Round Robin: Jennifer's Fuze questions

Hey again! :) Thanks to everyone for giving me such great advice! I've been swamped with stuff and haven't had a chance to try and sync the Fuze again but I'm getting ready to try it again here in a minute. I'm going to do a hard reset, reboot my puter and make sure that I plug the USB straight into the computer. I had been using a hub. I really don't have a free spot on my computer so I'll have to unplug something.

About those fingerprints, to me, the Fuze is worse than the Treo Pro. I can easily wipe the prints and smudges off the Pro but the Fuze seems to want to hold on to the prints more strongly. The edges of the Treo pro are not as thick as the edges on the Fuze so the smudges show up worse on the Fuze edges.

dannzeman, I mostly text, talk, check my calendar, the weather, and play a game if there is one that I find interesting. I'm not at all comfortable with any tweaking, especially doing any sort of registry edits. I'm way too chicken for that stuff. I've never been all that comfortable with WM. I don't hate it but I do much prefer the Palm OS. My peabrain really needs simplicity.

Speaking of Weather, I love the 3D Weather app that is included on the Fuze, but I don't like that I can't get a city any closer to me than Charlotte, NC. Does anyone know if I'm missing something here and that there is a way to type in any city that you want? All I've seen is the alphabetical thingy on the right hand side of the screen. I haven't seen a way to bring up a box to actually type in a particular city. When I click on the letters, I see lots of cities listed, but just none that are close to where I live. Yeah, it's nice to see what the weather is like in Charlotte, but I live very close to the mountains and our weather is totally different here.

Gonna go attempt to sync again! :eek:

forget activestync, if you need to sync to an exchange server, set up over the air sync in messaging, of if you use gmail, use goosync.

and don't install software from the PC. I always use cab files, put them on an SD card and install from the device.

for file exploring, use Total Commander, it has more features than the vanilla file exploder. it can do registry editing and ftp in addition to all file management on your device and SD card.
rawdeadfish is spot on. Download the Weather Database app and if you can get ur local forecast through accuweather you will have no problem getting it on the Fuze.
WhooHoo!!! It worked! I hard reset the Fuze and unchecked the advanced networking box on the Fuze and now WMDC is finally connected! Wow, thanks everyone for the help!!! What a freaking relief!

I'll be sure to check out the Weather Database app, rawdeadfish! Thanks!
wow the touchflo 3d looks very nice. I like the screen size. Almost makes me want to sell my Treo Pro and iPod Touch.

Where you loading the web pages I'm the video via 3G or wifi?
To fix the syncing issue it is probably just a matter of checking or unchecking a single setting on your phone.

Go to:

Start Menu / Settings / Connections / USB to PC. Make sure "ActiveSync (Sync with Outlook)" is checked and then check or uncheck the following setting called "Enable advanced networking functionality"

that should do it for you.

EDIT: was already answered a few posts back! :D
I'm not at all comfortable with any tweaking, especially doing any sort of registry edits. I'm way too chicken for that stuff. I've never been all that comfortable with WM. I don't hate it but I do much prefer the Palm OS. My peabrain really needs simplicity.
Don't be scared. Once you realize how easy it is to tweak your phone, it will open up a whole new world for you that you never thought possible from a Palm OS point of view. To help you out here is a step by step tutorial I wrote helping new comers to the WM world:

Then here are some of the most popular and common registry edits I compiled so you don't have to trudge through 1,000s of posts and threads to find the ones you should or can do:

I hope this helps....
Jennifer.... just watched your video review. Nicely done.

Two questions though. What wallpaper are you using for the Home Tab and where are you from? If I didn't know any better I would think your from down in my neck of the woods.

It's coppertop, not copperhead...:D
WhooHoo!!! It worked! I hard reset the Fuze and unchecked the advanced networking box on the Fuze and now WMDC is finally connected! Wow, thanks everyone for the help!!! What a freaking relief!

I'll be sure to check out the Weather Database app, rawdeadfish! Thanks!

I knew Dieter mucked up the DLL files. ;)
berdinkerdickle, I think you can just post here, you don't have to help. So post away! I always enjoy reading your posts anyway!

You can post in all the contest forum threads. You may only enter once per day (but you can post as often as you like!), but you can enter every day from now until December 31st.

Coppertop, I'm from the North Carolina foothills. Funny how many people talk alike. I've heard people from Texas who talk the same way. My accent is pretty lazy, but there are people around here who sound even funnier than me. They say "aint" for "aunt" and "cheer" for "chair" and "git" for "get". I guess people just repeat what they hear all their lives.
The pic I used for the wallpaper was in the photos that are included in the Fuze. I don't know what the name of it is; I just clicked on it and chose it for my wallpaper. I changed it to something lighter today though because I was having trouble seeing the text on the screen beneath the clock. Like I could barely make out my appointments from my Calendar. I wish that we could lighten the background pic like we can in the Palm OS Calendar under Display Options.
Yep, I'm sorry about calling you Copperhead! I apologized in the video. I don't know why Copperhead was on my mind so strongley. :o I was very tired after doing all that video taping and was getting pretty punchy there at the end. I had to redo that forum member thanking bit about a zillion times because I had the giggles.

Smileyboy, I don't have 3G here and was loading the web pages via WiFi. I sure wish I had 3G though! I'm still waiting for AT&T to get it to us here. I looked at the map on AT&T's website yesterday and saw that it's getting closer, so maybe it won't be too much longer.

HobbesIsReal, thanks for the links! I'll definitely go back and read your articles again! Maybe I'll get brave and twiddle a little.
I spent two years in NC, a small village between Burlington and Chapel Hill; Saxapahaw. While my heart is in Alabama, I often find myself missing the quiet of Carolina.

Don't worry about the name faux paux, I've been called a lot worse.
How well is Opera 9.5 working on the fuze? Have you ever used it on another Winmo device. If so, how does it compare? I am wondering about the speed of it loading, and speed of rendering pages. Thanks.
Make sure you don't have nay other syncing software running in the taskbar. If you have the palm software running it will block syncing through mobile device center
hi pdaluver,
Thanks for this thread. It's going to help me a lot because so far I only gio to play with the Fuze in the store and they don't have any answers.
I will learn along with you just but following the thread.
Hopefully this helps out.

Hi everyone!

Here we are again, this time with the 2nd annual Round Robin. My first device is the Fuze. Cool device!

I've barely even gotten to know my Treo Pro and now I have to put it and my Centro away for about a month! BooHoo! But I relish the chance to get to experience other cool smartphones!

I already have a question. The Fuze sent to me didn't have a software CD. I want to sync the Fuze with my Dell Windows Vista laptop since I've already got a crapload of other devices connected via my desktop PC. I read that I would need to download the Windows Mobile Device Center so I did so. I connected the Fuze to the laptop via the USB cable and then downloaded the WMDC. But I can't get the WMDC to connect to the Fuze. It just sits there, and says, "Waiting for device to connect".

I've got the "Allow USB connections" box checked.
I've got the "Allow connections to one of the folllowing" - COM3- checked.
What should I have checked under "This computer is connected to:"? I did have "Internet" checked.

I've also got the "Allow automatic device authentication" box checked and the "Allow data connection on device when connected to PC" checked.

Any suggestions?

I'm sure I'll have plenty more dumb questions. :o

This is an Official Smartphone Round Robin Contest Thread!

You can get reacquainted with the Round Robin and read all the rules here.

I have been using windows mobile devices for quite sometime now, and there are several things you can try and possibly some alternatives.

First off make sure that you did not sync your Fuze with another device. Unfortunately windows mobile 6.1 is known to have some issues of syncing these devices with different computers. I know you said that you have several devices on your desktop and hopefully you did not sync your fuze on that first and decided to sync it to your dell laptop after. If you did you might have a major problem. Please see the following link if you did.

Second, is your dell laptop bluetooth capable. I sync my old HTC 8525 with my Dell Inspiron with Vista basic through bluetooth and works like a charm.

Third, try trying a different USB plug. I've read people using other mini USB wires from other devices like a camera, to work if the original one did not work. Sometimes you might just get a kink in the chord or you might have a short on it. So try a different USB chord.

Fourth, try using a different USB port. My first WM device was an HTC 8125 and for some reason, it would not sync on my side USB port, and I used the USB port on the back of my laptop and that worked.

Five, back up your contacts with a 3rd party application like SPB back up or SK Tools backup and do a hard reset on the fuze. This will put it back to the manufactures setting and make it new, then establish your connection. From there reload your saved backup.

Six, try updating your network framework to 3.5. I'd possibly update both on your laptop and your fuze just to make sure.

Seven, try reinstalling your WMDC on your laptop.

Eight if none of that works there are other ways you can get files on your fuze. Use it as an external hard drive. Use a 3rd party application like wm5torage that turns your phone into an external hard drive.

Nine, I checked the connections I have when using wmdc and these ar my settings that are different.

First I allow connection to one of the following. Mine says Bluetooth even though I dont sync it through bluetooth anymore and I use my chord instead. Dont know why but its set on that. Also, It says "this computer is connected to: Automatic."

On my phone under settings/connections/USB to PC, I do not have enable advance network functionality checked off. You might want to play with it checked, and try and unchecked and try. Two of my phones that are both made by HTC were different. My 8125 needed to be checked while my 8525 did not have it checked. This was the major part that fixed my syncing problems.

If I have any other suggestions, I will let you know. These are the only ones that are off the top of my head. Let me know if this works. I'm crossing my fingers for you. Such a good phone, and I'm jealous you have one!:D

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