Why not?
iOS isheeps has loyalty
Windows Phones fans has no loyalty.
Why not?
iOS isheeps has loyalty
Windows Phones fans has no loyalty.
Background App Refresh is something Windows Phone does not have.
windows phone first of all has a very unorganized interface of all os's. the front screen (the tiles) are making wp look ugly, the all black everything makes it dull and the fonts so unpredictable, somewhere big somewhere small... wp fanboys think of apps as the main thing chasing users , but the problem is the ui itself. change that first and then speak about apps. So ios with all its limitation it is still miles better than wp. this is coming from an android user / windows desktop user
iOS has Facebook integration(a feature they've had since version 6), where you can connect calendars, contacts, etc. when logging into FB in Settings.
All black everything? What did that mean? If you want statistic icons on a grid, go to iOS or phone first of all has a very unorganized interface of all os's. the front screen (the tiles) are making wp look ugly, the all black everything makes it dull and the fonts so unpredictable, somewhere big somewhere small... wp fanboys think of apps as the main thing chasing users , but the problem is the ui itself. change that first and then speak about apps. So ios with all its limitation it is still miles better than wp. this is coming from an android user / windows desktop user
What features IOS has Windows 10 Mobile OS doesn't?
I'm confused. You seem to be implying W10M can't do this. I have Facebook calendar integrated into my W10M calendar and I have Facebook contacts integrated into my W10M contacts.
Let's remove Handoff. You can work within all of the Office apps and continue on different devices. The only handoff that Apple can do that Windows can't is text message handoff but I am not sure if that can be handed off between device. But why would you anyway?
The only thing I miss about Windows is Cortana the rest drove me nuts. I went all the way back to Apple. And from the looks of it my office will wait for Hell to freeze over before it shows up here