I Got the update yesterday for aLumia 620 variant: 000-FI country variant
that's a 620 carrier free sim unlocked 620 coming from Finland and purchased in Barcelona Spain, where I live
Software Release :Lumia Amber
carrier: Finland CV variant: 000-FI country variant
OS version 8.0.10328.78
Firmware 3046.0000.1329.2001
kind of weird because here
Availability in Europe - Nokia
tNokia Says update is coming soon
* Glance screen is present -- I was used to previous Nokia N8 Glance, Lumia 620 glance set at peek mode ( displays time batt, ring status if you pass your hand next to the screen, Nokia N8 sported a OLED screen, i'm gonna see how this behaves on the battery life, with a power angry LCD screen likes the 620,
* Data Sense is included and is pretty awesome you got a per app data usage separated on wifi and cellular,
* Color Profile kind of useless, i just increased the saturation a little bit to enance screen readeability under barcelonian sun
* Other storage : nothing new here i still has like 700MB on "OTHER SOTRAGE" I use the app Storage Cleaner
* No double-tap to wake-up from sleep
* No radio
* New sounds for new email, new SMS
* Wifi (find nearby Wi-Fi) map with data sense : excellent stuff it shows you all the available repertoried wifi spots on the map, there are quitte a lot in Barcelona
* Internet Explore new option to reduce data use by sending URLs to Data Sense Service, <---- Does any one knows how this works ?
* Photos+camera - option to change default camera appyou have direct lenses and photo add redirection on the built in camera
* Call + SMS Filter includedi m not using it but nice to see it, this will prevent ex girls friends from boring me, *joke* no really this will be cool to prevent phone calls from my carrier to advertise some ****.
*The flip to silence ! great feature is there too, that was present on my 2010 Nokia N8 haha
I agree The glance feature on paper looks meh but its useful in real use.
Well if by luck i get back my 920 from nokia repair (battery issue) im gonna compare.
there is not too much new on this update concerning the 620, just some new fonctionality added