What features does iOS have that W10M doesn't?


It's not just Touch ID, but also the tamper proof storage area that is separate from the main Flash ROM, for storing both the fingerprint data, and the encryption key that is generated/unlocked from that fingerprint. Without that, any fingerprint reader is pointless.

There are a few other things.

Why are both Reminders, and Quiet Hours, inside Cortana? They both need to be spun off as separate apps, and there needs to be a Reminders service on Outlook.com that you can sync to.

There's no Handoff from W10 device to W10 device.

No search across the whole device.

A next to pointless built in Wallet app.

No built in Clock app (!)

But my greatest distain is reserved for the built in Calendar app. It is utter crap. Just three, hard coded Calendar service providers. No general CalDAV support. The "Location" field is just a text field where you put a description of where your event is, not a pinpoint on a map.

It's not just Touch ID, but also the tamper proof storage area that is separate from the main Flash ROM
Windows 10 with Windows Hello would have to have this same thing to be secure, but I don't know the technical specifics.

Why are both Reminders, and Quiet Hours, inside Cortana? They both need to be spun off as separate apps, and there needs to be a Reminders service on Outlook.com that you can sync to.
I agree.

There's no Handoff from W10 device to W10 device.
In my opinion this needs to come to Windows 10. Microsoft is pushing Continuum as the solution but Continuum and Handoff solve 2 different problems and they can both exist together. Answering calls and replying to SMSs from my laptop/desktop is a core want for me, maybe that can be handled by the new Skype app, but all core OS experiences should transition between devices in a very cohesive fashion. An example is that maps on the desktop should be able to push a location to your phone and start navigation immediately. Microsoft's answer so far is that searches performed in the 'desktop' app will show as recent results when you search in the 'mobile' app, but to me that's not the same thing.

No search across the whole device.
WP8.1 has a whole device search (emails, SMS, music, etc.) and I'm almost certain that early versions of Windows 8 had this too in the unified search but they split it out by 8.1. I really hope they bring this back to Windows 10 desktop & mobile.

A next to pointless built in Wallet app.
Yeah, they need to do so much more with this.

No built in Clock app (!)
Windows 10 Mobile comes with 'Alarm & Clock' which has a world clock.

But my greatest distain is reserved for the built in Calendar app. It is utter crap. Just three, hard coded Calendar service providers. No general CalDAV support. The "Location" field is just a text field where you put a description of where your event is, not a pinpoint on a map.
I agree. A workaround for the CalDAV is that you can import the calendar into Outlook.com and then it will sync to you Windows 10 device with your Outlook calendar. The location field was better in WP8.1, it was a type ahead style search box that retrieved real addresses as you typed.
What features IOS has Windows 10 Mobile OS doesn't?

But the point to be made here is there's really not much, that's in the OS, that is behind iOS. Microsoft could just sort out the Calendar app alone, link it up to the Maps app, and they'd make a huge leap. Then Handoff next, the whole Windows everywhere thing.

Although I did forget one. You know when you access some public WiFi, and you get that "Captive Portal" sign on web form? Why doesn't the browser settings for remembering passwords work there too? And don't tell me WiFi Sense, because that just plain doesn't work with Captive Portals!
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Apart from sd card support, and freedom to download and manage files with the file explorer, they pretty much are the same in terms of features

As I said this is to be seen, but saying the games look better on IOS/Android than WP is untrue. How you know is it a pain? When it comes to game SDK, I don't think MSFT will be beaten.
Please, go grab WP L1520 to play Age of Empire, Asphalt 8, Halo, Overkill, Mirecraft, Tiny Troopers then come to tell me your experience even my brother who's Apple fan has admitted that the graphic is much better in my L1520 than his iPhone6.

I cannot agree on the graphics side. Last time I've checked major games are not present on WP. games with stunning graphics: RealRacing 3, Infinity Blade, NFS Most Wanted etc. And as for Asphalt 8, Fifa...graphics on the IOS are way superior...I understand your are a big fan but at least admit the true facts.
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At least Windows Phone doesn't even lag in the low end devices like the 520.. And.. Apps.. Project Astoria will help developers to easily convert apps. Heck, people are sideloading APKs on their devices easily (See XDA). The thing is Apple products are heavily over-priced. If you look at their processors and stuffs, they make with a cheap hardware, but the OS is what makes you think its of a premium quality. As for Camera, most devices have Carl Ziess Lens, way better than iPhone's camera. Sound.. Now most of the devices are coming with Dolby Surround. Overall, Windows may lack in some useless features or settings such as mono audio but still Windows Phone has everything and I repeat EVERYTHING a user would want in a phone.

A next to pointless built in Wallet app.

No built in Clock app (!)

I see some nice Payment options under NFC in Windows 10 Mobile.

And as mentioned, the standard Clock App in W10, looks ok to me, alarm, world clock, timer and stopwatch, and you can even pin timer and stopwatch separate to your home screen.....

It's all very polished, and you can tell how important iOS is to Apple when you use it.

This is essentially the crux of it. Also to the OP, given the stance of Microsoft I'd venture to say there's plenty more things available for iPhone at a base level which Windows doesn't have due to the "Everything is an app" mentality now enforced by Microsoft, if we're talking core functionality and not app functionality.

No built in Clock app (!)

Why do people keep asking for a built-in clock app? You're going to bypass the clock on the lock screen, and the time in the top right corner, to open a clock app? With the touch of one button I can see the time. If you have Glance, you don't even have to touch the phone. With an app, you're looking at a min of 3 steps to open the app.

Is there something more to this that I'm not seeing? What do you need a clock app to do?

Is there something more to this that I'm not seeing? What do you need a clock app to do?
He-he, I'm with you, I always get shocked when i see that some people putting clock as the live tile, I mean for worth it worth!? As you said, you'll see the big clock on glance, than you'll see it again on lock screen and finally if you miss those two there is another in top right corner which is even to much clocks if you ask me... :D

Anyway, speaking about clock apps, the stock one is greatly improved in W10M, it consist of 4 easily accessible apps, World clock, Alarms, Timer and Stopwatch that you can pin to start, run in full screen and so on...

What does iOS has that W10M doesn't?

Consistent design
Smooth operation
Faster Siri
"Action Center" at the bottom
Better ram management therefore better multitasking
Swipe to close 3 apps at a time
Available now : Slow motion video
Dramatically better app ecosystem and developers that leverage hardware and APIs.
Metal API instead of OpenGL 3 (forgot the name for mobile exactly) or DirectX11.
Smoother and prettier animations
MORE animations. The OS is generally more pleasant to use.

What does iOS has that W10M doesn't?

Consistent design
Smooth operation
Faster Siri
"Action Center" at the bottom
Better ram management therefore better multitasking
Swipe to close 3 apps at a time
Available now : Slow motion video
Dramatically better app ecosystem and developers that leverage hardware and APIs.
Metal API instead of OpenGL 3 (forgot the name for mobile exactly) or DirectX11.
Smoother and prettier animations
MORE animations. The OS is generally more pleasant to use.

And the majority of the above are simply your opinion, which is fine, it doesn't make IOS better, or worse.

In my opinion ios and android look so ugly when compared to Windows 10 or 8.1 mobile and some Microsoft phones have much better camera's. Cortana also is far more advanced then sirs all my friends with iPhones say they hate sirs compared to Cortana

In my opinion ios and android look so ugly when compared to Windows 10 or 8.1 mobile and some Microsoft phones have much better camera's. Cortana also is far more advanced then sirs all my friends with iPhones say they hate sirs compared to Cortana
:) you really believe yourself don't you? iphone 6s and galaxy s6> have better cameras now. android and ios ugly :))) I won't bother comment further, it's clear you haven't used anything else but wp for more than 5 minutes

How can you say better RAM management? Windows doesn't even lag once.. not even once in my 520 which has a 512 MB RAM. You are just making false facts, trying to cover up. Accept that. And For God's sake this is a Windows Forum, why the heck would we want Apple or Android fanboys here???

How can you say better RAM management? Windows doesn't even lag once.. not even once in my 520 which has a 512 MB RAM. You are just making false facts, trying to cover up. Accept that. And For God's sake this is a Windows Forum, why the heck would we want Apple or Android fanboys here???


How can you say better RAM management? Windows doesn't even lag once.. not even once in my 520 which has a 512 MB RAM. You are just making false facts, trying to cover up. Accept that. And For God's sake this is a Windows Forum, why the heck would we want Apple or Android fanboys here???


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