New member
- Aug 7, 2008
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I'm looking a getting the Fuze myself and am having to way if I can afford to buy it. Right now it's looking like I might have to switch to a local GSM carrier. Any new infomration would be great.
Diva, I don't recall about the drivers on my Vista laptop, but I do remember the drivers being installed when I had the Fuze connected to my XP desktop computer.
Not to be too nit-picky but it's Fuze not Fuse.
Is there an HTC touch spray that use in the the morning
and keep it shiny without fingerprints the whole day long?
Now that you've said it out loud, someone will probably come out with something like that.
You do get used to it and during the colder months, it's not as bad. In testing out cases for the Treo Pro (same issues with fingerprints) I found that some will actually de-grease the phone as it's pulled out of the case. Maybe that could be a selling point as well.
No offense taken Diva! Fingerprints aren't my main concern, but I do hate them. They're just worse on the Fuze. The back of my iPod Touch is pretty awful too though.
I don't normally sync my email either but I have to try during the Round Robin. I usually just get my gmail straight on my phone.
I checked out the Fuze yesterday and overall its a nice device, but like stated a fingerprint monster.. If this storm fails to impress I may have to go back to Win mo..