Would you honestly buy another Microsoft Mobile?


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Jul 2, 2012
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I absolutely would, if the price makes sense for the hardware offered. I don't have any of the problems that you are having. My bank doesn't have an app for Windows Phone, either, but I work for a company that has direct deposit, and fortunately I don't live pay-cheque to pay-cheque, so it isn't necessary to constantly check my balance (sorry about your situation :-( )

I also don't need an app for my GoPro, but it is nice there is one. If you're trying to do anything with video on a smartphone, nothing about it is professional, not even "semi". I do any video editing with Vegas on my PC.

I like that my phone can do a lot of things, but I do not need it to replace my PC, because I have a PC.

I do understand that not everyone can afford a PC, a tablet and a phone. I guess you would be better off with an Android device if you do not have the luxury of owning a real computer. But for me, I am really happy with Windows Phone, and I will most likely buy the next Lumia flagship when my Lumia 930 gets "long in the tooth".


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Nov 10, 2011
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These are still Nokia designed devices, so... I'll wait and see a true Microsoft phone before I decide. ;). (People don't realise how far ahead phones are designed.)

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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Jun 25, 2015
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Depends on whether there will be a new 1020. Panasonic recently released the CM1 with a larger sensor and running Android. If I was shopping for a new phone, I would get that one.


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Nov 14, 2013
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Absolutely, But if L950 doesn't land on US Verizon. I'm getting an IPhone. but I will always hate Verizon for this and will abandon them as soon as another carrier gets acceptable coverage in my area.


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Nov 10, 2012
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It would be absolutely awesome if MS did what apple was doing and launched their own financing program for an unlocked windows phone usable on any carrier. That way you get the unlocked goodness (no carrier delays on updates) without being limited to X carriers horrible windows phone collection. I recently switched from AT&T to VZW (went from a 920/925 to an S6 Edge... definitely an interesting experience that I'd love to write about some day, but not now), but pretty concerned over my options when MS releases an exciting WP flagship.

Oh forgot to add: Not too psyched for the cityman, but the surface phone sounds intriguing!
If they can get astoria to run well, I'd consider the cityman.
I absolutely miss the keyboard/spellcheck on WP, and the browser as well, W10 runs poorly on certain apps on my 925.
Microsoft, please show that you are taking things seriously :)

Patrick Hoque

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Oct 16, 2014
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I have been on the WP train for 4-5 years now with the Lumia 800, 720 and now the 939. I absolutely love the design and UI.
I have started having my doubts for quite some time now. I have multiple devices that require specific apps which I can't have which I have lived with but with the good progress of Android/iOS I really feel that we on WP are falling behind and if it doesn't get much better with Win10 (+ the quite horrid design of the leaked pictures for the new flagships) I do see myself moving over to iOS or Android


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Dec 8, 2014
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i don't think i would. basic stuff i take for granted on my laptop i struggle to replicate on my l920.

i ask cortana for a 10 minute timer and i get a stupid list of web results. i should immediately get a 10 minute timer counting down

more basic stuff like this

View attachment 112097 View attachment 112098

it feels as if android / ios are both evolving at a great pace. win 8.1 just plays catch up far too many times. the future is apps according to apple (apple tv) yet so many apps are either under-developed or completely non existant on win phone

Tell me about it it. That's one thing that frustrated me about Cortana. There is a work around though. Try saying "set alarm for 10 minutes"


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Sep 25, 2012
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Depends on upcoming smartwatch compatibility. I love my Pebble but I want to upgrade this year. If WP10 still won't get official support for Pebble or other smartwatches, I'm sadly out.

Pradeep Kalburgi

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Jul 9, 2014
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I'm just waiting for windows 10 mobile to be released and see how it goes through. Also we see if all the official apps are released on w10m and then we decide future course of action. Microsoft has released their own apps on ios and android and that too with great features that we are yet to see on wp. If things doesn't change even after w10m then unwilling have to move to android. Sad but true 😡


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Oct 30, 2012
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I'm swiching and leaving WP. I cannot take a company (Microsoft) that cannot even support a flagship phone. I hate to do it, but I must. Goodbye WindowsPhone!!!


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Nov 19, 2012
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..... MS prioritizing other platforms instead of their own...

Does it not occur to people that Microsoft will not continue to upgrade and develop Windows Phone 8.1 apps when they know the Windows 10 universal apps will be replacing them in a couple of months anyway?

I'm not sure, and haven't been for some time about my next mobile platform, I can't find an alternative that fits for me better than Windows Phone which is why I've been putting off my upgrade for 10 months now. If a replacement for the 1020 came out, I'd be all over it, but that sounds like it will be next year if at all. I'll probably sit and wait until May then make a decision. I don't think I can bring myself to a mobile platform that has only just discovered upper and lower case keyboards mind...

Shane Richardson1

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Jun 20, 2013
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I had Windows Mobile 6.5, Zune, Windows Phone 7(HTC Surround), Windows Phone 7(Lumia 900), Windows Phone 8(Lumia 920), Windows Phone 8-8.1(Lumia Icon) and I would buy another Windows Mobile if the specs are more impressive than the 950xl. I adore the Windows Mobile UI, but releasing a Phone later in the year with less impressive specs than Android phones which have been out for months is a boneheaded thing to do. I hear people who say you don't need as much power because Windows Mobile is so efficient. Frankly, I'm tired of people making power and lack of app excuses for Microsoft. They need to smash it out of the park or they will continue to fade and fail eventually.

Pavel Gotze

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Jul 10, 2013
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To be honest, i like Microsoft ekosystem, as i use primarelly Microsoft services, not Google services, not Apple services. Thats more or less main reason of usage Windows Phone. On the other hand new Microsoft strategy is to make all Microsoft services available also on other platforms, therefore now it looks like the best solution is iPhone (i really think its good product). Perfect device, iOS is good, best availability of applications and finally all Microsoft servicess are there now as well. I am still on side on Microsoft WP as a geek and fan of Microsoft. But to keep eyes open, best combination from my point of view is not WP device, but iOS device + Microsoft services on it. best valuable combination i guess. And what is important, its available NOW. All Microsoft visions are really nice, i love it, but its not available yet and question is , when it will be.


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Apr 8, 2012
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To be honest, i like Microsoft ekosystem, as i use primarelly Microsoft services, not Google services, not Apple services. Thats more or less main reason of usage Windows Phone. On the other hand new Microsoft strategy is to make all Microsoft services available also on other platforms, therefore now it looks like the best solution is iPhone (i really think its good product). Perfect device, iOS is good, best availability of applications and finally all Microsoft servicess are there now as well. I am still on side on Microsoft WP as a geek and fan of Microsoft. But to keep eyes open, best combination from my point of view is not WP device, but iOS device + Microsoft services on it. best valuable combination i guess. And what is important, its available NOW. All Microsoft visions are really nice, i love it, but its not available yet and question is , when it will be.

Rational post. That's how I feel, but I am not missing anything now... I am happy


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Oct 19, 2011
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I'm torn between moving over to iOS or staying, at the moment I'm thinking more the former.

Reasons. Pretty much what a lot have said, I love Windows Phone but the lack of apps and support from connected devices is frustrating. Cars that come with apps for iOS/Android and music systems that integrate well with these but not Windows Phone, Sky Go, Sonos, Strava and many other apps that aren't available. Now that the rest of my ecosystem is available on iOS (Onedrive, Office365 etc) I've less need to stay.

May wait until next month, but then again I suspect the announcement will be 950/950XL but not on sale until end November. More waiting. I have a work Windows Phone so can stay tuned into the platform and may come back if Windows 10 gets MS attention to drive it on.


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Apr 24, 2011
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As my secondary (work) phone I would, but not my daily driver. My primary device is an iPhone 6+ while I also sport a Lumia 640 for work (emails, SMS, Office, etc.) The lack of functional apps (outisde of the core) are depressing. I really hope this changes with Windows 10, but I will wait and see after release.


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Apr 24, 2011
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As my secondary (work) phone I would, but not my daily driver. My primary device is an iPhone 6+ while I also sport a Lumia 640 for work (emails, SMS, Office, etc.) The lack of functional apps (outside of the core) are depressing. I really hope this changes with Windows 10, but I will wait and see after release.
Apr 6, 2012
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Now that Microsoft services are available on both iOS and Android, pretty much *any* smartphone can become, as the OP put it, a 'Microsoft Mobile'.

It really does make Windows Mobile somewhat irrelevant, unless you're really in love with the Continuum feature, or you work for Microsoft and want to impress the boss that you're eating your own dog food, so to speak.

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