Lumia Amber Update for RM-826 (059R4F3) OS version 3047.0000.1326.2001 INDIA!

Is there any way I can get a ROM for my Lumia 720 also ? Or can I just use the same rom that you used on your 820 ?
@mvpspl619 Sorry but you cant use the same ROM and you'll need a model specific and version specific ROM for your 720.
Give me your Variant Name and Product Code and i'll try to find you a ROM and i'll post it on the Lumia 720 Related Threads.
Thanks for your Reply @aravind787

iam downloading now.. I hate these powercuts in India especially Hyderabad, Telangana. It interrupted me 3 times
@SaiKiran747 Lucky Bangalore is in a bit better without frequent power cuts this year.Never a bad option to powercut proof your house with a UPS :winktongue:

Missed another new feature

@aravind787 The problem is I dont understand which product code is the right one. When I googled for example lumia 720 has a single product code if I remember right. And the variant is Indian I guess. Where exaclty do we find the product code and variant code ?
Hey dude, applied the update. Works very well. You have to update the Extra+info to the latest one to have the SMS + Call block activated
Oh great. Thanks for the info :). After I get the product code and variant code all I need to do is look for a rom with the same product code and variant code but which is an amber rom, right ? Correct me if I am wrong

UPDATE: I found my product code and variant code now. Product Code: 059S3N5, Variant Code: RM-885 VAR IN CV RED - Nokia Lumia 720. I will look for a ROM now. Thanks for the info @Surendra Mehta
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I think NSU for retail in offline mode will also be able to install this update. When I connected my phone after clicking work offline in server configuration, it was showing me the update after I had placed them in the forder in program data. Will probably try it out over the weekend. Anyone else tried this method?
thanks a lot for info and th rom ~ just refurbished my lumia 820 now m quite happy getting amber before than others ~ m just confused about one thing does this update also include gdr 2
Just Got my hands on this update and installed it on my Nokia Lumia 820

Variant Name RM- 826 VAR IMEA CV
Product Code 059R4F3
OS Version 3047.0000.1326.2001 (RM826_3047.0000.1326.2001_RETAIL_im_india_201_01_244613)

Link to Files :

Other Files : RM - 826.rar

use Nokia Product Support tool for store 5.0

place the files in the folder:
Windows XP: C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ Nokia \ Packages \ Products \ rm-826
Windows 7: C: \ Program Data \ Nokia \ Packages \ Products \ rm-826


Run from the desktop Nokia Care Suite and then bookmark Product Support Tool For Store

Select No connection in the Connections if it is different then File -> Open Product and select RM-826 Select Programming on the left at the bottom and then click Recovery tab opens Recovery .
Click Update lists when downloaded can not be loaded soft Press Start .
The program will check the correctness of the files on the disk and verify it.
Connect your phone to your computer using a USB cable and hold the mute and Power until you feel the vibration.
The application should display the message Rebooting .

and finally finish Flashing


I have a question please....Why do we need to do all this ?

I launched NSU and plugged in the device , Then device was detected and I pressed "update" when prompted , Device was ready after 2 hours and update has already been installed to the device

Is this method meant for having different results ? I am confused

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