Can't hear callers

It takes 20 min To fix with a t5 torx and a phone open kit, since I bended switch in the earphonejack my phone works perfectly again. I do not think the problem will come back either because I bended it more then original

Sent from my Lumia 928
I've been having that problem lately, couple months I guess. I used wired headphones for work and on occasion they would get caught on something and get ripped out from my phone. Its intermittent though, thought it was do to the mountains and lack of reception at times. I have since then gotten a wireless headset with Bluetooth calling. I just figured its the location I'm at. This is my second 928 since launch by the way.
I called Nokia and they said as long as updates are done through the settings (which GDR3 is) it does NOT void the warranty..
What u do with ur phone is ur business. I had to return my week old 928 & they could care less about it being updated to gdr3. Nokia has been working with me the last 2 days to try and figure out the touch panel being disabled if u zoom in email app or browser. They asked if it happened in amber or in gdr3. I said both. That really got them talking. I told them it can be reproduced on a new phone just after first boot, so that kinda leaves out a third party app as the issue. This is the freezing bug we keep seeing. Its not freezing, its stopping the touch panel software. I can still make a call if I have Bluetooth on. Play music and the hardware keys work. Wish MS had a place I knew of so a dev could tell them this. Instead all we get shunned like little kids that know nothing. I am using an iPod to hook up to my truck stereo because I don't want to break the jack again. Maybe the 929 will be out before the 15th and I will just make them swap for that. Verizon already tried to get me to swap to iPhone or android over this and I said no because all my wife's stuff was compromised on her 5s and google is known for data mining. I said since the launch of the new windows 8 platform our data has been secure through Microsoft.
Are you not on contract with the 928?

I am.
Complain enough about getting a new phone every other month with the same issue, pointing out that you also spend about 6 weeks with the issue before you bother making the 20 minute drive to the store, and eventually they promise you a new phone because its cheaper than repeatedly replacing yours (and significantly better customer service.)
I am.
Complain enough about getting a new phone every other month with the same issue, pointing out that you also spend about 6 weeks with the issue before you bother making the 20 minute drive to the store, and eventually they promise you a new phone because its cheaper than repeatedly replacing yours (and significantly better customer service.)

Well, good for you man. I tried that after my third Lumia 928 started showing the same symptoms quite a while ago (October maybe?). Unfortunately, I was not able to get quite so far as to replace it with any device of my choosing, and I'd rather not get stuck on anything less. But, here I am, after spending the last few months being busy with work/travelling, finally sending my phone in for a replacement. This time though, I am going through Nokia instead of Verizon. Hopefully they'll be able to actually fix the problem instead of sending me back a refurb with the same exact problem.

Pleaded with Nokia to hold onto my phone for as long as they want and just upgrade me to a Nokia Icon when it comes out, but doesn't seem like that's going to pan out. Oh well.
Looks like my issue was a headphone jack one. I plugged an unplugged a headphone like a 100 times and now all is back to working......for now......
I'm sending it in for warranty and then selling it

---Tapatalk wants me to let you know I used them on my 920 to post this message :) ---
I switched over to a used 928 from the 8X and started having this issue on saturday. Interestingly enough, if I top/knock the side of the phone near the top the earpiece starts working. *shrug* I'm just sucking it up until the 929 comes out.
Again, its a really easy fix, two t5 torx screws, and some sharp nails and this is solved in 15 mins, see my other posts

Sent from my Lumia 928
I have opened the phone again and found the problem, the earphone jack module is also a mechanical switch that directs the sound. The gap between these are just a fraction of a millimeter, and needs some bending. I will take pictures and do a DIY when back from vacation. Its in the left side of the module, you can see the movement if you plugg in a 3,5mm in there

Sent from my Lumia 928
Do you have the pics and DIY? That would be very helpful. Thanks.
Ditto. Would be very interested to see this. Was all set to buy a 928 then found out about this issue. Quite the deal breaker as it seems to be endemic to the 928.

I have opened the phone again and found the problem, the earphone jack module is also a mechanical switch that directs the sound. The gap between these are just a fraction of a millimeter, and needs some bending. I will take pictures and do a DIY when back from vacation. Its in the left side of the module, you can see the movement if you plugg in a 3,5mm in there

Sent from my Lumia 928
Under the Simcard tray you will find a sticker, try to keep this sticker because i think it has to do with insurance, there is no other stickers what i can find that voids guarantee.

The T5 in the earphone jack you can only reach with a really thin t5 torx, and it?s important that you do not force it because you can break alot of sensitive plastic inside, but no worry, the phone will work anyway, it will just not close up as nice afterwards if you brake something, like i did, twice.
I marked wich direction you unscrew it, but im not 100% about this, but try, check for dust first if the t5 doesnt fit. and also check your t5 screwdriver, i bought a cheap one and it did not have the right number of teeth and i ruined my screw a little bit.

unscrew lockingmechanism.jpg

Here you can see the screw that moves the whole locking mechanism inside.
it moves a slider up and down that holds some plastic hinges in place, these can break if you try to hard. you could also figure out the direction for unscrewing it by locking at this image, but im to stupid for that.

screw that move the locking mechanism.jpg

here is the slider, its actually quite smart, just a little bad plastic, not hard enough

locking mechanism.jpg

And heres the hinges that connects to the slider, i broke two of these

hinge for the locking mechanism.jpg

when you unscrewed these two screws, the side of the earphone jack should pop out easily, but do not bend the two sides apart to much because the other side has push in holders, you need something thin, preferably a regular phone toolkit, and crowbar the screen right out from the back, no bending. there is several youtube videos for dissasembly lumia 928.

when you have opened the phone, the earjack module just pops out of its place if you put the screwdriver in the hole and bend it outwards a little bit, no real need to remove it, but its easyer to clean.

earphone jack module lumia 928.jpg

in the next image the arrows point out the section that does the soundchange, if you do not remove the module, and the phone is still running while you do this, wich i do not recommend.. You can put in a headseat and you will se wich part is moving towards another part, and if they touch, you should be able to change the EQ in the phone, usually there is just dust thats in between the metal plates that hinders the connection, but on my phone i had to bend it a little, but put in a headset a few times so you understand the mechanics.

important part 2.jpg

in the next image i marked the metal part green, this you can pull out with a tweezer, but be carefull so you do not bend of the contact pin that sticks out.

important part.jpg

This part meaby needs some bending to be closer or further from the part that moves when you put in a headsett. but be carefull so you do not bend it of. and sitt in a god workplace, i did this photoguide in the livingroom, stupid and what not, and i lost the part in the floormat and i cant for the life of me find it again, so i ordered a new module on ebay... but i will buy some thin metal and cut out a new peace and see if this works to.

sorry for the bad images.
the metal part.jpg
add me to the list that had the same problem.. i am on my 3rd nokia 928. the first was because of this issue, then the refab they sent me was a lemon. it would only stay charged till lunch time. im getting really frustrated....

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