then reboot. If the phone would still be stuck to spinning gears, here is a hardware reset that you need to press.

Input these keys on the following sequence, press them one key at a time:

Volume up
Volume down
Power key
Volume down

It worked for me

and this is link where i found it

Stuck on running gears for over 8 hours!! Nokia Lu... - Nokia Support Discussions

Well I tried this probably 4 times with no luck then when just out of frustration I stepped through this one more time and then set the phone aside when the turning gears just came back up and cranked away for a few minutes. Then all of a sudden my wife called me and said she heard the phone doing something and I go look at it and lo and behold its finally rebooted!!!

Did the steps mentioned finally work? I don't know but I'm Soooo... Relieved I got this working!

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
I was hoping I'd be one of the lucky ones for whom the gears would just miraculously stop and the phone would boot up. Not to be, after dozens of resets and hours of spinning gears, but I was able to flash it to bring it back to life. What a pita. Buh-bye 920...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Okay, I contacted Customer Care chat. They said:

Normally, it takes only 30 minutes at most to reset it. In the event that it would take longer, like what happened here, you can press and hold both on the volume down button and power key for about 10 seconds.

The phone should then reboot. If the phone would still be stuck to spinning gears, here is a hardware reset that you need to press.

Input these keys on the following sequence, press them one key at a time:

Volume up
Volume down
Power key
Volume down

It worked for me

and this is link where i found it

Stuck on running gears for over 8 hours!! Nokia Lu... - Nokia Support Discussions

Thank you! This worked for me. I had the battery die, then I put the phone to charger and turned it on. I got the cogs again. I pressed those buttons and let the battery die again. Then I put the phone to a charger again and left to a shop and when I came back it was back alive! :)

Honestly I'm not sure if the button technique did the trick or if it was something else but everyone should give it a try!
My Nokia 920 got bricked and I have not used it for a couple months (since it was bricked while I tried to hard reset it). Now I can try to flash it... see how this work...
Hi everyone, I've been having issues getting 3G on my Lumia 920, The phone originally from KSA Saudi Arabia, now im in the Philippines under Sun Cellular network, it works fine sending SMS and Calling but im not getting 3G, all I get is Edge doesnt matter where im at. My iphone 5 sometimes gets Edge from a different network but when my Lumia 920 is getting Edge its totally useless cant surf or even post a status update, I research and inquire with my plan provider and they suggested to do a Field Test that's by pressing ##3282# but it would not work on my L920, i went online and found out that the Field Test was removed from Lumia phones after the AMBER update but there's this one guy who said its working on his Lumia 920 what he did is he flashed his Italian L920 to EU-France ROM so I did the same I saw the steps here and was able to flashed from KSA-Saudi Arabian ROM to EU-Fr ROM and im getting the Field Test now also the Edge issue has been resolved I was able to change the settings by selecting 3G Only on the field test, the problem is the firmware version of the EU-FR Rom was not Amber yet so I tried to update it using Nokia Software Update for Retail but sadly it went back to KSA-Saudi Arabia version and my unlimited data plan went back to Edge so I flashed the ROM again to EU-France and all is fine but I want to get Amber version of my phone can anyone help me? Is there a place I can get the Amber version of the EU-France rom? or is there a different solution to my problem aside from flashing my phone to a different ROM? thanks in advance
Well I'm in the UAE (Dubai) and MS/Nokia SUCK BIG TIME here, I don't know WHY I purchased this crappy 920 BRICKED in exactly the SAME way, hard reset from About Phone and the gears spinning 8 hours now, battery died, connected USB charger, came back, same gears, what file to use to restore? Will the AT&T one screw it up further it's black and I've NO idea of the IMEI... can't turn it on nothing written nowhere
Well I'm in the UAE (Dubai) and MS/Nokia SUCK BIG TIME here, I don't know WHY I purchased this crappy 920 BRICKED in exactly the SAME way, hard reset from About Phone and the gears spinning 8 hours now, battery died, connected USB charger, came back, same gears, what file to use to restore? Will the AT&T one screw it up further it's black and I've NO idea of the IMEI... can't turn it on nothing written nowhere

Hi you can download the Nokia Software Updater for Retail ver 4 it has option to unbricked the phone
- Bob... just do a search for that software and install it..bam your good (its should be on Microsoft's site)
does anyone know if you can install another version of firmware on attnt phone? how do you find which version u need anways if you bought it from negri which is an import

You can flash a non-AT&T firmware to your 920, which will remove the branding and allow it to receive the Data Sense app (stripped out by AT&T), plus updates will not be delayed by AT&T anymore (you can still use AT&T apps and services, as long as you have an AT&T SIM installed). BE AWARE THAT DOING THIS WILL VOID THE WARRANTY (unless a way is found to restore the AT&T firmware) AND CARRIES A RISK OF BRICKING THE DEVICE! Here is a link to the procedure that I used several months ago. If you already have Amber/GDR2 and GDR3 (developer preview), those will need to be re-installed as well. It's a bit of work, but my phone has never worked better since removing AT&T from it.

There may be other firmware updates available, but I can at least personally vouch for this one.

By the way, AT&T has said that Data Sense doesn't work on their network, when it actually only monitors traffic from within the phone. They also say that their MyAT&T app can be used in place of Data Sense, when they are not even close in capabilities. Data Sense tracks data usage by cellular data plan AND by WiFi, AND it tracks such in total and by individual apps, so you can see where the data hogs are and manage them appropriately. MyAT&T only tracks data usage against the cellular data plan (in total, no apps breakdown, no WiFi data tracking). Its only advantage is that it meters against your actual plan, whereas Data Sense requires that you manually input the data limits and billing dates, but that is easily done.

Good Luck.
I've got all the software set up as described in the instructions, but I'm having problems when plugging the phone in via USB.
When I plug it in, Windows 8 makes the 'new thing just got plugged in' sound but then almost immediately it makes the 'something got unplugged' sound, and it basically cycles between the two and it's impossible for it to stay plugged in long enough for the software to flash the phone. I've tried a million combinations of buttons on the phone, but it keeps getting unplugged in the middle of being detected by the software.

What can I do to stop this?

Thanks a lot, any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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