What features does iOS have that W10M doesn't?


Facebook integration still doesn't seem to connect to Contacts as much as it did in People so I miss that. (no profile pictures are contact photos it seems)

I finally solved this issue. In the Facebook app there is an option to connect it to your phone. I disconnected this and reconnected it and the profile pics finally re appeared.

-iMessage knows whether to use data versus sms.
-A great store, though for ms it's a work in progress.
-hot girls
-consistent design patterns
-more hot girls
-a wallet pay system that is actually supported by many vendors

That's all I can think of other than the app ecosystem

-iMessage knows whether to use data versus sms.

No. iMessage always tries to use data instead of SMS. That's why you get really pissed if you leave iOS and forget to turn off iMessage on your phone - everyone else's phones persist at trying to send you data messages. iMessage is a suck you in and keep you technology. Like iTunes was. SMS is globally usable and in many countries free unlimited these days.

Good to see they had to release an entire OS update (9.0.1) to fix the non-working alarms in that built in clock app today...

it was a minor bug, I've been using alarms in 9 for some time.
Also it was a dinky OS update like that anti-random-reboot patch MS pushed out to phones.

it was a minor bug, I've been using alarms in 9 for some time.
Also it was a dinky OS update like that anti-random-reboot patch MS pushed out to phones.

You know my point which was someone thought the built in clock was a positive feature, but as Apple has discovered (ironically several times now), this means to update the clock (and email etc.) you have to update the whole OS.

I think the WM10 way of having an updatable app is better than having a built in clock.

I have been using windows since WP 7.5, currently using a lumia 920 with WM10 as daily driver also owns ios device.

So here are the features:
  • A fluidic well responsive OS (for those who says WP doesn't lag check out W10M , agree its in beta but sometimes by the way it lags it feels like an alpha release).
  • They are getting a complete OS on release , not threshold 1 like in W10, and every phone is atleast supported for the update.
  • And of course a well built app ecosystem (many WP8 apps are not available for W10M, there are no lumia camera lenses on W10M and the stock app is miles behind in terms of features) , You may complain about apps being told here but withouth apps a smartphone aint smart anymore its just a phone.
  • A well built ms apps that are infact miles ahead when compared to their WM counterparts.
  • And unless everyone is into MS office on the go ( sure most buisiness people carries a lap or surface pro for the same) continuum is just for bragging.

At least Windows Phone doesn't even lag in the low end devices like the 520.. And.. Apps.. Project Astoria will help developers to easily convert apps. Heck, people are sideloading APKs on their devices easily (See XDA).

Not even close. I sideloaded Casper on my 1520 and it was extremely buggy and crashed frequently.

The thing is Apple products are heavily over-priced. If you look at their processors and stuffs, they make with a cheap hardware, but the OS is what makes you think its of a premium quality.

I couldn't disagree more. The build QUALITY of Apple's devices is 2nd to none. I used to look at specs and ppi and just assumed my HTC One M8 had a far better display than an IPhone based on the numbers, but that theory falls right down when you actually see the retina display. The IPhone 6 I am using right now is the most beautiful screen of any smartphone I have ever owned and I've owned a lot of devices. As far as procs and ram, again, get away from the specs and actually TRY one, there is nothing cheap or substandard about the device OR the experience.

As for Camera, most devices have Carl Ziess Lens, way better than iPhone's camera. Sound.. Now most of the devices are coming with Dolby Surround. Overall, Windows may lack in some useless features or settings such as mono audio but still Windows Phone has everything and I repeat EVERYTHING a user would want in a phone.

The cameras are NICE, but they are ........... SSSLLLLLOOOOWWWWWWW compared to the IPhone 6, and I suspect will seem even more slow compared to the 6S/6S Plus. I have owned a ton of Windows Phones exclusively over the last 3 years, and if Windows Phone REALLY had "EVERYTHING" a user could want in a phone, then I wouldn't be using an IPhone 6 right now. I wouldn't have an IPhone 6S Plus pre-ordered.

I LOVE Microsoft. I use all of their apps and services (OneDrive, Office, Sway, Office lens, MSN Sports, MSN News, OneNote, etc, etc). I think that it means SOMETHING that the best environment to use the best version of those apps is currently on IOS and NOT Windows Phone.

How can you say better RAM management? Windows doesn't even lag once.. not even once in my 520 which has a 512 MB RAM. You are just making false facts, trying to cover up. Accept that. And For God's sake this is a Windows Forum, why the heck would we want Apple or Android fanboys here???

Acknowledging the things that have made or are making IOS a preferred over choice over WP doesn't make somebody a ******. I am not, and have never been, a fan of Apple. I am a Microsoft ****** through and through. But I have a job to do (I work in IT) and the device I carry has to support all the apps I need, and it needs to work quickly and consistently, especially for my MSFT apps. Because of that, I am carrying an IPhone 6 in my pocket.

Wanting something that works and that can use LogMeIn, Spiceworks, etc doesn't make someone a Apple ******. Saying that people pointing out all of the ways that IOS is winning now doesn't constitute "false facts" either.

I think by now since the op hasn't commented on his thread for a while .....i think he realized that there is a little more you can do on IOS than on WP. One thing I have realized that I can do more of on WP than IOS or android is.........wait for apps and features.......that I definitely can do more of on WP!

I have been using windows since WP 7.5, currently using a lumia 920 with WM10 as daily driver also owns ios device.

So here are the features:
  • A fluidic well responsive OS (for those who says WP doesn't lag check out W10M , agree its in beta but sometimes by the way it lags it feels like an alpha release).
  • They are getting a complete OS on release , not threshold 1 like in W10, and every phone is atleast supported for the update.
  • And of course a well built app ecosystem (many WP8 apps are not available for W10M, there are no lumia camera lenses on W10M and the stock app is miles behind in terms of features) , You may complain about apps being told here but withouth apps a smartphone aint smart anymore its just a phone.
  • A well built ms apps that are infact miles ahead when compared to their WM counterparts.
  • And unless everyone is into MS office on the go ( sure most buisiness people carries a lap or surface pro for the same) continuum is just for bragging.

-No it's not beta, it's still being developed so how can it be Beta?
-Complete OS? 9 was an update to 8 of mostly refinements and fixes. Some new features. Not all phones get the update. Iphone 4 isn't. It's the equivalent of the nokia phones that aren't getting the update to windows 10. Give me a break if you think nokia 520 should be kept alive. Get rid of that hazard, I don't want it in the windows 10 eco system. Developers shouldn't have to worry about a phone with 512mb of ram and whether its horrible cpu/gpu will work on it. I want technological progress not limiting an OS because of budget phones that think that the price warrants them getting up to date tech. It's designed to work the way it was purchased and is used for prepaid only. Phone calls and basic functionality. Do you expect samsung to update their low end prepaid flip phones to android lollipop?
Anyways, iphone 4s is getting the update but it's completely featureless and it slows down the phone tremendously. The update brings nothing new to the phone.

And yes continuum is useless to the average person. The only places I have screens are where there are computers. So I already have a monitor being occupied by a better computer. My tv can also be connected to my computer. Continuum would only be good if there were monitors at coffee shops, airports, restaurants or anywhere else. Otherwise what's the point.

EDIT: I think it would be cooler if the phones came with high res projectors rather than continuum. That way you can make a screen on any wall.
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IOS has a build that will install on the phone, Windows 10 won't install on several phones, including mine. The builds have been attempting to install for OVER A WEEK now, with no
success. The same builds try over and over, seems like there isn't an attempt to fix the problems.
I have friends with Windows 10 mobile, and they are having the same problem with the builds not

IOS has a build that will install on the phone, Windows 10 won't install on several phones, including mine. The builds have been attempting to install for OVER A WEEK now, with no
success. The same builds try over and over, seems like there isn't an attempt to fix the problems.
I have friends with Windows 10 mobile, and they are having the same problem with the builds not
Technical preview?
Have you tried performing a hard reset and start again?

IOS has a build that will install on the phone, Windows 10 won't install on several phones, including mine. The builds have been attempting to install for OVER A WEEK now, with no
success. The same builds try over and over, seems like there isn't an attempt to fix the problems.
I have friends with Windows 10 mobile, and they are having the same problem with the builds not

what model do you have?

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