What features does iOS have that W10M doesn't?


Biggest difference?

iOS has a decent user base!

Since I have built my Windows Phone app I have a whopping 1 download.

Windows Store and they way Microsoft has configured how you list your app and how their store lists results is the biggest load of (bubbles!) I have ever seen!!
Once I published my own app and could not get it to come back in search results I finally realized why it is so hard to find good apps in the Microsoft store, their search sucks!

I search for my app by name and get a 100 other apps not even related to my app category. Sexy pic apps, soccer apps, gambling apps, etc....
I put in all the search terms possible when publishing my apps.

I contact Microsoft support and they are idiots. They tell me that search results are based on number for downloads. I told them I searched for my app by name (TennisFreak) which is very unique. They told me it only returns when you put it in quotes.

So needless to say I have stopped developing Windows phone apps for now. My app has been in the store for almost 6 months and only has 1 genuine download, the other 5 are from me getting on phones downloading on purpose.

I have found ways to trick the store into returning my app in some search results. In the app description at the bottom I have about 1000 random search terms. At least now it returns in more searches.
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Let's remove Handoff. You can work within all of the Office apps and continue on different devices. The only handoff that Apple can do that Windows can't is text message handoff but I am not sure if that can be handed off between device. But why would you anyway?

3d touch is the equivalent of a right click or long tap to bring up a contextual menu. It is supposed to do different things with different pressure. However, I haven't seen anything demoed that show anything unique here. Not sure how often handoff is actually used by users. I personally have no interest in using a tablet or laptop as a phone. The ability to continue using an app were you left off on another device can be useful occasionally. Touch ID is very convenient. Hopefully, windows hello can match it. Frankly, mobile payments should be standardized. However, Apple has been able to get more banks and merchants to use their system than android, even though android and WP had the ability to do this for much longer.

Background App Refresh is something Windows Phone does not have.

What do you mean?

In win 8.1 I have some programs that refresh in the background, like OneNote and 2day, and in the battery sense it shows the apps that can work in the background.

windows phone first of all has a very unorganized interface of all os's. the front screen (the tiles) are making wp look ugly, the all black everything makes it dull and the fonts so unpredictable, somewhere big somewhere small... wp fanboys think of apps as the main thing chasing users , but the problem is the ui itself. change that first and then speak about apps. So ios with all its limitation it is still miles better than wp. this is coming from an android user / windows desktop user

windows phone first of all has a very unorganized interface of all os's. the front screen (the tiles) are making wp look ugly, the all black everything makes it dull and the fonts so unpredictable, somewhere big somewhere small... wp fanboys think of apps as the main thing chasing users , but the problem is the ui itself. change that first and then speak about apps. So ios with all its limitation it is still miles better than wp. this is coming from an android user / windows desktop user

This is complete BS and obvious you either dont have (or never had) a Windows phone or have no clue how to use it.

I work at an IT company and we have lot's of those for one to choose. But only one person I know chose wp

iOS has Facebook integration(a feature they've had since version 6), where you can connect calendars, contacts, etc. when logging into FB in Settings.

I'm confused. You seem to be implying W10M can't do this. I have Facebook calendar integrated into my W10M calendar and I have Facebook contacts integrated into my W10M contacts.

windows phone first of all has a very unorganized interface of all os's. the front screen (the tiles) are making wp look ugly, the all black everything makes it dull and the fonts so unpredictable, somewhere big somewhere small... wp fanboys think of apps as the main thing chasing users , but the problem is the ui itself. change that first and then speak about apps. So ios with all its limitation it is still miles better than wp. this is coming from an android user / windows desktop user
All black everything? What did that mean? If you want statistic icons on a grid, go to iOS or Android.

What features IOS has Windows 10 Mobile OS doesn't?

My 10 years old brother.
My parent just bought an ipad for my young brother to play all the newest Angry Bird games and upcoming Pokemon Go.

He usually play with the Lumia 1320 from my mom in the past, so yeah.

I'm confused. You seem to be implying W10M can't do this. I have Facebook calendar integrated into my W10M calendar and I have Facebook contacts integrated into my W10M contacts.

How exactly did I imply that? I didn't mention W10M at all.

Let's remove Handoff. You can work within all of the Office apps and continue on different devices. The only handoff that Apple can do that Windows can't is text message handoff but I am not sure if that can be handed off between device. But why would you anyway?

I'm not being sarcastic or anything. It would make my day knowing how to do this between my WIndows Phone and Surface Pro 3:

- Make and answer mobile phone calls from my Surface Pro 3 without skype, Wifi network or even Internet connection.
- The same thing for SMS.
- Start writing an email, document, or whatever on a Windows Phone, continue on my Surface Pro 3 and vice versa without WIfi or Internet connection.
- Enable disable the Windows Phone internet sharing feature from my Surface Pro 3. I'm tired of reaching to my pocket to enable Internet Sharing then talking my SP3 out to work. I tried leaving it on all the time, but the problem is that it happened that while at home ot the office SP3 actually connected to the phone rather the local Wifi. So its not a solution.

Thank your for the advice. Lets forget handoff?
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The only thing I miss about Windows is Cortana the rest drove me nuts. I went all the way back to Apple. And from the looks of it my office will wait for Hell to freeze over before it shows up here

The only thing I miss about Windows is Cortana the rest drove me nuts. I went all the way back to Apple. And from the looks of it my office will wait for Hell to freeze over before it shows up here

I can tell you that outside of US not even Cortana is missed. I live in Europe, speak 3 languages, so I actually have Windows 10 on my SP3 configured with an US account for Cortana sake. I don't get all the data has I would be if I was in the US. But for basic stuff is pretty stupid. The only time it recognizes my wife is if I tell Cortana "send email to Kirsten Brown". If simply write "Kirsten Brown" sends me to the Web. If I select local stuff is only able to present me a picture of her and me, magically.

Lumia had the best cameras two years ago. My iPhone 6 Plus and LG G4 both take pictures that look better to my eyes than the Pureview on my Lumia. The 1020 had an amazing camera, and that one would beat the 6 Plus and G4 I am sure (although it was kind of an odd-ball phone due to the huge camera), but the other Lumia cameras don't stand out today like they did two years ago.

Features? It's more about foundations than features.

What iOS has, that WM10 hasn't:

- Stability
- UI Consistency and Polish
- Performance

Same issues as WP 8.1.
If you think performance is fine, compare the smoothness of basic stuff such as pinch/zoom on an old iPhone 4 and a vastly more powerful Lumia Icon or Lumia 920.

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