Can't hear callers

Thanks for the guide Agazza!. Hopefully this helps some people who are willing to get under the hood of their 928 :).
Thanks for the guide Agazza!. Hopefully this helps some people who are willing to get under the hood of their 928 :).

No problem, it was easier than I thought actually. And some of these "faulty" phones end up on eBay for nothing and it's such an easy fix.
These phones doesn't sell outside the US, so for me to own one In Sweden is just great, turns heads. And it cost me 150 usd.

Skickat fr?n min XT897
I don't think the fix would work on mine. When my speaker stops working it seems to be a connection problem inside. If I go to the audio settings it says I need to plug in a headset to change them. So its nit the head phone jack on mine. If I squeeze the speaker it will work while holding it. I smacked the speaker lightly with my palm and now its working again.
Just got my first replacement 928 for this issue. The VZW rep straight faced told me I would be back because she wasn't aware of an actual fix on the refurbs they were sending out. I hope I get lucky :D

How many phones do we have to go through before VZW lets us get something else?
I don't think the fix would work on mine. When my speaker stops working it seems to be a connection problem inside. If I go to the audio settings it says I need to plug in a headset to change them. So its nit the head phone jack on mine. If I squeeze the speaker it will work while holding it. I smacked the speaker lightly with my palm and now its working again.
buy a new speaker on eBay, they are like 5-7usd and even easier To change, they sre just slip in modules. Or the Contact Surface just needs a rubbing.
The speaker for regular calls also seem To break on this phone
I honestly just am afraid to open the phone because I don't want to mess up something else or it look like crap when it goes back together. And I am talking about the actual earpiece speaker. Not the speaker on the back
Verizon said my phone wasn't in warranty with Verizon because I transferred it between lines. So, I'm sending mine back to Nokia.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
I honestly just am afraid to open the phone because I don't want to mess up something else or it look like crap when it goes back together. And I am talking about the actual earpiece speaker. Not the speaker on the back

If you follow the youtube dissasemblyvideo and have the right Tools its really easy. I ruined alot when i did it because i did not look at the video and did not see the screw in the headphonejack and broke som hinges but you cant Tell when i put it together again. Once its open its like a lego.
Update, you people can also remove the earpiece speaker when you open the phone, it lifts right up, its just stickytape holding it down. And polish the contact surfaces a little and also bend out the peggs on the earpiece speaker, but careful, it snaps out if you bend it to far and its a little pain in the *** to put it back. Take notice which way the speaker was mounted and put it back the same way. This should help with crackling sounds.
Also wanted to give an update:

I bought the 928 the day it was released, and dealt with this problem several times since. Twice I got my phone replaced by Verizon (for a refurb), and that honestly did not do s*** because the problem kept coming back. Finally, I decided to send my phone to Nokia in January for repair. I am happy to report that everything has been smooth sailing so far since I've gotten my phone back. Either it just hasn't come back yet, or Nokia has finally found a solution to the problem if you send them your phone. I will update again if the issue ever comes back, but until then I am happy with the way the phone is working right now.

P.S.: I have to admit that I was, at least a little, hoping for the problem to return one more time so I could argue my way to getting upgraded to a Lumia Icon, but I am happy to settle for a perfectly functioning 928.
My second replacement phone (and third overall), has just passed the three month mark of ownership. The other two phones started exhibiting the failure at or around this mark. The fact that I'm one week into the fourth month, the longest tenured 928 I have had, is a good sign. Could this be the one that is finally free of the defect? I'll return by mid-March to report.
in the next image i marked the metal part green, this you can pull out with a tweezer, but be carefull so you do not bend of the contact pin that sticks out.

This part meaby needs some bending to be closer or further from the part that moves when you put in a headsett. but be carefull so you do not bend it of. and sitt in a god workplace, i did this photoguide in the livingroom, stupid and what not, and i lost the part in the floormat and i cant for the life of me find it again, so i ordered a new module on ebay... but i will buy some thin metal and cut out a new peace and see if this works to.

sorry for the bad images.
View attachment 54848

Two things:

1) Thanks for this! It helped quite a bit in my efforts to repair my 928 that was suffering from the phantom headphone problem.

2) To add to the knowledge base a little -

In the photo that I've quoted, the piece that has been removed (we'll call it 'A') is the first of two pieces that you'll likely have to remove. Just above A is the only other pronged piece on the left ('B' - it's a little hard to see without light reflecting off of the horizontal prong). B will probably have to be removed, too. Part B is similar to A with a couple of small differences: 1) to help keep the piece in place, there's an additional tab of metal that surrounds the the upper, vertical prong and 2) the vertical prong itself has a plastic nub attached to the inside of it - it is this nub that comes in to contact with the headphone jack when it's plugged in, pushing it out and bringing the two vertical prongs in to contact with one another.

You'll need to adjust the bends on these two vertical prongs such that they're not in contact without the headphone plugged in but will contact when it is plugged in. In my case, I had to both bend the prong on A out and bend the prong on B inwards - just be sure not to bend B inwards too much - that might make headphone plug push and bend the prong DOWN instead of pushing it to the side; that would be bad. The other little trick is that you'll have to gently push the plastic-nubbed prong out a little as you're re-inserting B so that it can clear the black plastic housing of the jack. It took me two tries to get it right, but things are working as they should, now.

Hope this helps others.
I noticed a weird earpiece phenomena just today. I get the volume going in and out along with that popping noise.
-Noticed the signal was pretty weak. I was at 1 bar of 4g service
-The rattling in my phone seemed louder than just the OIS system when I shook it
-Headphones work
-speaker phone worked (not ear speaker but loudspeaker)
-Three calls I got in a few hours all sounded horrible.
-BUT my voicemail messages were crystal clear in my ear speaker!!!

W.T.F.? Is the signal/antenna hardware somehow messing with my earpiece?
My second replacement phone (and third overall), has just passed the three month mark of ownership. The other two phones started exhibiting the failure at or around this mark. The fact that I'm one week into the fourth month, the longest tenured 928 I have had, is a good sign. Could this be the one that is finally free of the defect? I'll return by mid-March to report.
This is now the longest tenured 928 I have had and I am happy to announce that no problems are occurring. However, I am still not claiming victory until another two months passes.
I have had the same problem, and its gotten so bad i cant hear any calls, guess i will have to call customer support on speaker phone....
I don't know if it's a setting or design issue, but the volume on a call is very low compared to the output when playing music. The volume setting on music goes up to 30, and is unbearably loud at max, but the volume only goes to 10 during a phone call, and if it's in a noisy area, gets difficult to hear the caller. Speakerphone and regular earpiece works, being louder on speakerphone so it's not a broken connection.
Is it just a Spinal Tap thing? Do we need 11?
So far I've had my phone replaced once as I was having intermittent problems with calls related to this issue, and my replacement (through Nokia which is much more painful than Verizon if you don't have a second LTE phone handy) has just started doing this. For my second phone it seems to have started when I started using new headphones (Westone W40) which have a slightly wider plug than my previously used headphones. This seems to have caused the plastic nub to get stuck permanently resulting in the headphones always being "on"

I performed the correction this afternoon and it more of a pain that I expected. I dA few additional hints:

  1. Watch the dis-assembly on YouTube first, it will give you an idea of what you need to do to get the phone open without harming it
  2. If you end up popping the slider out of the side of the phone, it pops back into the side of the phone
  3. You'll know when the headphone jack T5 is unscrewed enough as it you will see the side of the case open slightly. The screw does not need to actually come out
  4. When you perform the headphone jack repair, be sure that the prongs facing up towards the screen side of the phone are extended the same as the others or it won't make contact
  5. It's worth adjusting both the "A" and "B" pieces in the headphone jack to lessen re-occurrence. I basically flattened both pieces to give as much separation as possible

Ultimately I'm not convinced that this fix will be permanent as the metal is really flimsy and seems to shape back towards having the issue eventually. A spring here would have been much more effective and cost Nokia near-nothing compared to the RMAs they're doing now :crying:

Does anyone know if the Icon has this same mechanism?
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