Unsupported CU phone users: What will you do now?

Nothing I can do. I'm on Verizon. End of the line, apparently.

It is messed up how long VZ users have been waiting for a new device. How is the AU update treating you? What device are you using? The icon even though it lacks a few things is a great phone. The M8 too and it can be moved to the newer updates.
I'm here, moved in. As long as its not Android or iPhone.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

Kinda like the guy in an american highway but driving on the left and saying that everybody else is driving on the wrong side!
It is messed up how long VZ users have been waiting for a new device. How is the AU update treating you? What device are you using? The icon even though it lacks a few things is a great phone. The M8 too and it can be moved to the newer updates.

Icon is what I have, Nate. It seems to be pretty stable and running quite well on 15063.138. I like the old Icon, but lets face it, its far from being a flagship at this point. Much as I prefer WM interface, I've gone to my Moto Z Force for a daily driver. I need notification support for my Garmin and FitBit devices (which still hasn't happened with Windows Mobile). I have an old M8 kicking around here somewhere too, but haven't bothered to do anything with it, maybe I'll try spoofing it one of these days just for giggles. I had been considering a 735, even though it seems like a downgrade from the Icon, but now its dead-ended anyway, so no point.
I've just put CU on my 1520. Microsoft let me down really hard on this one. I'm probably going to registry hack it later to get RS3 if that's even a thing for Mobile.
I've l535 which isn't in the list. I'll not buy another W10 Lumia mobile. But l hope RS3 will be release for at least 1Gb ram mobiles.
I've l535 which isn't in the list. I'll not buy another W10 Lumia mobile. But l hope RS3 will be release for at least 1Gb ram mobiles.

We aren't getting RS 2 ,so how can we get RS3 ? Creators update is RS2 , isn't it ?
I've l535 which isn't in the list. I'll not buy another W10 Lumia mobile. But l hope RS3 will be release for at least 1Gb ram mobiles.
Well, I agree, but these 1GB phones should cost as much as 1GB RAM Android phones, no more than them. That would be their way to grab a peace of the market. But in reality it was like "hey, this 1GB Lumia 650 works decently with its SD 212, let's make it cost 200-300$". While for that money you can buy a powerful Android phone, and not from some anonymous brand.
That's why i typed 'hope' . Ms is a hope base company in mobile market...
Don't bother to hope for something from them. You can see what they do. Just huge letdowns. They could have given CU to us, but they didn't simply because they didn't want to. It wouldn't have cost them a penny.

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone
MS is on its way to irrelevance.....
Just threw my Lumias for sale on the Internet.
3 six-packs of beer and i'll sell.
Well, I agree, but these 1GB phones should cost as much as 1GB RAM Android phones, no more than them. That would be their way to grab a peace of the market. But in reality it was like "hey, this 1GB Lumia 650 works decently with its SD 212, let's make it cost 200-300$". While for that money you can buy a powerful Android phone, and not from some anonymous brand.

Don't bother to hope for something from them. You can see what they do. Just huge letdowns. They could have given CU to us, but they didn't simply because they didn't want to. It wouldn't have cost them a penny.

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone

That's why i planned to buy an Android(maybe Nokia) . Android have plenty of my daily use apps which aren't on Windows 10 MOBILE.
But as I'm tech lover, I'll keep my bricked Lumia 535 for reviews..
I'll buy an Android. What choice do I have? MS doesn't even have phones in their stores anymore. And who would buy a new Windows phone today, given MS's history? The Surface Phone isn't coming - and even if it were released next month, who would risk $500 on the chance it's ever updated?

I think they want to get down to just 1 customer, then Nadella wil take him out to lunch and gently tell him it's over.
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There are several excellent phones that can be purchased, depending on the country you're in of course. They won't suddenly stop working.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

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