Can't hear callers

I went in yesterday to get mine replaced as well due to this issue, it's frustrating using it as a work phone and having to use speakerphone if I do not have my BT headset available. I had the same thing as Vallos, where the Verizon rep it is a confirmed issue noted on their system so he had no issue getting a replacement dispatched, just better in darn good condition.
My second replacement is doing fine. The only "issue" is the gunky home button. Considering all other known issues I can live with that cosmetic defect.
Happening to me as well and on my second phone doing the same thing ear not working. Just tried the fix with headphones and it started working, will report back if it sticks.
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My replacement should be in today.

Well replacement has goopy buttons, but whatever. speaker works.

Although my GDR2/Amber Update is not like my last device... lumia pusher is gone and I refuse to pay money to hunt down free apps.
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It's the case I had on my phone that caused the earphone to knock out. It is an approved 928 case with all the holes in the right places but the noise cancellation is causing the ear to stop working. Just got off the phone with Verizon and a patch should be enroute from Nokia soon. Give it a try and let me know if that fixed it for you:)
It's the case I had on my phone that caused the earphone to knock out. It is an approved 928 case with all the holes in the right places but the noise cancellation is causing the ear to stop working. Just got off the phone with Verizon and a patch should be enroute from Nokia soon. Give it a try and let me know if that fixed it for you:)
I am not understanding this. How can a case be responsible?
I am not understanding this. How can a case be responsible?

I have had the same problem and the only thing that has "fixed" it is the case. I bought an Incipio Feather case for my L928. After I received it and placed it on the phone, I was having problems hearing people. It was like the phone would cut in and out. So I thought, maybe it's something like the whole Apple-Gate where people "holding the phone wrong", so I got a call once and while I was experiencing the cutting in and out, I told my caller to hold a sec and I pulled the case off - voila!, problem solved. So I don't know if it's the small hole on the back above the flash (which I think is the light sensor) or the one on top next to the micro USB that is picking up reflective sound off of the case somehow. All I know is that when the case is on, I have intermittent problems (doesn't cause problems every call), but when the case is off - no problems.

So, I don't know how it's responsible...but it seems to be the culprit as I can confirm this.
I have had the same problem and the only thing that has "fixed" it is the case. I bought an Incipio Feather case for my L928. After I received it and placed it on the phone, I was having problems hearing people. It was like the phone would cut in and out. So I thought, maybe it's something like the whole Apple-Gate where people "holding the phone wrong", so I got a call once and while I was experiencing the cutting in and out, I told my caller to hold a sec and I pulled the case off - voila!, problem solved. So I don't know if it's the small hole on the back above the flash (which I think is the light sensor) or the one on top next to the micro USB that is picking up reflective sound off of the case somehow. All I know is that when the case is on, I have intermittent problems (doesn't cause problems every call), but when the case is off - no problems.

So, I don't know how it's responsible...but it seems to be the culprit as I can confirm this.

Unfortunately not the case (no pun intended) in my situation. The first 928 that was giving me this problem never had a case on it. The second one (that I'm using now) does have a case on it, but has a hole for the noise-cancelling mic (I took the case off and tried calling just to make sure).

Glad you figured out your problem though and hopefully Verizon/Nokia can manage to find a solution to both of our problems instead of just sending us new units every month until the warranty runs out.
That is so weird how a case can do that, and is quite alarming, to say the least. Nevertheless, I wish the case was the problem for me as it would have saved me some distress. Well, at least I'm still riding well with the replacement, and I concur with Penny, Nokia needs to fix this bug soon.
I have that case and it seems I'm still having this issue as well with the case off. When I got it the first couple days it was loud thru the earpiece with the case on. It almost sounds like when I have the calls coming thru the earpiece like the sound is coming thru the back that's how low it is

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 928 using Tapatalk
I have had a 928 since June (this is my second one). First was replaced due to constantly hanging, which I suspect was due to overheating. Now I am getting the no sound whne using earpiece issue. I believe it may have to do with the location of the USB jack torquing the phone where the earpiece is. I bought off contract so will be sending to Nokia for repair.
I had this problem all of a sudden after nearly a year with my Lumia 920.

Reading a previous thread about having used a 3.5mm headphone plug in the phone made me think. I had recently inserted a rubber dust plug into my earphone jack, just to keep dirt out of it. The plug also has a metal pin in it that could be used for sim card removal.

As soon as I removed that plug, all was well! I can now hear my callers again. Apparently the phone detected the plug or pin as an earphone plug and disconnected the internal sound. (The speaker phone part had been working all along.)

So...problem solved for me! Hope it helps someone!
My second phone now that drops out (928) When I give it a wack on something it works. It was fine but just started doing this after a month. I'm wondering if there is some kind of dust, grit accumulation and tapping it helps the connection. Either way I love the phone but this just sucks!
Re: Can't hear callers on 925

i can't hear from the front , but headset and loudspeaker are working properly
please help me .customer care dont have the solution.they roughly ask me to change the front speaker
i bought it on august 30th.
Had the same issue with my black 928, internal speaker failed, used loudspeaker temporarily which later also failed. Sent it today to Nokia for repair.
Received my repaired 928 a few days ago. If you're having issues with the speakers and can live without your 928 for a week and a half, I recommend to repair it under the Nokia 1 year warranty, its an easy process.
Alright, this is happening to my phone. Again. This is the 3rd one.
I keep my phone in my pocket and never drop it. My jeans are a bit tight, though, and my guess is that something about the tightness is doing this, or some wear with it going in and out of the pocket.

In any case, I think I'm done with this phone. I can't keep going back to the Microsoft Store because my internal speaker doesn't work.
Alright, this is happening to my phone. Again. This is the 3rd one.
I keep my phone in my pocket and never drop it. My jeans are a bit tight, though, and my guess is that something about the tightness is doing this, or some wear with it going in and out of the pocket.

In any case, I think I'm done with this phone. I can't keep going back to the Microsoft Store because my internal speaker doesn't work.

You and me both buddy. On my 3rd phone, started happening again last week. It's not happening as much this time (last time it pretty much permanently stopped working unless I was pressing the back near the camera).

I told myself I'd switch to a different phone if it happened on this one, but I don't know how viable that is either. I like Windows Phone but don't want to take a step down to the HTC 8X or Lumia 822. If I wait for the 929 to hit Verizon, there's no way they'd let me switch it for the new device. And I have absolute confidence that a replacement device will have the same result, again.

Maybe I can wait until the 929 hits and then go straight to Nokia explaining the situation? Maybe they'll be interested in keeping me as a customer and agree to upgrade me to a usable 929.
I sent a tweet to Nokia and NokiaUS yesterday, saying I was about to go on my 4th phone, all the same issue. No response.
There's clearly an issue here. I baby my phones, but this keeps happening. At this point I'll admit it is likely an issue with me, but I'm not using this phone in any odd or inappropriate way - I'm just assuming it's that my jeans are a bit tighter.

Always the same issue - a loosening in the upper right corner followed by inconsistency (and ultimately failure) of the internal speaker.

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