Can't hear callers

I'm on my second phone and it just started to do the same thing again. i find that squeezing on or just below the speaker makes it start working again. clearly a hardware issue. I will say my girlfriend go hers at the same time as i got my first one and she hasnt had any problems. i think i'll push for a new phone rather than refurbished when i call about it this time.
My replacement (1st) is now acting up. I'm sending it in to get another unit. My original unit was bought at launch (May) and it started failing at around three months, which is exactly happening to my replacement - received in August, replacing it in November. Is anyone experiencing this three months term?
My replacement (1st) is now acting up. I'm sending it in to get another unit. My original unit was bought at launch (May) and it started failing at around three months, which is exactly happening to my replacement - received in August, replacing it in November. Is anyone experiencing this three months term?

I am about to receive my 6th replacement. That last one lasted a couple months, before that I was losing audio in the headset for calls almost exactly at the two week mark. Something is terribly wrong with the design or manufacturing of this phone. I don't appreciate my iPhone owning girlfriend's smug looks every time a new replacement arrives. LOL.
Wow, six replacements. That is crazy, and yes indicative of a serious defect. Which replacement lasted the longest?
My last one lasted the longest. Received it Sept 26 and it failed earlier this week. This one was slightly different, the touch buttons at the bottom had a gross yellow hue and the power button was not so recessed, it stuck out a bit more than the other models. It was clearly from a different batch so I was hoping for the best. It did last about 4x longer at least. lol.
The only thing I think I do that causes this is I use Pandora everyday in the car for my commute and I think the root cause is linked to the headphone jack and the hardware not knowing when it's not plugged into headphones. You can mess around with the headphone jack and can almost get the speaker to work by repeatedly putting in and pulling out the headphones.

....waiting for the 929....
I too feel like the cause is the headphone jack. I think I'll minimize my use of it to test this out with my latest replacement, which arrived yesterday, sans yucky gunk home button.
So for this new replacement I'm going to refrain from using the headphone jack. I typically used the headphone jack to plug into a cassette tape adapter (06 maxima with no audio input jack or Bluetooth radio) twice a day, to and from work to listen to Pandora. I've used FM transmitters before but they were always terrible because they interfered with stations in a major city (I live in the DC area). Last night I bought the GOgroove FlexSMART X2 Wireless In-Car Bluetooth FM Transmitter LINK at the Microcenter here in Fairfax, VA. Drove home with it and so far I will have to say I'm impressed. I drove from Fairfax to Arlington (which is only a mile or two from DC) and did not get any interference.
You connect to the device from your phone via Bluetooth and then the device connects to your car stereo via FM transmission, nothing to plug into your phone. (also has a jack to charge your phone while in use).
I thought I'd pass this along for anyone looking to be able to listen to music in their car who do not own a Bluetooth enabled radio and don't want to use the headphone jack on their 928.
Hello, i only registered to say that if you go in to audio settings and you are able to change equalizer without having earphones plugged in, its the speaker jack.

If you want to fix it yourself just search YouTube for Lumia 928 disassembly.

My quick fix is somewhat risky but I had to do it because my t5 torx in the speaker jack is busted.

I removed the screw in the simtray hole, unclipped the shell where the micro USB is, then went around the 3,5mm jack, down on the long side beside it, just few centimeters below, bended it out, this is hard, this way the 3,5mm connectors moves free from connector cable, blow in the crack and 3,5mm hole to get out dust, then press the phone together again and restart, I have had to do this twice. Buy a dustcap for 3,5mm jack..

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No sound call Nokia Lumia 928 earpiece speaker dropped fix repair headset Bluetooth

Sent from my Lumia 928
My just stopped working. I called & got a free warranty replacement. The funny thing is I was cleaning the phone with compressed air & after I sprayed it by the earpiece it started working again. Defiantly a hardware issue. Replacement phone works great & I noticed the sim tray is a bit different then on the broken one. Lets hope the camera is as good as the one I sent back.....
My just stopped working. I called & got a free warranty replacement. The funny thing is I was cleaning the phone with compressed air & after I sprayed it by the earpiece it started working again. Defiantly a hardware issue. Replacement phone works great & I noticed the sim tray is a bit different then on the broken one. Lets hope the camera is as good as the one I sent back.....

I was actually reading on Verizon Wireless Windows Phone support forums yesterday, and another customer there that was previously experiencing this problem said it was resolved with a replacement device that had a new SIM card tray. According to him, Verizon Support identified the issue as related to a problem with the first iterations of the SIM card tray, which also explains why so many of us are able to hear again when we pinch the back of the phone near the top and to the right of the camera, precisely where the SIM card tray is. Congrats on getting your updated replacement and let's hope this is the real solution we were looking for!
I wish I had known this before sending my second phone back so I can compare the SIM trays. Can anyone describe the difference between the two?
just noticed this thread. I've had 2 928s malfunction in this way. The phone thinks headphones are plugged in when they aren't. I replaced the first about a 2 weeks ago, and within 2 weeks for the "new" device, the same problem. I've tried the various troubleshooting methods posted here and there, nothing has worked.
I have this problem as well. Speaker doesn't work when playing YouTube videos, callers can't hear me/ I cant hear them and my phone thinks the headphones are plugged in when they aren't. I've had this phone since July and the problem is just occurring now. Can someone give me the number where I can request a replacement?
Ugh. Even made a point today that my phone has been flawless and this just started happening to me. Are we all in agreement that it is the sim card tray?
Ugh. Even made a point today that my phone has been flawless and this just started happening to me. Are we all in agreement that it is the sim card tray?

Wouldn't removing the SIM card tray make the problem go away if that was the case? I take mine out and still have the issue.
I have opened the phone again and found the problem, the earphone jack module is also a mechanical switch that directs the sound. The gap between these are just a fraction of a millimeter, and needs some bending. I will take pictures and do a DIY when back from vacation. Its in the left side of the module, you can see the movement if you plugg in a 3,5mm in there

Sent from my Lumia 928
Ugh, my earpiece went out last night and I was freaking out. Looks like this might be a widespread issue. Bummer because I LOVE my phone. Heading to Verizon later to get a replacement I guess.

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